Incommunicado – Superior Advice
by Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Superior Advice
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Jun 07, 2012 @ 1:01am
Location   JAG Offices
Timeline   SD 57, 1830 hours

After his meetings with Captain Tahir and Lieutenant Petro, Meryn had headed to his new quarters and spent the better part of an hour unpacking and organising his new home. Jolan, of course, was very interested in almost everything he was doing: and decided his new favourite place to sit was in the middle of whatever draw the Bajoran was trying to stack. Eventually, though, he managed to complete his unpacking - with the exception of his bag, which Jolan had just moved into and nestled himself in. Relma wanted to play with him - to reward him for being so good on the journey to DS5 itself - but all the interesting sights and smells of their new quarters distracted the feline and so, after throwing seven balls for the cat to chase, in vain, the Bajoran gave up and went to take a sonic shower.

For some reason Meryn always found the shower to be the venue for his highest clarity of thought and this time he thought about the organisation of the department and his earlier conversation with Lieutenant Petro. The posts of Chief Communications Officer and Quartermaster were two of the busiest on a starbase and it amazed Relma that anyone was able to fulfil both of them. If there was one thing he would need in his role it was an effective Quartermaster. Additionally he mused on the matter of protocol: presumably for any matter which involved Operations he was senior by position, but in any matter outside of Operations - especially in Communications - she was senior by virtue of rank. Normally it would be as clear-cut as that, but in this case Communications made it more complicated. Usually rather than being a department in its own right it would be a section of Operations: was that the case on DS5, or was it being treated as a separate department due to the scale of the operation. That Petro held both the positions of Quartermaster and Chief Communications Officer lent support to the latter notion, but when Relma had spoken to her as one department head to another she had not contradicted him. He also mused about the J'naii herself, itself, or whatever pronoun was appropriate. He would need to find out what the protocol was in such a situation.

Having left the shower Relma put on a fresh uniform, once he had dried himself, and settled down behind his desk. He spent the best part of the next hour looking through personnel files records, reports, and duty rosters to try and establish some answers to his queries, but he was unable to. Petro's dual role may well date back to her first assignment on the station where she had been enlisted and the Quartermaster, but additionally there were multiple other members of the Operations department who appeared to have one foot in both camps, which was understandable given the closely related nature of the two. Meryn realised, however, that if he was to give a good account of himself at the morning's departmental meeting he was going to need to understand these finer points, and, the next time he spoke with Petro he was going to have to understand her situation better, but he was damned sure he didn't want to straight-out ask about it.

"Computer," he said, almost with a sigh "who is the station's Executive Officer?"

"Commander Karen Villiers" came the electronic-sounding reply.

"And where is she currently located?" asked the Bajoran.

"Commander Villiers is in the JAG facility," replied the computer. A smirk played across Relma's face - at least she'd be a good counsel regarding procedure then. It still surprised him that a desk-monkey like that would be given an active duty command position.

"And is she alone there?" further enquired Relma.

"Commander Villiers is in her office. She has her next appointment at 19:15," replied the computer.

Standing, and straightening his tunic, Relma sighed. He didn't want his first meeting with the XO to be like this, but he needed advice and she seemed like the best person to give it. Glancing across the room he could see Jolan still happily asleep in the bag - and fortunately not loudly insisting for his tea at that moment, but, as he didn't know exactly how long he would be gone, he moved to the replicator and asked for Feline Supplement 77 - about the only replicated supplement Jolan would even vaguely consider eating normally. As he made his way towards the exit from his quarters he placed the food down on the mat on which the cat was used to taking his food and made for the door, which, once he had passed through, he secured.

After a couple of minutes he arrived at the JAG facility and, pressing the call button, cleared his throat and straightened his collar.

