Things Past – Breakfast
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Arrival Atlana Durak

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Title   Breakfast
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Arrival Atlana Durak
Posted   Mon Mar 04, 2013 @ 5:49pm
Location   Replomat
Timeline   SD71 0600

Atlana Durak had no idea where to meet the young Lieutenant who had invited her to breakfast. So she had gotten herself all dressed up for the day, well not all dressed up. But still she pulled off the simple civilian shop owner look very well. There were times when she almost believed that was all she was anymore. She'd taken the time to braid her hair back off her Cardassian features, it was a long braid that even when complete still touched most of her back.

The long scar that crossed her shoulder and ventured towards her heart was covered. And she went to her shop. An shipment of earth relics had come in on a supply ship and she wanted to take a look at them. There were few people on the promenade in the early morning... the stations electron hum was more audible in the morning hours, however, Atlana wasn't complaining. She hadn't seen Sarish Anjar in a while which meant he was keeping his distance and she was thrilled with that. That filthy liar couldn't stay far enough away from her, well... out in space would be far enough she thought with a smirk.

The ambitious Pilot made his way to the Antique shop, remembering to late that he had not given a place for them to meet. The federation was ... well ... a federation citizen. He suffered from the same illness that all citizens suffered from - no taste in clothing. Malak was in darker colored clothing, earth tones. He made his way into the shop as he looked for the woman. There was a pause as soon as he saw her as he considered her attire. A slow smile coming on,"See.." He softly teases,"Now you're going to one up me and I have to change my whole attire."

He dips his head,"You look great.. Shall we?" He brings up his arm in a 'gentleman' fashion to escort her. His head nodding,"I have a few ideas of where we can go - but if you have a preference?"

Atlana had heard that humans tended to be a little melodramatic when they wanted to be charming or got angry, but this young pilot found a way to make her smile at whatever he did or said. "I think you look remarkable." She slipped her arm into his and patted his arm. "You're quite the Gentleman, Lieutenant Muz." She added.

She started to walk with him in a general direction. "Honestly, I believe you know this station better than I do, I trust your good judgement." Atlana cooed stroking his ego slightly. "Did you painting arrive to your liking?"

"Your trust is missplaced." Malak softly flirts back with her as he walks out. He glances around in consideration and makes his way towards one of the smaller diners. He moves towards the table and goes to move the seat for the woman. His hand coming out to her with a dip of his head,"What are you in the mood for? Something Cardassian, Terran, Bajoran, or fancy a trill dish?" He says as his eyes watch her, even trying to stay with her own eyes for the moment.

SHe sat down gracefully as he pulled the seat back for her to sit. "My trust is never misplaced." She teased him with a slight smile. As he moved to sit down across from her she looked around the diner, it was small and quiet in the morning hours. "I'm always interested in trying something new."

"Well then I suppose I need to learn what is new to you." Malak offers as he watches her,"Do you enjoy Hasperat? They make a pretty spicy Hasperat. They also have Earth based Hamburgers, rootbeer, Trill salads." He pauses,"Cardassian Regova Eggs, perhaps?"

Atlana smirked. "I didn't realize Terrans or Trill for that matter enjoyed hamburger and rootbeer for breakfast." She teased him. "I'm well traveled, Lieutenant Muz. But Trill dish have been few and far between. Something from your own culture would be exceptional."

"God only knows what Terrans do." Malak softly joked,"They will sometimes even eat breakfast at night. There were a few of my prior hosts who shared that joy. Though, I am not one of them." He watches the woman and dips his head as he stands and heads to the bar. After a few moments he returns with two salads and some orange juice. He motions with his hand,"Grakizh. It's very nutritious and quite tasty." He offers as he sits down,"I think you'll enjoy it."

Atlana couldn't help but smirk after him, she watched him get up and watched him pick out the salad for her and the juice. She had never in her life seen someone cater to another person without being terrified of them. Atlana quirked her head to the side as she watched him sit down. "Are all Trills so accommodating, or just the adorable starfleet officers?" She took her napkin and placed it across her lap gracefully. "You are quite charming, Lieutenant Muz."

