Beg, Steal or Borrow – He's gone!
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   He's gone!
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sat Mar 14, 2009 @ 4:29pm
Location   Corridor, Claire's quarters
Timeline   SD8 13:00
She screamed and fell to her knees 50 feet from her quarters. How could he be gone? She was numb and in pain all at once. ~Ayren!~ Her mind screamed out.

Ayren was just reading impatiently through a padd she had been handed by her aide, regarding a trade negotiation. It was really irrelevant now, considering their own situation right now, but the consul demanded an answer. She swore softly a nd was just about to answer, shen she heard Claire's cry in her mind. ~Claire? What is wrong....where are you?~

~It's Jarred...he's gone...dead...missing!~ She projected her location.

Ayren felt shock on behalf of the other woman wash over her. ~I will be there in a minute!~ The diplomat rushed to Claire and found her, still on her knees. "Hey, I am here...." she said audibly, while sinking to next to her and embracing her with her mind and arms.

~Ayren...~ She hugged her friend desparately, sobbing. ~He can't be gone...I can still sense his presence!~ Was it just her mind playing tricks on her or was she truly feeling his presence, in that strangled odd sort of way.

Ayren allowed the distraught woman to cry, holding her and comforting her with her mind. When is had subsideed somewhat, she drew away a little. ~Come, let me get you into your quarters and I can get you comfortable~ If she was still sensing his presence then he was not dead. Something else may be going on here.

~How can this be Ayren? He promised he would be back.~ The tears threatened to break through again as they moved to her quarters.

Ayren waited for her to key her code in and then the two women stepped through the doors, and she guided her new found friend to sit on the couch, taking a seat next to her. She was careful to guard against letting on that she suspected, that he might be on a classified mission, which this smelled of. ~I am not sure, but if you are convinced that he is still alive, hold on to that untill you have more information~ was all she could offer for now. She was not going to lie and tell her to accept his death if she wasn't convinced herself of that fact.

~He said it would be a dangerous mission and would 'try' to get back if he could...the message he left for me was like he knew the mission was suicidal and he wasn't going to come back to me!~ Claire's head was completely spinning, her body going numb. She was thankful that she had Ayren there. A hole had already started to form where her heart should be...

~Maybe he tried to prepare you for the worst~ Ayren placed her arms around her again. "Let's wait untill you can't sense him anymore and then we take it from there." Ayren knew she was taking a risk, but perhaps it was worth it.

~Yes Ayren...maybe you are right.~ She sighed, but was resigned, the seed had already been planted and that was Dorian's fault. He was the one that said Jarred was dead and she believed him. Could she now believe that he was still alive? would be too much to loose him again, it would kill her.

Ayren drew back and looked her in the eye. "I find this difficult.. " she said gently. "I cannot in good conscience tell you to accept his death, if you still sense his presence. There will be enough others who will advise you to, I am not one of them. IF he did die, then we will deal with it together," Ayren said audibly.

"Promise?" She asked like a small child.

"I promise," Ayren replied gently.

Ayren Kelan


Lt (JG) Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counsellor
(NPC'd by Mandy)