This one’s early, Peridot Quirm thought as she heard the door chime. The only visitor expected was a Klingon woman, some big-wig according to the notes in the file -Valkra, decorated in the Battle of Something Or Other and now Lady of the House of Toragh,

As she trotted towards the door the intern called up the record on her PADD – she needed to be a bit more precise than ‘something or other’ when it came to Klingons and battles … the notes were on screen and she would catch a glance as she showed the woman in. Peridot tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder and paused for breath.

Peridot had been so prepared for a seven foot tall Klingon that she stared for a moment at the tall Bajoran. “You’re not Valkra of the House of Toragh!” she said eventually.

The Bajoran shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Ma'am. I was hoping to talk to Commander Villiers if that's alright. I'm the new Chief of Operations. If now isn't convenient though I can come back."

“I’ll see if she’s available,” Peridot said waving the visitor in. “We’ve had a closed door policy in place since the trial of the former security chief,” she explained as they walked, “and with all the ructions that has caused we’ve found it prudent to keep it in place.

Relma mused to himself as he entered. On a starship you could just get rid of detritus like that, but here on a starbase it could linger if it wanted to, and fester. While he was in no doubt as to the base's military capability he did wonder if the rights of the civilians had been overstated somewhat. "Sorry to hear, Ma'am," he replied "I suppose it's a sign you're doing your job well if you're not making friends in a department like this."

“The law prevails,” Peridot shrugged as she said it, “we don’t reach verdicts just to appease the sensibilities of the masses. Wait here please.”

Peridot slipped inside an office and emerged shortly afterwards. “She’ll see you,” she said, “please go in.”

Karen pushed herself up from the sofa as Quirm went to get the visitor, she thought better on her feet, and had been behind one desk or another most of the day.

Meryn came through the door and snapped to attention. "Chief Warrant Officer First Class Relma Meryn reporting, Ma'am. I've just been assigned here as Chief of Operations."

Karen's first thought was Why is the new Ops Chief coming to see me here on JAG time? but she kept that to herself and said, "Welcome aboard, Chief. I hope you find the station to your liking."

Relma nodded "Thank you, Ma'am," he replied "I'm sorry to bother you - as I'm sure you must be busy, but I wondered if I could ask you for some advice." As he remained at attention he paused for a moment and added, conscious of their surroundings "Not of the legal nature, though, but of a professional one."

She nodded, "At ease, Chief. My door is always open." There had been a few new faces in the hierarchy of the ops department recently, Karen knew, and as such she could be wholly objective, not having worked closely with any of them.

Relma relaxed his stance and took a breath before he began. "Well," he began "it's about my department. First, I'm slightly unsure of our relationship with the Communications department. On all my previous assignments Communications has been part and parcel of Operations, but I do know that larger facilities and ships often separate the two. I understand that Lieutenant Petro is head of the Communications section, but also serves as Quartermaster, which appears a legacy of a previous assignment. Am I to understand that the two departments are separate and that Lieutenant Petro has seniority in all Communications matters, and I have seniority in all Operations areas? Or does her dual-role mean that the Communications department is a section of Operations. The former makes most sense to me given the size of the base, and how things appear to have been recently, but looking back through the records the latter policy appears to have been applied under Lieutenant Peters - and reports since that time appear unclear on the subject."

Straight into a territorial debate Karen thought. She could read many things into that, but for now she chose to take the view that it was purely a question of clarity, time would reveal if it was more than that.

"They are two interdependent parts. As you note, on a facility this size one all-encompassing department would be unwieldy, but the two need to remain together due to the synergies between the functions. In effect they are separate departments but I expect the heads of the respective functions to work closely with each other. I trust you think that you will be able to have such a relationship with Lieutenant Petro?"

Relma nodded, and smiled. "Absolutely, Ma'am, I just wanted to know exactly where I stood so I didn't appear out of the loop when I meet my department tomorrow." he replied "Lieutenant Petro, from what I've seen in the reports I've read is an excellent officer and one of the best Quartermasters in the fleet. Though I did also have a question about them. When I saw that the Lieutenant was a J'naii I did some reading up - I'm afraid cultural sensitivity was never one of my strong suits. But the officer I met earlier today was nothing like the J'naii I'd read about - and indeed had I not known they were J'naii I would have assumed I was dealing with a female. I didn't want to ask the Lieutenant directly, but I've found nothing in their personnel file to explain it. Could you further elaborate the situation for me?"