"Most Trills that are joined are known to be accomodable. Atleast, those that I know." Malak smirks as he sits down and watches the woman,"I'm sure you say that to all the federation officers that take a fancy." He softly jokes and brings up his fork. He pauses a moment and dips his head - his eyes closing with a soft breath. It's only a moment before he reopens and he goes to take the fork,"So tell me about yourself?" He offers as he glances up,"Have you always worked in the civillian life?"

Atlana couldn't help but laugh at his question and comment. "No one takes a fancy to a Cardassian, Lieutenant." She admitted after observing his moment of prayer over his meal. She sipped her orange juice and found its flavor robust and tingling against her pallet. "There isn't a whole lot to tell, I've traveled all my adult life. I have no family. I left Cardassia Prime when I was 20 and haven't really been back." She nibbled on her salad and had to admit that he was right it was very tasty. "Have I always worked in the civilian life?" She pondered the questions not wanting to come out right and say no I was a spy and an assassin for the last 20 years. "No not always," She offered. "But definitely wish I had spent more time in the civilian life." She offered. "That's how I ended up here."

She watched him to gauge his reaction.

Either the Trill was rather dopey, or he didn't go out of his way to point out interesting tidbits she was dropping. Malak smiled and slowly nodded his head,"It's rare to find someone who has remained a civillian these days, huh?" He offers as he watches her. He slowly leans forward - not paying all that much attention to his salad,"What about civillian Life did you miss?"

Atlana chuckled at him. She didn't take him for a fool. "The civility of it." She retorted and took a bite of her salad. After she'd swallowed she continued. "I think we've all gotten wrapped up in our cultures enthusiastic ventures to claim space and planets rich and diverse. Unfortunately some go about it in a very brutal and barbaric sort of way." She smirked. "What about you, Lieutenant? What about Starfleet appealed to you?"

"..." The trill watched her and at her first comment he just smiled. His head dipping forward,"Originally? I was in it for the be the best I could be. I wanted to know what was out there." Malak's voice stayed soft,"Why wouldn't I? Ofcourse - war changes things.. doesn't it?" His voice taking a lower dip. He shrugs his shoulders,"Now I am in it because.. I enjoy flying and I like protecting those I care for. " His smirk slowly returns,"Did you expect anything less noble?"

She had to admit that it was a noble mentality. The protecting people he cared for part. She could understand the need to fly, the adrenaline factor alone was enough. It was probably the same reasons behind her history. "Lieutenant," She pursed her lips slightly. "You and I are very different people, you know that right?" She did like him, he was the kind of person you could trust and rely on to save your backside from on high. That kind of person that everyone wanted to have around them. But she also got the impression that he was very... honest and truthful and expected that from people around him.

That thought alone made Atlana pause. "I used to be Obsidian Order." She said very softly for fear it would end the breakfast. Used to be? the thought to herself... as in you'll would still do the side job if they asked you to. Still the comment was out there and all she could do was look at him and wait to see what his reaction would be.

He was a Federation citizen. It is well documented that at the age of five they teach you in school that you are an 'evolved' species. Human, Trill, it didn't matter. That you have moved past the points of greed or need. That you are out to explore and to do what you want. The entirety of the federation was a system of communism that actually worked - which is more miraculous then the fact that Warp Drive exists. His eyes watch her and he slowly nods,"The obsidian order has reformed then? I thought it was destroyed - long long ago?" His voice is soft as he stays with her,"I have ten lifetimes, Atlana." He continues,"You're going to have to do far worse then that to scare me."

She avoided the first question, has the order reformed... it had been weakened and yes rumors were put in place that it had been destroyed after the war... "Used to be." Was how she avoided it. She wouldn't say that from time to time she was still called on, there were stills operatives floating around.

When he didn't back up, or push his seat back and excuse himself she could only smile at him. His words made her laughter bubble up. "I wasn't trying to scare you, you just strike me as someone who appreciates honesty from people they consider friends. So I was being as honest as I can be." She retorted with a sly playful smile. "I can take it back if you'd like? And say I've always been a boring old civilian with an eye for antiques and cute fleeters."

"Perhaps you're telling me the truth to keep me off gaurd.. By being honest, you have set the stage for the deception.." Malak's voice is an honest attempt at joking and he sits back as she calls him 'cute'. He watches her a moment and his head tilts to the right,"What do you find attractive, Atlana? If I can ask?" He says as he watches her sincerely curiously.

Atlana had never had that question posed to her and in truth she wasn't exactly sure. "I suppose intellect, independence... determination." She chuckled when the first thing that came to mine was Sarish Anjar, but she shook that out of her mind instantly it almost made her gag. "I've been very career oriented for the last few years. Finding someone attractive hasn't been a forward thought." She offered. "What about you, Lieutenant?"

"Exotic.. New.." Malak offers with a smile,"Atleast at first.. I also like someone who can be different and spontaneous." He sits back and looks at the table,"Though - I also like defining traits on a personal level. That's not to say that I can't find Terrans and others attractive, I just like it when you have something more to your features like spots, ridges, something.. intriguing." There's a brief pause as the Lieutenant considers,"I am sounding vain and confusing, aren't I?"

Atlana shook her head. "You sound like someone who knows exactly what they are after and hasn't really fallen in love yet." She offered. Not that she knew what love sounded like. Atlana finished her juice. "I probably sound like someone who has no idea what they're looking for."

"Relax! You've found him." The trill says - his fighter pilot coming out. He brings his elbow on the table and focuses on Atlana a moment. He goes quiet for a second and then speaks up,"I think you would have liked Juxana." His voice soft,"She was my third host and pretty feisty. She was pretty.." He pauses as he watches her,"Cautious like yourself.
She also worked for an organization that.. isn't known for it's stellar reputation." He shrugs his shoulders and glances down,"... Hah, time flies - doesn't it?"

Atlana chuckled. "I don't get along with women very well." She offered. "And men have always been either opponents or allies, nothing more." She added. "I don't know if I want to find someone, truthfully."

"To be fair.. I don't think you ever met Juxana. She was .. persuasive." Malak says with a slight far off look, as if having thoughts or memories of specific instances. He slowly exhaled as he focused back on her,"Finding someone you truly care about can surely be a weakness. Though with that mentality - generally you find someone and then realize to late that they are the one and the weakness is there. It's always the more you fight it the weaker you are.. Or so the novel's tell me." He smirks and his eyes go to his chronometer,"I suppose I should get to work.." He offers idly - debating if he really needed to or dared to be late.

Weakness, yes that was the best word for it. Having someone to care about and think about was a distraction and a weakness. She heard him say that he needed to be off to work and Atlana who spent most of her time smiling actually pouted a little. "Yes, work... I have a shop to open I suppose." She admitted. "We should do this again... soon."

"Well.. I have a lunch with the CAG and his wife.. Lunch or dinner." Malak says as he pauses trying to remember. He shakes his head and his hands come behind him,"I should be off tonight after my patrol - Would you like to come over to my quarters, tonight? We could watch the stars or something?" A slight smirk.

Atlana shook her head. "Unfortunately it is I who have plans for this evening." She admitted sadly. "Not to mention it's entirely inappropriate for me to venture to your quarters. I was raised with a proper Cardassian up bringing. Ladies do not go into private spaces with men."

"See? And you said you had no suitors." Malak offers when she says she is busy. He then pauses at her words and the man turns an fun shade of red. He slowly stands up and shakes his head,"I really.. did not mean for that to..come off that way." He almost stumbles back into his chair,"Just..Send me amessage when ever you get some time." He offers softly. He then turns and does head out - ugh, great impressions.


Malak Muz
Starfighterwing Executive Officer


Atlana Durak
Shop Owner: Unique Antique