Beg, Steal or Borrow – Distant Dreams
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Distant Dreams
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Apr 12, 2009 @ 8:16pm
Location   Earth
Timeline   2376
Melanie walked to the window in her office and looked outside. It was a beautiful sun filled day. She smiled, grabbed a couple of PADDs and made her way outside. It was too nice a day to spend it indoors. She left the building and walked to park soaking up all the sun she possibly could. She soon found her favourite bench under a large oak tree and began her work.

"May I join you?" Talar asked, casting a shadow across her as he moved to the bench beside her.

Melanie stopped reading in mid sentence on the PADD, she knew that voice. She looked up and a smile came across her face. "Talar!" She stood up and hugged him. "When did you arrive? How come you are here?" Her mind was full of a million questions.

Talar stretched his legs out and leaned back, before changing his mind and sitting up again; nothing too relaxed, just in case anyone was watching. "I've been answering questions," he said, "The medical services are still looking for a way to retrieve my memory. I don't know how long I can continue refusing a mind meld ... I'm not sure I can guarantee that they'll not break through and find out who I am."

"Is there anything I can do?" She asked wanting to take his hand but knew that until he had relaxed enough she would give him the time and space he needed.

Talar shook his head. "When I feel I have perfected the mindblocking technique you suggested, I will acquiese to their demands," he said, "In the meantime, my knowledge of modern Vulcan is coming along nicely. Part of me greatly wants to tell them my situation, but I know that that will result in my being sent home - what else could they do?"

"That is true...they wouldn't have much choice." She didn't want to think of that possibility. Part of her would leave with him if he was sent back to Romulus. She shook the thoughts from her mind. Melanie was determined to make this time they had together happy.

"Don't worry, I've been lucky, there was more than one Talar missing - the name isn't common on Vulcan but there are enough for it not to raise eyebrows, and a lot of paperwork is missing too." As he spoke Talar dug a hand into his pocket and drew out a small blue velvet covered box. "I don't have much left from home, but I grabbed this when the call to abandon ship was made ... I went back to my quarters for it."

Talar took Melanie's hand covering it with his and pressing the box into her palm.

Melanie was puzzled when he put the box in her hand. She looked up at him trying to read his thoughts but she had taught him well to hide them...even from her. She opened the box and found the most beautiful silver bracelet inside. "Oh Talar!" She whispered.

"It was my grandmother's," he said as she drew out the silvery bracelet, its links glinting in the sunlight. "It was given to her by my grandfather on the day they were betrothed ... it was her wish that I give it to my own bond-mate, when I found her." Talar swallowed, unsure if she would understand what he was saying.

Tears of happiness filled her eyes knowing that they would be together forever. "I love you." She whispered as she kissed his lips. She no longer cared if they were being watched, they would all find out eventually that Talar and Melanie were together. ~Thank you.~ She projected into his mind.

Talar allowed himself to smile as he clutched her to him, "as soon as I can 'prove' my identity I'll make it final, until then this is a symbol that your heart and soul are my own. If you'd leave Starfleet, it could be sooner ..." Talar suggested.

Melanie pulled away from his embrace. "I..." Could she? Could she really abandon all her life's work...all her patients?

"What do you think? I was speaking with one of the doctors who assures me that New Zealand is a beautiful part of this planet ... and quite remote. A house on a hillside, a boat by the sea ... you don't like the idea?"

She stood up, the bracelet heavy in her hand. He had given everything up...not just for them, but because he didn't believe in The Romulan Empire. How could she believe in everything that she believed in? Give up her family...her place was here.

Talar's lips thinned as he ground his teeth together. He too got to his feet.

"I don't need to be a telepath to know what your thoughts are," he said. He clasped his hands together, then drew them apart as if he did not know quite what to do with them. "Very well ... I'd better go." He turned away heading towards the gardens.

She whipped around she grabbed his arm. "Do not propose to me and then walk away from me! You know not what I am thinking as I cannot read hide them all from me."

His response was plaintiff, "What else can I do? I don't know who else is looking!" he shook her hand off. "Keep it," he said with a nod to the bracelet, "I don't know that I have any future use for it."

~Your future is with me Talar. Do not walk away from what we have...I have not.~ She projected to him, not trusting her voice. Silent tears threatened to overflow.

"Your future is on a starship, Melanie," he replied, "sooner or later, and mine ... well mine is a quiet time not drawing any attention to myself and being doomed to live a life of vulcanesque mediocrity."

"You show me you love me and give me this bracelet and then you leave? How could you tear my heart out like this Talar? After all we have done for each could you?"

"Because if I stay I will end up changing everything you are and everything you could be. Do you want that? I am doing what I have to do, something that you are not capable of - I'm not thinking with my heart, Melanie, only my head."

"I want to be with you, can you not see that?" The tears began to fall. "I will resign today if that is what it takes to be with you."

There it was, she was just giving away her power; reveal such a weakness to a Romulan and you were just asking for it to be exploited. Young, innocent and as hopelessly in love as he was, she would throw it away if he said the word, and Talar was tempted to say it.

He stood staring at Melanie for what felt like a very long time - wasn't that part of the reason he had chosen not to return to the Empire?

He stepped towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders, drawing her to him. "No," he said, "You won't."

"I will." She said defiantly. "I have no life here without you." She said through her tears.

"I won't allow it," he replied.

"This is what you wanted from me...I have a letter written up at the office."

In all honesty Talar could not say that he was sorry that she was going to do it. "I want what is right for us. I am not trying to force you into doing anything. You have to make your own decision and you have to be sure that it is the right one for you; I will go along with it."

"You said you wanted me to give up everything and move to New Zealand. I can continue my research there. I do not have to remain a member of Starfleet. It will be a small price to pay for being with you." She tried to smile up at him.

With his thumb Talar brushed the tears from beneath her eyes, "It will be perfect," he said.

"Then we will leave at the end of the week."


An NPC played by Louise

Lieutenant Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom

Cross Posted to The USS Freedom