Beg, Steal or Borrow – Safeguards: Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el

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Title   Safeguards: Part 1
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el
Posted   Tue Mar 03, 2009 @ 12:31am
Location   Romulan Consulate. Deck 60
Timeline   SD8 - c. 12:30

As the two halves of the door slid together erasing the site of the Klingon’s retreating back Isha slumped down in her chair and closed her eyes. It had not gone as she had expected, but then she had not expected to find herself opposite a Klingon and once in that position she had not expected him to be reasonable. Among the most enlightened of her people, at least among those who by birth and right occupied the hallowed circles that formed the backbone of Rihannsu society, it was still inconceivable to Isha that anything positive or enduring could come of the situation.

Eventually Isha pushed to her feet feeling the weight of the hours upon her; Tahir had contacted her around midnight and she had slept little, Darson’s bizarre charade had kept her awake the next night which made it about three days with as many hours spent resting; no wonder she was exhausted.

“Computer, open a channel to Commander Davies,” she snapped as she snatched the shawl from the back of her chair and wrapped it tightly around her shoulders. By the time the acknowledgement came through she was positioned by the broad window gazing out towards the stars, imagining as she had done each hour that each ripple and glimmer was the first sign of one of the hidden ships decloaking.

David had just taken a bite of the Ploughman's roll when the call was piped through to him. He chewed what he had in his mouth swallowed it and even as the bread stuck in his throat, he answered.

"Davies...." He swallowed hard. " What can ..." He swallowed again, the bread lodged firmly. "'scuse me." He dashed to the table and poured some room temperature water and swallowed half a glass in two mouthfuls.

"Sorry, Davies here. What can I do for you?" He asked the Romulan Ambassador before giving a cough, finally dislodging the offending piece of bread.

What was she going to say? Since Rh’vaurek had left on business Isha had felt exposed but she had been quite able to continue stubbornly oblivious to any threat until last night. The fact that she had seen no option but to seek refuge in Darson’s twisted little demesne made her admit that she really did have a problem and there was nobody in the consulate, among the inherited and staff with unknown loyalties in whom she would risk any trust; paranoid fantasies, he was going to say.

Isha paused, catching her reflection in the window as she stifled a yawn, the shadows beneath her eyes were not cast by the light. “I would like to speak with you, Commander. I’m afraid there has been a threat to my person, I find myself quite unable to leave the consulate,” she admitted trying to phrase her request without actually making one. “We have only a small presence, which does not extend to personal security ...”

His first thought was why she had not contacted security directly, but he he remembered the message that Tasha had left stating that Isha was a valuable asset and any aid that she requested should be given a high priority.

"Ambassador, can I take it, that from your tone, you are currently in harms way?" He asked carefully, "because if that's the case, I will be more than happy to arrange some personal cover for you. I will have someone meet you in the Romulan consulate." David offered, pushing his lunch away from himself.

“I would also appreciate the opportunity to meet you in person, to extend the goodwill of the Empire,” Isha added.

The request was a bit of a surprise, but he rose to the occasion. "Very well. I will join you there shortly. Davies out." He added as he scrambled through the PADDs, looking for the name of the bodyguard for VIP's

"Aha!" He exclaimed, as he ran his finger down the PADD, scrolling the screen downwards. "Opaka Jo'el, I have just the job for you!" He remarked with a grin.
His hand came to his chest and touched the communication device.

=^= Ensign Opaka, Commander Davies, please respond." =^= He signalled.

Jo'el jerked his head towards the intercom in the holosuite. He regretted it instantly, as his holographic Tholian opponent's monofilament blade sliced through him with a tickling sensation. "Computer, end program!" As the familiar green and white grids shimmered into view, Jo'el walked to his gear bag and tapped his loose combadge.

=^= "Opaka here, Commander." =^=

=^= "Ensign, I need you to meet me at the Romulan Embassy, as quickly as you are able. I am heading there now. You will need full arms." He ordered, making is way to the office door that swung inwards at him.

Finally, something to do besides weapons inspection! Jo'el thought silently. He wiped his forehead and packed up his gear quickly.

=^= "Of course, Commander. I'm in a holosuite at the moment, but I'll get changed into uniform expediently. What seems to be the problem?" =^= Jo'el stepped out onto the Promenade, making his way to the nearest turbolift.