Karen pursed her lips. It was true that Petro was not typical of her species. "I worked with her a little before her sabbatical," she said leaning against the edge of her desk, "having opted to define herself as a female she's already something apart from other J'naii. I believe that she is still finding her identity, as person, not just as a J'naii. I'm speculating, but I would say that it is that identity which is of importance to the Lieutenant, as a person, as an officer, than any cultural baggage that comes with her origins." Karen paused to consider that for a moment. "I don't think she would mind if you asked her."

Relma still looked slightly puzzled, and obviously would take some time to get used to the idea, but replied with a smile "Thank you, Ma'am, as I'm sure you can appreciate I didn't want to put my foot in my mouth, so to speak, at my first meeting with the Lieutenant." He paused for a moment to recall his final question "Given Lieutenant Petro's dual-role, and the skill with which she goes about it, I wonder if I could ask for your support in a crew requisition order for a Boatswain? I ask because I am related to the officer in question and I would not want to be accused of impropriety in the matter - especially as the Admiral concerned is a former Captain of mine."

"Is there no-one already based in the department who would be suitable for the role?" On such a large station it was impossible for her to know everyone, and their abilities by name.

Relma shifted a little in his place. "In my opinion, Ma'am," he began, unconvincingly at first, but with rapidly growing confidence "the current Boatswain's Mate is too inexperienced even for that role: let alone to act as Bosun as he is presently. That he is unknown to you does not reflect well on him as he should submit reports to you weekly. I'm sure he will make a fine Boatswain someday, but only with the right training. Lieutenant Petro is an excellent Quartermaster, but with all her other duties would be overtaxed if asked to take on additional responsibilities. Chief Rushtone could, perhaps, fill the role, but has no related experience and I would feel uncomfortable adducing another department's officer for my own need. In fact the only person in Operations with any experience in the role is me and, if I may speak frankly, a Boatswain needs to eat, sleep, breathe, and sweat Starfleet rules and regulations and have a varied career: I do not qualify there. I'm a good mechanic, Ma'am, but I have little experience beyond that and would not be the best person to teach young crewmen about all the ins and outs of procedures when I'm not their greatest proponent myself." Seeing, what he imagined must be, Commander Villiers' JAG-face not convinced "Additionally, Ma'am, the officer in question was described as 'An integral part of the station's continued functions' by Captain O'Dwyer in an evaluation report and was only reassigned due to her capture by the Boaorans."

"Have you worked directly with Rushtone before?" she asked needing something more than an anecdotal recommendation from someone unknown to her. A statement from a previous Captain was the least likely argument to convince Karen - that was before her own time, and the station had changed even since she had been there. - an office might be integral, but not the specific person holding it.

Meryn's fears about the Commander were growing. "No, Ma'am, I have never even met the man, but I have looked at his service record, evaluation reports, and maintenance logs: he is an excellent Communications specialist, but I feel he lacks the wider experience required for the position of Boatswain and, with Lieutenant Petro split between Communications and Operations as she is, I would not wish to further burden her department by asking her assistant to take on additional responsibilities to address a personnel shortage in Operations - especially given the intense workload with which Communications are currently having to deal with." He could still see the woman's face looking unconvinced and, with his frustration beginning to build, added "The officer I would like to request was, as of a week ago, only a day away from here in the Tarod system serving as Boatswain aboard the USS Oberon, which is undertaking rebuilding work under the direction of Admiral DeSoto. The Oberon is due for a major refit in only a couple of months and so most of the crew will be up for reassignment anyway. She has experience of the station - and many of the senior officers here, would be keen on the reassignment, and according to every report filed about her during her time on the station and previously is one of the finest Boatswains in the fleet. I have never served with her before, but I believe she would be invaluable."

