Interlude – Filling In Gaps
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Filling In Gaps
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sun Sep 19, 2010 @ 4:22pm
Location   Executive Officer's Office
Timeline   SD34 14:00
Karen shook her head gently. The latest reports on the Feltor Prime situation were not good and only time would tell how it would resolve itself. She closed that report and checked her schedule. Kasikova was due.

Karen had not yet met the science officer but having reviewed those on board she seemed the best candidate. So this was an interview of sorts, though the Lieutenant did not know it.

Jana walked to XO's office and rang the chime. "You wanted to see me ma'am." She said after she was admitted in.

"Take a seat, Lieutenant," Karen said gesturing towards the chair on the other side of her deak. She noted that the woman had one arm in a sling but would pass no comment on that for now. "You're an archaeologist, I believe," she said.

Jana nodded, "Yes ma'am, that is correct, I came back from a dig a couple of days ago. I also hold a degree in anthropology."

Karen was nothing, if not direct. "So beyond the buried and the dead what do you do?" she asked. It took more than a person who got pissy under stress to run a department, particularly a department whose members would naturally question any order that contradicted scientidic reason.

"I have also worked in stellar cartography, botany and alien linguistics." Jana looked at the Commander, "Ma'am have I done something wrong?"

"No, nothing wrong," Karen said, her expression impassive. "What happened to your arm?" she asked. She herself had been shot in the recent incursion and she imagined the wound was related to the Maquis activities.

"Short version is a friend made me angry and I stormed off. I went riding in the holodeck to try and clear my head. I turned off the safety protocols...Something spooked the horse and I was bucked off, I broke my forearm in four places." She winced inwardly waiting for a lecture about turning off the safety protocols.

"Riding isn't the most sensible thing to do when you're not in control of yourself," Karen observed. "I'd not try and tackle a cliff if I was not in control of myself," she added. "If you're so angry how can you expect your horse have any confidence in you?" she asked.

"I have always gone riding when I have been upset, even when I haven't been. I feel free when I ride, even with a powerful animal under me. I do not know how to explain it. I can ride across the prairies and see the mountains and I know that things are fine." She nearly laughed. "I simply wanted to feel like I was riding back home. It is my own fault for everything that happened before I went riding to when I was thrown off the horse." Jana hoped that the Commander wouldn't ask what caused her to be so angry with Rick's friend.

"I'm sure that horses, even holographic ones are more forgiving than rocks," Karen said. "OK, enough of that. I've noticed some issues with the Science department," she continued bringing the conversation back to business. "And I am going to need that department to efficiently run a number of scenarios in the next days. As a member of that department, I would be interested in your opinion of what can be done to make things run more smoothly."

"The department is in chaos, even with everyone doing their jobs, there really isnt anyone to report to. In the last few days people have been coming to me with questions or concerns and I have answered them as best I could without stepping on toes, I was an assistant chief in the science department before I came here... I suppose what I am getting at is we could really use a Chief."

"Oh?" Karen said raising an eyebrow. "Who did you have in mind?"

"What about me? I have a diversified enough background, and everyone in the department has been coming to me since the last chief left."

Karen actually laughed. "I've read your record, Kasikova, you've something of an attitude and I don't tolerate that among my senior officers," she said. "You want the job? Pitch for it," Karen challenged.

Jana let a sly smile come cross her face. "Out of all the people in the science department I am the most qualified, have the most diversified background. I may need an attitude adjustment on occasion but I don't take it out on those working in my department. There has only been once incident when I didn't see eye to eye and that was when it was putting those in our area in danger. That is why the whole attitude thing is in there. I only expect the best from those I work with. I know I can do a good job and the others in the department trust me."

Karen linked her fingers together as she leaned forward. "But a department head needs to interact with her peers as well as her superiors, and subordinates. I don't like to see explosions of temper at any level," Karen said.

"My 'attitude' has only gotten me into trouble once. I do my best to stay level headed, I enjoy interacting with those around me, whether they are superiors or subordinates. I know I can do this job. I have questioned authority once and that was because it was going to put us all in unnecessary danger. I am not some hard ass nor am I someone that can be pushed around."

"Make sure it doesn't," Karen said as she slid a box concealed in her palm across the desk. "I want every possible scenario on the Feltor Prime situation run by tomorrow evening," she said, "and its up to your department to do that, and do it efficiently, Lieutenant Kasikova," she said.

"Thank you ma'am. I will have a report to you ASAP." Jana smiled.

"Don't let me down, Lieutenant," Karen said.

"I wont. I promise."


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Chief Science Officer