Unity – The Children of Cardassia
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   The Children of Cardassia
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue Apr 20, 2010 @ 4:31pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD17 - 13:30 (immediately after 'Icon of Dominance)
Tharek stormed through the reception area of the embassy, a few stray hairs of his fluttering into his face as he paced. "Lemat!" He bellowed, as a petite and fragile framed Cardassian women shuffled up next to him, and tried to match his pace.

"Yes, Vi'kar Gul?" She asked quietly. Tharek looked angry, and she didn't want to anger him any more.

"Lockdown the embassy! No-one gets in or out without my express permission! Inform Sotar!" He bellowed yet again.

"At your command, Sir." She said as she bowed and immediately strode off to inform Sotar of Tharek's command.

"Also... " He shouted down the corridor, "Contact Doctor Shelar, bring him here! And no one disturbs me until either he gets here or we're under attack!" The door closed after his sentance, and even though the door was programmed at a set speed, it still seemed to close agressively.

Tharek slicked back his hair to its usual 'perfect' state, and sat himself behind his desk. "Damn that bloody Romulan!" He shouted to himself. He was getting more and more agitated as time went on. Violence was all that was on his mind, and violence is what would calm him. He knew how to get it.

"Getal to the Rakara."

"Gilnn Matak here, what can I do for you Vi'kar Gul?" The reply came.

"I want every single soldier available off that ship and into my embassy." Tharek said darkly. This move would put Gabriel on the spot.

"But Sir... " Matak began, but didn't finish as he was interrupted by Tharek.

"You know what happens when you disobey Turrel's orders. Think of what will happen when you disobey mine." Tharek said, as if he was glaring down on the man. Tharek could still instill fear, even over a comm. "I want every soldier, Shri'vara and gun in my embassy now!" Tharek bellowed over the comm.

"At your c-command Vi'kar Gul." Matak said, before the comm clicked into static.

Tharek sat, and smiled to himself. He had given up on diplomacy with spoilt Romulan brats. It was time to make plans. He pressed the button on his comm, embeded in his desk. "Lemat. Have a barracks built in the embassy, somewhere out of Federation eyes. Make it suitable for two hundred and twenty people, and incorporate an armoury somewhere too. Oh, and I don't want the Federation, Romulan or Klingon empires finding out about the barracks. Make it discreet." He clicked the comm off before Lemat had a chance to reply.

Tharek stood, and walked to the window. He gazed out of it, and could see planets, stars and even a distant cargo ship. He then stood there, gazing. A sinister smile spreading across his face like a virus. No doubt Isha would fight back, but Tharek would be waiting. An army with unmatchable loyalty, a Warship and enough rage and hate to fill the quadrant twice over. These were Tharek's weapons. These are his tools. These were Isha's worst nightmare.


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator