Judgement – Intimate operations
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Intimate operations
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sun Oct 02, 2011 @ 12:54am
Location   Lance's Quarters
Timeline   Current
Lance stepped into his quarters, he didn't bother to turn on the lights, but made his way over to a box on a side table. He opened the box an extracted one of his own personal collection of cigars. He nipped of the tip with a cutter and lit the cigar. He puffed contentendly for several seconds. Then made his way over to the observation port to look out.

He knew the cigars were bad for him but he had all traces purged from his system on a regular basis. It was an enjoyable vice that he permitted himself. The smoke swirled around him as he mulled over recent events in his mind. HIs reverie was disturbed by a noise from behind.

Lacey was good at was she did and was perfectly content staying in the shadows. She had managed to get into his quarters with relative ease. All the work that she had done for Steven had made her a good little criminal.

She moved slightly and knew that Lance would hear her when she did, that was the intend. She had come this far to confront him...there was no point in stopping now. "Hello Lance." She said walking towards him, swinging her hips provocatively as she did. Lacey had a new found confidence now that her captor was dead and she was finally a free woman...that was one thing she could thank Lance for...was her freedom. "You didn't call..."

Lance didn't turn around. "I'm sorry, I was busy getting poisoned, beaten up and fighting for my life and limb." He said. "And how have you been Lacey?"

"Lonely." She replied walking up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, her hands exploring. She still hadn't forgiven him for using her to bait Steven but the bounty he collected when he contacted her captor would sure help.

"What are you here for Lacey?" Asked Lance, without reacting to her touch. He puffed the cigar. "An apology?" He said.

"No..." She replied maneuvering herself to face him, her hand brushing against him. Lacey knew she was affecting him even if he didn't react outwardly. She smiled wickedly, " I want the latinum that you collected as my 'bounty' from Steven...you used me as bait..." Her hands still touching him.

Lacey looked up at him, her eyes smoldering with what she wanted...and it wasn't just the latinum. "I know you want this too Lance..."

He flinched slightly as her fingers brushed the burn on his chest. "Lacey, in the last forty eight hours I've been poisoned, jabbed, beaten and electrocuted. What I want right now is a hot bath, and good hard backrub, how about we start with that?" He suggested.

"Only if I can join you in the tub." She replied letting her finger trail across her chest as she headed to pour the bath. Lacey had already begun to unbutton her blouse, revealing black lace underneath.

Lance gave a satisfied sigh, "That will do he said." he began removing his clothes, his skin was bruised and broken from his treatment at the hands of Arthur Glaston and his henchmen. Tossing what was left of his cigar into a nearby waste disposal unit, he eased himself into the bath, grimacing slightly as the scalding water came into contact with his sensative area's. He turned to watch Lacey.

"You weren't kidding were you. I always thought you the show off." She striped down completely, revealing the black underthings she was wearing. "Move forward so I can sit behind you." Lacey said taking off the rest of her clothes.

Once in the tub she had him lean back against her and she started massaging his neck, "Does this hurt you?" She whispered in his ear.

"Uh huh..." He said, relaxing back into the massage. "There's a knot right there..."

"Right here?" She shifted slightly, her breasts grazing his back as she pressed her thumb into the knot to gently work it out. She would have some fun if she really wanted to but making him suffer with pain was not her intent...suffer in another manner....that she could do...she would have him begging, putty in her hands. Lacey leaned forward and kissed his neck, trailing kisses until she reached where she was massaging.

"OW!" He shouted, "That's sensitive!"

"Oh honey..." She kissed it better, her hand moved to his front. "What else is sensitive?"

"That!" He said feeling her hand, "Keep going." He instructed. "Gently!"

"I'm always gentle lover, relax." She whispered and did what he had instructed. Her hands moved in a way that she knew would have him begging.

Lance relaxed, and let her go to work. He leaned his head back and kissed her jaw coaxing her to turn her head so he could kiss her.

Lacey teased him and wouldn't kiss him right away. She turned her head and let him kiss her on the lips while her hands worked their magic.

Lance stood up water and steam gushing off his body, he lifted Lacey out of the water and carried her to the bedroom.

"Do you still hurt? Or does my touch make you better?" She asked as he placed her a little roughly on the bed. Her arms reached out wanting him back next to her, their bodies touching.

"I'm still pretty sore, you"ll have to do all the work." He said, smiling.

"Where is my latinum?" She asked moving towards him seductively.

"What Latinum?" He asked, his face a mask of confused innocence.

Lacey stopped stroking him and kept her hand in place as she looked up at him. "The latinum that you took from the men that kidnapped me....and tortured me." She replied quietly.

"Oh that." He said nnonchalantly, "I lost that at the dobbo table." He gave a faint smile remebering the evening in question, and the dobbo girls he had spent the rest of the night with. "Easy come, easy go." He said with a shrug.

He shook off the memory and gently caressed her cheek with his hand, "Don't worry about that baby." He whispered.

"What do you mean 'don't worry about that baby?' I have nothing to show for it but scars and nightmares!" She whispered back between clenched teeth.

"Don't sweat it babe." Lance replied, nonplussed, "A couple of hours in my OR will get rid of those scars and I'm about to give you soemthing much better to dream about." He said as he reached down and did something with his fingers that made her moan with pleasure. Lance leaned forward to kiss her.

Her arms came up and around his neck and kissed him back, she moaned again and moved restlessly under his touch.

Lance slid his hands all over her bare body, sometimes carressing gently, sometimes rubbing deeply. He felt her writhe and thrust against him and adjusted his own rythms to match hers.

Oh was he a master of love! He knew very place to touch her to get a positive reaction. They moved together...exploring each other's bodies...spending the rest of the night making love until they were both sated.

After Lance, lay on his back breathing deeply, "Not bad," he said, pulling the bulk of the overs over himself. "Not bad at all."

Lacey moved closer to him and he wrapped his arm around her, "I would hope that it was a lot better than 'not bad' the way you were moaning my name." She poked in the ribs gently, not hard enough to cause him pain but more of a tickle.

"Meh, six out of ten," Lance said, closing his eye's. "Maybe you can do better after a bit of a nap." He said.

"You're an asshole Lance." She muttered and got out of bed. Lacey went to the bathroom to find her clothes and attempt to do something with her hair. She needed to get out of her. He hadn't treated her this way when they had first met...he was different and frankly so was she.

Lance came up behind her, slid his arms around her waist, preventing her from getting dressed. "And where do you think you're going?" He asked, nuzzling her neck.

Lacey tried to shrug him off her, "I need to get out of here...you are nothing but a pig...you didn't act this way when you first met me...I thought you were...different."

Lance make a snuffling noice into her neck and shoulder, "but you like getting a little dirty," he said. Pulling her back into the bedroom. Despite her objections she was unable to resist, she found herself in-explicably drawn to him. This time she took charge in their love making.

"Why do I let you do this to me?" She whispered after the latest round of love making was over. Lacey collapsed against him and for an unexplained reason she snuggled closer to him.

"Because I'm so good at it." Lance said with a self satisfied smirk. He rested his hand on her bare rear end and began to dose.

"Yes you are..." She replied lazily, half asleep herself.