=^= "I will explain when I get there. You will be serving as an ambassadorial guard until I am sure she is out of harms way, for now that's all I know. Davies out." =^= He closed the comm and rushed down the steps into Operations and turned right towards the turbo lift, still preferring to remain in one piece rather than take the more effective transporter pad.

Jo'el called for his deck, tinkering with his weaponry and his workout bag as he considered what the Commander's idea of 'full arms' was. When he reached his quarters, he stripped and towelled off quickly, yanking on his light armor. Over that he pulled on his uniform and fixed his comm badge in place.

After wiggling into his trousers, Jo'el strapped on his katana sheath, tucking the sword in place. He grabbed his holster, type II phaser and half a dozen extra power cells as he headed out the door. When he reached the turbolift again, Jo'el headed for the Embassy, tying the holster around his waist and putting his phaser and power cells in place while he waited

= Minutes later =

The doors opened onto the deck and he stepped out and David was now quite lost. He stood there for a moment reading from the PADD, but to know where to proceed, a starting marker was needed. David blew out a breath. and was about to ask for computer assistance, when the lift door behind him opened and a rather odd looking fellow stepped out.

David did a double-take, taking in the man, before finally enquiring, "Ensign Opaka Jo'el?"

Jo'el took a quick glance at his addresser's collar, quickly making the connection. "Yes, Commander. Ensign Jo'el, pleased to meet you." Jo'el stood in place for a moment too long before remembering his manners. He extended his hand in greeting.
"Sorry, I was just getting used to this post when the captain left."

David eyed the extended hand for a second before taking it. He then noticed the sword.
"Commander David Davies. May I ask about your attire Ensign, I mean specifically the sword?"

Jo'el started towards the Embassy and trying to hide the fact that he knew his currect CO was a little lost.

"Of course, Commander," he replied, unsheathing the sword for Davies' inspection.

"Captain Tahir gave me permission to carry my katana while on duty when I advised her there might be situations where a hand-to-hand weapon would be strategically beneficial. I suppose the Marines used the same mentality to get those projectile weapons approved."
Jo'el blushed a little beneath his black-cherry locks. "As far as the rest of my 'attire,' sir, my first posting was very accommodating about Bajoran traditions. I'm assuming you've noticed my earring and my hair being longer than some brass like it."

David shook his head as his hands came up in a semi defensive stance.

"I have no qualms at all. If you do your job and you do it well, then you will not hear any preclusions or denials from me Jo'el. May I call you Jo'el?" David asked as he looked up and down the corridor.

"As you wish, sir." Jo'el saw David's confusion and shrugged. "I'm sorry, Commander, I've only been onboard the station for a couple of weeks. I've barely located all the weapons lockers. It doesn't quite offer the... symmetry of Cardassian design."

David managed to raise a glimmer of a smile. "Computer, which direction is the Romulan Consulate from this point?" David enquired as the computer responded that the consulate was 87 metres to the left.

"This way then. So Jo'el, tell me a little about your history and how you came to be here?" He asked, making conversation.

"My first posting after the Academy was on DS9," Jo'el said. "Luckily, my CO was Bajoran. She transferred from the Militia to Starfleet with the rank of captain. She saw a lot of action during the Dominion War and the Occupation. You've probably heard of her."

Davies shook his head as they passed doors of a similar colour. "Sorry, no, not without more of an indication." He teased as he strode on, looking for a sign they were at or approaching the embassy.

Jo'el stopped outside the embassy door, the tell-tale talons in the marker holding the twin homeworlds in place.

Jo'el cleared his throat. "Ahem, sir? Captain Kira also had her share of run-ins with Romulans. It's not a mistrust many of us are likely to let go of for a while. I mean, Khitomer didn't really change anything until Narendra III about 30, 40 years later, you know?"

David spun about at Jo'els discreet annunciation that he had passed the door. He looked at it for a second before shrugging his shoulders.

"Not what I would have expected for an Embassy!" He remarked, taking three steps back to the ensign. "Captain Kira Nerys? Of course I know of her. Never met her, but I know more of her reputation." His head bobbed towards the door as it slid silently apart, affording them access to the outer chamber.

Davies stole a breath as he led inside, Jo'el closely followed.

The Romulan looked up from her post and strode off as soon as the door had slid to a close behind them.

David glanced at the ensign at his side.


To be continued.........

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

CO: Commander David Davies

Master-At-Arms: Ensign Opaka Jo'el