Cascade – It starts with a ... (Civilian thread)
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & UFP Ambassador Valtek & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Arrival Stovon Reece

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Title   It starts with a ... (Civilian thread)
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & UFP Ambassador Valtek & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Arrival Stovon Reece
Posted   Thu Oct 11, 2012 @ 5:09pm
Location   The Box Of Delights / Ambassador Valtek's Quarters
Timeline   SD70 14:00

[The Box of Delights]

“… so then the Ferengi asked the priestess, where’s the profit in that?”

“That’s almost offensive, Arno,” a curly haired woman said through a stifled guffaw as he delivered the punchline of the joke to their friends.

“Dira, no –one’s got the right not to be offended,” Arno replied as he reached for his drink and drained the amber liquid before setting the glass down heavily on the scuffed table top. “Don’t see anyone else here seeing offense.”

"I'm not saying its not funny," Dira replied, glancing across the shoulders of her friend to the table nearest their booth where a human male in a robe nursing a glass of red leaf tea adjusted his expression from flat to sour.

As if knowing what Dira was looking at Arno continued, "No one's forcing him to be here," he said, making it quite clear to his friends at least that he was deliberately and loudly hoping to cause offense.

It had been a rather long and trying day for Wayne trying to iron out the last details of the contract with the Klingons, but it was all finished now the delegation had left the station and he could finally relax. He entered the Box of Delights and ordered a rare steak, potatoes, and a bottle of scotch since things had gone well he wanted to at least enjoy himself and loosen up a little.

When the food arrived a few minutes later he started in on it slowly savoring each bite while at the same time watching the crowd that was in the bar. Not for a threat like had trained himself for years ago but just to watch people interact. their body language and carriage could tell a person a lot about other people.

[Ambassador Valtek's Quarters]

"Look, you're going to be on the station for the foreseeable future. The least you could do is make an effort to interact with the people here." Vani Nerai leaned against the wall near the door, arms crossed. It was proving to be hell getting the ambassador to poke his nose out of his hole. Vulcans would be Vulcans. Assigning herself as this one's assistant was proving to be trying.

Valtek was seated cross-legged on the mat over his firepot, his hands folded triangularly in front of him. He touched the tips to his chin and blinked up. "I shall speak with whom it is necessary."

"How many times do we have to go over this? Social interaction is necessary. Giving people the impression you are friendly is a good thing." Vani shot him a glare, which did little as he had his eyes closed once more. "You mean to tell me you just sat in your quarters all day on the Krishenka?"

"Indeed not. My presence was vital on numerous occasions. It is not vital to attend the gathering you have proposed."

"I didn't propose it, Valtek! I assumed you would be grateful for the opportunity to reach out a little," she huffed.

Valtek's left eyebrow leveled itself at her. "I assume you recognize that I am Vulcan. I do not prioritize reaching out," he repeated.

His assistant appeared overly angry with his analysis of the situation.

[The Box of Delights]

Somehow, Vani managed to corral Valtek out of his quarters and down to the Box of Delights. By the time she was through explaining the necessity, Valtek had simply come to quiet her. He looked dreadfully out of place amongst the other civilians, who largely were dressed casually.

Vani brought him over to their area, spread out over a few tables occupied by several others at this point. She smiled at them and sat down, gesturing for Valtek to follow suit. "Everyone, this is Ambassador Valtek, from the Federation Department of State. He's here to help with the diplomatic situation here on the station, and to represent the Federation."

The Vulcan sat down. At some point during all of this he had found a whiskey and set it in front of him. "Good evening." It was about as casual as he got.

"Hey Val," Arno said as the Vulcan sat down. It was odd that they had ever made each others acquaintance, and even odder that Arno and Valtek ran into each other from time to time and kept what could best be described as a 'friendship' even though the primary driver appeared to be Arno's unrelenting attempts to get a rise out of the Vulcan. "What brings you here?" he asked, "or is it the fair Vani who's prized you out of your shell."

The man looked like he was resisting the urge to roll his eyes, but remained relatively placid as he replied dryly, "I do not believe prized is the operative word."

Vani grinned. "More like annoyed."

Melvyn smiled to the young lady that walked past him as he continued his stroll towards The Box of Delights. Even in his old age, he could still appreciate the beauty in the fairer sex, whether they be Human or otherwise. He was grateful to be back on the station and near his business after spending such a long time adrift in space due to the communications black-out.

It was incredible that a station as powerful and capable as Deep Space Five could go so long without understanding what was wreaking havoc on so many civilian vessels. It was almost as if the civilians on the station were an after-thought.

Melvyn entered the main foyer and looked around for several moments before he was greeted by a hostess.

"Welcome to the Box of Delights." Yolanthe smiled at him. the statuesque bokkai towered over the older man. "Would you like a booth, or a seat at the bar today?"

"Oh, a booth please." He said calmly as he shifted his attention from the clamoring of the bar to the tall woman before him.

"Then come this way," She gestured with one violet hand, "And would you like the drinks menu, or would you like to order now?"

"Trust me, my dear, I've got all the time in the world. I think I'll just take the drinks menu for the time being. I'm sure I'll have an order ready momentarily." He said in that same calm manner.

As Yolanthe showed her new patron to his spot, several others moved passed her, including Kaelin and Ai'lani, the first of whom gave her arm a small squeeze in greeting as he passed by.

"Hey Yolanthe, how are you?" Though the two of them were hardly friends, Kaelin still remembered the way she'd come into his office after Klia's death, as well as the following investigation, which was still pending.

Ai'lani stopped a few feet away, giving the two of them a moment as he checked his messages before sending a quick one to Dominic to check in on his children.

In his corner, sketching the crowd, Stovon shaded in one face with a swipe of his thumb. The waitress had wrinkled her nose at him and at least one other patron had said something extremely rude under his breath, but so far, no one had directly confronted him about the slight mess from his charcoal pencils. As he sketched out the Vulcan figure who had entered a few moments ago, his hand slowed. Vulcans always had the potential of being something of a tricky issue. More than one had been actively repulsed by him, a fact which he found both amusing and irritating. In his current mood, he was leaning more towards amused and the temptation was there to introduce himself.

Vani and Arno busied themselves talking over the table, their drinks and meals arriving. Some of it was geared toward him, but Valtek tuned it out and soon enough they had immersed in getting to know one another. Every once in a while, Valtek rose the whiskey sour he'd procured to his lips and drank, his eyes scanning over the top of the tumbler quietly around the room.

As if moved by some psychic awareness, Valtek locked eyes with the one who had been staring at him for the past several minutes. Unlike the rest of the patrons, the Ambassador had no clue who the gentleman was, and harbored little resentment toward him. It did, however, intrigue him that this at least Half Vulcan artist continued eying him. Without warning to the rest of his table, Valtek stood and left the glass tumbler behind.

He moved like a ghost, disappearing one moment and reappearing the next in front of the stranger's table, eying him curiously.

"Can I assist you with something?"


After her morning shift at the bakery Pip slipped along the promenade and into the Box of Delights. She was sure that the owner knew that she was underage, but chose not to do anything about it, for that Pip was thankful, because for some reason she liked being here, and would sit at the bar for hours before she slipped away again to the corner of the distant storage bay that provided her with a makeshift home.

There's quite a crowd for this time of day, she thought as she picked her way through to her usual spot at the far end of the bar where she could see the whole of the room.

"My usual," she asked the barman as she perched herself on the stool and angled the seat so that she could lean one arm against the bar and get the best view of the room.

"It will be a few minutes, as you can see, we're busy." The Bajoran pushed a tub of nuts across the bar. "Bolian Spinu Seed. Bit like Wasabi peas, help yourself while you wait."

"Thas ok," she said reaching even before he'd set the tub down. The seeds were dry to the touch, leaving a powdery residue on her fingertips and a burn on her lips as she pushed them into her mouth. "hot as hell," Pip said feeling her face flush as she spoke.

Wayne leaned back in his seat and watched the people around him closely. The Vulcan ambassador was an interesting character and some of the others were at the very least fun to watch. The artist, the barfly and the run of the mill customer all had a story that they could tell if one had the time to watch and knew what to look for.

Raymond Raddon became more comfortable as he sat back and enjoyed the view. The establishment was quite popular this afternoon. It seemed as if this was the entertainment destination for the promenade. However, from what he had learned from others, not all that glittered was golden within the four walls of this tavern.

TBC ...