Judgement – Who, What, Where?
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Who, What, Where?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Mon Jun 06, 2011 @ 9:03am
Location   USS Hagnon
Timeline   SD38 11.30

With it's crew back within its folds, the galaxy class starship; USS Hagnon, began its return to the emptyness of space. Warp core once again working over time, and not totally recovered from tearing it through inter glactic space, to make it 'to the church on time' her warp neacelle's where feeling the strain, as it banked away from deep space five at a sharp angle then became a light blur as it shot into warp.

On the bridge, Captain Dunham stormed onto centre stage, a woman on a mission, Krem took his place at the helm, Erica went to tactical, while her husband went below decks to get a marine platoon ready if needed. Eric Dunham leaned casually against the door frame of the turbo lift, nonchalantly meandering about, trying to keep out of peoples' way, but still keeping his watchfull eye on everyone.

Ensign D'Vok at Comms initiated a search pattern, based on the co-ordinates given to him by Gunnery Sargeant Paul Anderson, Erica's husband, had transferred to him ten minutes earlier from the Station, and on which he had been working ever since.

"I have two courses calculated Captain Dunham" he reported. "Permission to relay the closest one to the Helm?" It was a very logical Vulcan question but one that seemed totally superfluous in a time of hurry.

"Make it so" said the Captain as she sat down in the command chair.

D'Vok did exactly that. He sent the co-ordinates and the trajectory he'd cacluated to the Lieutenant at the Helm who translated it into a course and the Hagnon sped away at warp speed. When they arrived at the first designated search area it was about 10 minutes later.

"We have arrived at our destination, Captain. Initiating Scans of the area." The Science Officer declared.

"Good" said the captain raising herself from her chair and beginning to pace her bridge, hands clapsed tightly behind her back. Each time she would get near enough to the science officer she would look up expectantly at him waiting for an answer, and each time he did not say anything she put her head down and continued to pace across her bridge, From the corner of said bridge, Eric watched his wife pace up and down, he wanted to help and calm her down, but this would not be appropriate place for it, besides he had his own little scan to do.

D'Vok continued to scan carefully, not missing any atom or particle out there. He used every type of scan the 24th Century had to offer, scouring the emptiness for clues.

In the corner Eric surreptitiously pulled out a small device, leaning into the corner so his body was covering what he was doing he started to look a the small rectangular silver square.

His wife; Captain Dunham, continued to march up and down the width of the bridge, her impatient and uncharacteristicly nervousness, was a new sight to her crew who had only seen it on one other occasion and that too had involved a member of the family. Many of the bridge crew where also nervous and worried for their wayward man, for as long as there had been a galaxy class Hagnon, there had been a Dunham on-board. Both Dunham seniors had been junior officers on board her and worked their way up the chain of command, their own children even having kids while serving on the starship, is was as much a home to them as any place was. A small light flashed on D'vok LCARS panel.

"Captain!!" Vulcans did not show, nor apparently feel emotions (at least not superficial ones) but D'Vok's voice was slightly raised although later he was heard to say it was only in urgency.

"Report D'Vok" said the captain, as she crossed the space between them in several large strides, to position herslef standing over D'Vok and looking intently over his shoulder at the information scrolling up his screen.

"Yes Ma'am. It's a small craft. A ****** class. It is logical that it should be the *Chelsea* ma'am since the odds of another one of those being out here at this time are 6,599,652 against." he calculated.

"Helm lay in an intercept course" the captain watched her ferengi helmsmen press several times on the touch screen interface of the LCARS system, when he was done, she said "Engage"

The ship sped across the intervening space and dropped out of warp just a few thousand metres from the tiny ship.

D'Vok had a scan of the ship already done before Margaret Dunham could ask for it.

"One humanoid life-sign, weak." He reported.

The captain began to march to the turbo lift, she pressed her comm badge on the way =^= Gunnery Sergeant Anderson have your squad meet me in the transporter room. =^= She then tapped it again =^= Bridge to Doctor Ali, meet me in the main transporter room =^=

"Captain, with all due respect... " began her XO as the Andorian moved to intercept his CO respectfully. "It would be against regulations for you to be on that away team, Ma'am. I should go in your place."

The Captain spun on the spot, her eyes filled with the flames of Hades, anger written on her face, but the words were quite, almost imperceptible, "That is my son out there!"

"I know Ma'am, and that another reason why it is *I* who should go and you who should remain at this point in time." Commander Reeves replied gently. As he spoke his antenna roved round the Bridge and settled on Eric Dunham, he glanced across at the Captain's husband who had been working quietly on something in the far reaches of the Bridge when Reeves had last looked across.

This! This was exactly the reason why Eric had left the service! To prevent situations exactly like THIS arising between him and his wife. This was why he no longer served in starfleet and was happy to work in labs on earth while his wife and children did their thing around the galaxy. To stop these moments where family and duty conflict between husband and wife. This had to be handled with the utmost delicacy and diplomacy......unfortuately this was Eric Dunham, and he was about as subtle as a brick wall. So he shrugged and said "He's right dear"

The look that Eric Dunham was rewarded with by his wife would have seared a reinforced concrete bunker into ashes. Reeves looked relieved but still a little nervous. He knew Margaret Dunham would have to back down but he also knew he would pay later.

"Fine" she said through gritted teeth, "Go" she slumped into the captains chair, her knuckles going white as she gripped the arm rests of the seat. His head bowed down and making a beeline for the turbolift the commander was quickly gone. Tension on the bridge was at an all time high. Nobody would go near the captain, not even the ship's counselor who would normally sit by her side. This didn't stop Eric though who bimbled about a bit before sitting himself down in the commanders chair. He placed his hand on hers, without saying a word. The tension in Captain Dunham's body eased.

When the away team materialised on the Chelsea they found the object of their search, Rick Dunham, unconscious, bleeding from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

=^= Reeves to Sickbay =^= the XO slapped his comm badge urgently. =^= Emergency Medical beam direct. One human casualty, unconscious, bleeding from all optical, oral and aural organs. =^= he informed the doctors direct but he knew there was no option but for the call to be carried by the main system and would be heard on the Hagnon's Bridge. =^= He's alive Captain, I cannot ascertain the medical details so I'm sending him straight to Sickbay. Hagnon Transporter section, lock onto my comm badge and energise, two to beam direct to Sickbay. =^= he completed the instructions necessary all without stopping for breath.

"Helm lay in a course to deep space five, maximum warp, punch it!" said Captain Dunham leaping from her chair quickly followed by Mr Dunham, both headed to the turbo lift.

Just before the USS Hagnon initiated warp speed, D'Vok thought it prudent to tractor the Chelsea into the main cargo bay but he was only just able to get her inside the outer hull before the starship shot forward and the tiny ship was thrown violently against the inner hull in the momentum before she could be secured.

------Main Sick Bay USS Hagnon----------

Eli ran his medical Tricorder of the de-materialized body of Rick on the bio bed, and calmly gave orders to his assistants around him, a hypospray was pressed against Rick's neck, and a oxygen mask placed over his head. The Doctor then looked intensely at the read out on the bio scanner above the bed. "Nurse neural synaptic interface relay, stat" the nurse reached behind her to a small table of instruments and passed a small device to the doctor who then placed it on Ricks forehead. Upon contact with it, Rick started to go into some sort of shock and his body jolted on the table, "Hold him down" shouted the doctor, several people came to his assistance "Tybothoranine, 200ml" he said to another doctor, who placed the hypo spray again onto Ricks neck. The drug seemed to stablise him.

By this time the Captain and Eric had arrived just in time to see their son fitting and having to be held down. The blood drained from both of their faces as they were unceremoniously brushed aside by rushing medics. Once Rick was stabilised the doctor had time to speak to them both.

Eli turned to the Dunhams "He's stable, and now physically he appears to be fine.....but....well I'd like to get Doctor Adams second opinion on this...Its like neural pathways in his brain are only working at half the capacity."

Margaret seemed to be shocked but Eric was looking anywhere but at his wife or the doctor. ~Chelsea why didn't you tell me~ he said to himself sadly. The Captain spoke up. "We will be arriving on deep space five in about ten minutes doctor.
~Good~ thought Eric ~Chelsea is really the only one I can talk to about this~

tbc ....

A JP Between:

Margret Dunham, Eric Dunham, Doctor Eli.
NPC'd by Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Ensign D'Vok, Commander Reeves,
NPC'd by Commander Chelsea Adams