Incommunicado – Memorial
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Memorial
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Jan 22, 2012 @ 10:38pm
Location   Main Breifing room
Timeline   SD40 07:55
"Rhiana, please stay a moment." She requested.

The crew filed out, leaving Rhiana seated and Tasha stood close to the door. As Darson floated through as the last to leave the doors closed silently to a close. Tasha then locked the doors from inside by entering her code so that the two women would not be disturbed.

Tasha slumped into the chair next to Rhiana and drew in a deep breath before releasing the top button of her tunic, appearing relaxed when in fact, she was far from it.
"Before we continue," She didn't look at the newly installed Chief Intelligence Officer, "I have to admit that I am extremely disappointed that you called this meeting before informing me as Captain, of your appointment." Tasha began as she eased around to face Rhiana. "You may have the ear of an Admiral, but as long as you are on my Starbase, under Section 433, Paragraph 12, you will follow the chain of command." She stated, knowing that in effect, Rhiana had received her orders from an Admiral and was practically following those orders.
"That said, congratulations on your promotion." Tahir stated with humility.

"Thank you Captain, I don't consider it permanent until there's a body frankly." Rhiana started "A lot of this happened in the fifteen minutes before the briefing, and it doesn't help that the Admiral bypassed the normal protocols, and it really doesn't help that Admiral Janeway is en-route, it makes me even more nervous that one of my two sponsors to enter Star Fleet is going to be present at the other sponsors funeral memorial, along with Klingon's and representatives from my estranged home world."

Tasha nodded. "It was the memorial I wanted to talk to you about. As we have yet to recover a body and now that Lieutenant Wallace has been declared officially missing, I think the best person to lead this memorial would be you." She leant forward. "It makes no difference that your sponsor is en route nor does it disguise the fact that I have more than a casual dislike for Admiral James and I don't think that he cared for Jarred." She admitted.

"Admiral James is the least of our problems for this Captain, it's Admiral Edwards that we should be concerned about." Rhiana said making a reference the the Rear Admiral in charge of Starfleet intelligence operations.

Tasha bowed her head. Fortunately, she had only dealt with Edwards once and that had been amiable and that had been whilst Jarred was still aboard.
She gave a small sigh. "You have probably dealt with him more than I, but I have had several dealings with Admiral James and the last time we spoke was when I was back at Stafleet HQ a few months back and he was the most repulsive and pugnacious man I have ever met!" Tasha confided even though there had been the Admiral who she would never speak of again.
She rose from her seat and moved toward the replicator.
"Do you think the Garden would be the best place to site a memorial?" She asked as she ordered a hot sweet tea.

"It should work fine, Admiral Edwards body guard might be armed though we should let security know." Rhiana paused "If the Romulans are able to attend I'm not sure what honors that have to bestow upon him but my under standing is that he was supposed to receive some bravery award of some kind for his actions during the war, and we should make sure there is an excessive supply of bloodwine if any Klingons show up, which I think there will, Admiral Chuon from the KDF has made it clear he will personally deliver the d'k tahg that Jarred surrendered to Ghowron when he turned himself in to the federation authorities, they owe him that much."

Carrying the tea back towards Rhiana, she gave a nod of agreement.
"Plenty of bloodwine, plenty of security and too many bloody Admirals." She chided as she retook the seat next to Rhiana. "What about you though. Being in charge of Intelligence, you will have so much to do be ready and still keep your thoughts off Wallace. Will you be able to cope? I know a man who may be able to offer a role in a consultancy." She offered, not mentioning Dorian by name as she brought the cup to her mouth, "I don't know if he would want the role mind." She added as she took a sip.

"Lieutenant Commander Akerfeldt has taken over the fleet liaison duties so that is a large load off my mind, and operations has ordered most operations activities to be reassigned to other intelligence offices while I attempt to get a foot hold on things." Rhiana paused to sip on the tea "While we were clearing out some of the Lieutenants personal files we found some information of the Lieutenant before the war, and information about his first wife that could cause some issues."

"First wife? I didn't know he was married, let alone more than once." She replied somewhat rueful. "He was a private person." She added as she placed the cup on the floor. "What sort of issues are we talking about?" Tasha asked.

"They were estranged, best indications are they haven't spoken in twelve years, and his disappearance hasn't been reported to her either." Rhiana continued "According to Chief Ayers it was for the better, in his lone encounter with Mrs Wallace he made a reference to wanting to watch a warp core breach." she giggled

"Plus we have to consider Ms MacKenzie and her unborn child, do we open the doors to the Lieutenants past and possibly destroying any positive memories they had?" Rhiana said trying to make a point.

Tasha nodded, fully understanding the weight behind Rhianas statement as her finger gently rubbed at her eyebrow. "No, we don't." She stated as she stood, nearly kicking over the near full cup of tea.
Again she sighed aloud. "Keep me informed, but you are in charge of the 'Memorial service' and unless you hear otherwise from me, the security." She stated, knowing that later she would have to break the bad news to Trellis.

"Aye Captain" Rhiana started to stand, "I'll keep you informed."


Captain Tasha Tahir

Lt jg Rhiana T'Sahen