Hell the man was getting tetchy. "Why don't you put in a formal request , then we'll review the situation and see if we think she's a good fit."

The Bajoran silently prayed to himself that the other officers on this station were not such desk-jockeys. If it weren't for her looks he'd almost have thought she was Zakdorn: pompous, over-officious, and bureaucratic. She was the anti-matter to his matter, but she - as the bureaucrats normally were - was in charge and unless he wanted t have a very bad start to his new assignment would have to put up and shut up. "As you wish, Ma'am." he replied curtly "In the mean time I shall assume the duties of the Boatswain myself. Could I request a meeting with you tomorrow to discuss the backlog in the emergency procedures' training?"

"Very well," Karen said. "In my other office. You'll receive an appointment when its convenient," she said.

Relma did his best to avoid showing the smirk he so wanted to allow to creep onto his face. 'In her other office' almost certainly meant she liked to rigidly divide her time between her own dual role. Based on the office hours he'd seen on his way in her time off almost certainly fell into Delta Shift, and Relma knew that the Boatswain's duty roster meant Delta shift was the only time he would be undertaking the extra duties. Relma may have hated those who were officious and by the book, but he had learned from the best how to chuck the book right back at their heads.

"I'm afraid, Ma'am, the only time available - as someone taking a dual-role - would be during the Boatswain's assigned duty period in Delta shift. Would that be convenient for you? It's just that Captain Tahir has assigned me to assist on the repairs to the Pollux in Alpha and Beta shifts and, by regulation, no officer shall be required to work three consecutive duty shifts unless a state of emergency is declared. Of course, if we could be sure that a qualified Boatswain would be assigned shortly I'm sure this backlog in emergency procedures' training could be left to their experience upon their arrival. Otherwise it really is a matter of urgency."

Relma breathed and tried to read the Commander's face. He knew he had her over a barrel by her own beloved rulebook: she either had to break regulation by having him meet her in Charlie shift, countermanding a superior's orders, or electing to ignore a backlog in important training - something the XO should not have allowed to develop: Boatswain or no, or she had to acquiesce to his request, which as far as he was concerned had only been brought to her to avoid possible impropriety by using his personal contacts to secure the appointment, or inconvenience herself - possibly even technically making herself work 3 consecutive shifts. He hoped she valued her sleep and took the easy way out and helped him secure Garena - otherwise he might have just made himself a very dangerous enemy.

"Never play games with me, Relma," Karen said. "I will see to it when it is convenient on tomorrows shift. until then, you will use what resources are available to you. Had it already been agreed you would not have had to come to me." Karen chose her words very precisely here, "We are amply resourced for the short term, we will see about the long term tomorrow. You're dismissed, Relma."

"Aye, Ma'am. A pleasure to meet you." he answered, before standing to attention and moving out of her office. As he made his way back out of the JAG facility he silently cursed himself: his bluff had been called. It didn't matter that he needed an experienced Boatswain, or that he was trying to correct an oversight which, should the matter be pursued would surely end up at her own door. As it was he had succeeded in making an enemy of the XO - a mistake he had never made before. On the other hand he'd never had to deal with such an officious pencil-pushing XO before. He stormed back towards his quarters to further study the half-staffed department he had inherited and acquaint himself with the specifications of a Wallace-class vessel. He'd have to make a peace offering sooner or later, but for now he'd have to get by.

Such a routine matter and he didn't bother to make an appointment when she was on XO time not JAG! Unbelievable.!

Karen flopped back into her chair and returned her attention to the main matter on her mind - this Klingon woman who was due in a few minutes, and her request, and on top of that the missive that had been delivered from the Romulans - not by subspace but by personal courier, and the corresponding missive from the Federation delivered by the same laborious method. This was top secret, and when it got out a worry over a boatswain or two was going to mean nothing.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Chief Warrant Officer First Class Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer