Judgement – Overstepping The Bounds
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Overstepping The Bounds
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Apr 27, 2011 @ 8:47pm
Location   CMO's Office, Sick Bay
Timeline   SD37 - 10.00

Chelsea had just got back to her office after her *official* visit to the CAG. She put off her AXO hat and exchanged it for her CMO hat before she would return to visiting Department Heads again at 11am. She wasn't finding this as difficult as she had imagined it would be, the only problem was finding the time to cram up on the departments so she wouldn't seem so ignorant of what they all did, when it came to having intelligent questions and ideas for them.

There would be no point in doing an Update, if you weren't UP on the latest .... or even the basics.... and the last thing she wanted to do was to waste busy peoples' time.

The other edge to this blade was to be sure not to drop any balls in her OWN department in the meantime. Medical was a frenetic and constantly moving set of goalposts in itself, so much so that it was unusual for XO's or even 2CO's to be selected from the busy CMO position. Both jobs were demanding and it was sod's law that once you took on two such masters, they would suddenly both need you at the same time.

Chelsea had called Bridget on the comm this morning, directly after her dress fitting......and there was another demand that conflicted in competition for Chelsea's time. She was going to have to postpone this wedding lark, it was too much while she was attempting such a steep learning curve with the AXO/2CO's jobs, let alone her 'regular day-job' - not that medical knew whether it was day or night......

She sighed, shaking her head to clear all this out for a moment and took a sip of the strong coffee she had just made herself. Chelsea didn't like strong coffee, but then Chelsea as she used to be was having to change and grow. Life was all about changes and growth and this was a good thing.... wasn't it?

Saving the CMO from answering herself, Bridget Stapleton arrived just in the nick of time. "Bridget! Thanks..." Chelsea said, with clear relief that Bridget could not possibly have any idea what about.

"Sorry..... just lost in thought... come in, take a seat.... coffee?" Chelsea went to the replicator and waited to hear Bridget's choice.

"Tea if you would, sweet, no milk," Bridget replied. Her senses were twigged by Chelsea's words, at how the sentences were choppy and broken up. Looking closely at her boss, she thought she saw stress lines around Chelsea's mouth and forehead. Juggling two full time jobs and a wedding could do that to a person.

Bridget seated herself on a chair facing Chelsea's desk, not wanting to assume she had couch privileges. She figured this meeting had to do with what she mentally referred to as the 'Murdoch Affair', and the reports she'd sent to Chelsea afterward. Bridget waited quietly for the other woman to begin, but internally she wavered between righteous indignation and nagging doubts about how she'd handled the situation.

"Bridget, thank you first of all for all the hard work you've been putting in since you arrived. I've been getting glowing reports from all quarters." Chelsea drew in a breath. Since her ACMO had been missing on the Away Mission she had been very worried about him. She had also missed having her right hand man in the department and was being told by her 'left hand' Ed McBain that Bree had stepped up to the plate with great success and popularity.

Ed was the senior nurse who had been both Chelsea's and Ryan Milarno's mentors in his time, his experience and wisdom were legendary and he was widely respected. If he said "That one's a keeper" in his quiet, quirky way, then that was music to Chelsea's ears.

"It isn't easy to come into a large, established department and make the sort of splash that doesn't shower people or rock the boat, most people have to accept sliding in quietly or sitting on the side until they're ready and accepted. However, in a very short time, you have made an exceptionally good impression on all who have worked with you, Bridget, - I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name? " She checked.

Bridget replied, "I don't mind at all," and grinned widely. This was what she'd hoped for - a working relationship that was casual and comfortable. She'd had some hints that this department was just that way, and now Chelsea had confirmed it. "If you like, you can call me Bree - it's been my nickname since childhood, and you're welcome to use it."

Chelsea smiled. "I like to keep this Sickbay relaxed and relatively informal because it seems to help the ambiance and work ethic. We are after all, here to care, not to police. On the subject of being *relaxed*, we never did organise that dinner we discussed, with our other halves? If you're still up for that and it's okay with Edward, I know you've already met Rick and he'd love it."

"Dinner would be great," Bridget said, showing her pleasure with a large smile, which dimmed slightly as she thought about it further. "Only difficulty I see with that is working it around Ed's schedule. He's on shift most nights."

"OH! of COURSE... stupid of me not to think of that. Well, if he's on the late shift then why don't we do lunch? no, he'd be sleeping then, what about early supper? before he starts work?" Chelsea asked.

"He's free on tomorrow, if I remember right. Would that work for you guys?"

"That'd be great!" Chelsea enthused.

"Okay, I'll talk with him later today to make sure that he hasn't already made plans."

::OFF:: To be continued...

A JP Between:

Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner), DS5


Commander Chelsea Adams
A-XO and CMO, DS5