Judgement – Knowing isn't half the problem
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Knowing isn't half the problem
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sat Mar 05, 2011 @ 5:06pm
Location   Intelligence offices'
Timeline   2 weeks earlier

Jarred was going over the surveillance file for the last two days. The video was rough sounding, Rick Dunham was getting his ear talked off by the owner of cafe where the majority of the information was being collected by the pirates three snitches. The marine pilot he had been following for the last two days was talking to the other two suspects, and they had to be aware they were being watched by now, Jarred hadn't hidden the fact they were being watched, he'd even managed to hijack the promenade surveillance for this cafe from Dorian.

He began to think he might be a target for either assassination or kidnapping so he took steps to ensure that the captain and crew could either deal with in one swift kick or take the proper steps to deal with the pirate problem once and for all in this sector. Jarred slowly began making equipment staging requests, at first just small arms then when he realized that an attempt to kidnap him was unavoidable he requested a pair of prototype garrison ship be staged at the supply depot, he knew it was only time before he was going to be kidnapped now.

Keeping up appearances Jarred knew secretly that it was only time before something was going to happen. He looked around for clues as to who was supporting the pirates, They were to aggressive to be one race, and to well equipped to be supported by the Romulans or the Ferengi.

So there was a third element, but who was the question. Jarred kept puzzling over the problem for several more days, his answer would come in the form of a surveillance image recovered from a raid on a dilithium convoy. The pirate ships looked as if they were partially built from Borg components. Jarred began to think this was about to go to hell in a hurry, had freed Borg turned to piracy?

He was more determined than ever to have any of the tools available to the station in case things went sideways in a hurry. Using an abandoned G-type starbase Jarred had additional equipment moved there, when he was first confronted by intelligence about the sudden requests, he explained the situation to the Admirals and they agreed to a degree to allow him to stage some equipment and additional supplies on the long abandoned station, but any other activity should be stopped since it may draw too much attention too the project.

Using the excuse he had to do a field visit to a nearby colony Jarred supervised the storage of the small arsenal of weapons, runabouts and an Orka Class gunboat, now all Jarred had to do was leave a message in a bottle for the Captain and other staff if things went sour, but he wasn't going to make it easy for them to to simply open the message and have them find out about what he was up to.

Taking advantage of a holographic decoy program he programed the message and instructions into the hologram then he took steps to keep it secure, going so far as to require two different voice prints to open the file.

Jarred sat back for a rare moment, he fully knew that capture was unavoidable now, and he even began to suspect how, so he just left for the paulson nebula that night.


Lt Jarred Wallace