Cascade – And so it continues ...
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Rakka & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   And so it continues ...
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Rakka & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Mon Nov 19, 2012 @ 5:39pm
Location   Ops / Runabout Tyne
Timeline   SD70: 09:50

David walked onto the deck of engineering to grab a few things before the away mission. He felt excited and yet nervous at the same time. This was his first mission with the 1st officer. He had to make an impression if he wants to move up in the station's ranks. To start those engines without boarding the ship was an interesting test. Possibly use the computer to form a remote link through a comm signal could work. Maybe an energy pulse directed at the main engines to put in 20th century terms, "jump start" the engines. David grabbed an engineering tricorder and a few other tools which he packed into a bag to bring along with. He put the strap over his shoulder and walked unto the turbolift. "Runabout Hangar." David said.


Bill moved off the Communications console as soon as he saw Petro enter Ops.
"Station is yours Lieutenant." The chief spoke as Petro drew up.

"Thank you." Petro said as she took her station and verified that all systems were running well within normal parameters.

Tasha continued up and onto the raised central area, giving a singular nod to Relma as she she did and turned back to the communication station.
"Lieutenant Petro, open a channel to the Tyne." She requested.

"Aye," Petro said, "Deep Space Five to the Tyne, please respond"

"We're preparing to depart, Lieutenant," Karen replied, "ETD 10:00 on the dot. Please confirm that all available data on the drifting vessel has been transferred," - Rakka was aboard, Straggard was crossing the docking bay - once the medic arrived they'd be on their way.

"Copy that." Petro said, "Data transferring now." She tapped the keys on the console and uploaded the information to the Tyne. "Transfer complete, verify receipt."

Rakka settled into the copilot seat and checked on the data transfer. "Data received," she acknowledged, and then, after a pause, in a lower tone of voice: "Thank you, Petro."

Tasha was listening to two conversations, one with Petro and the Tyne, the other with Relma and one of the science techs (NPC Saria??) and the different reports regarding the vessel adrift and closing on the station.

At that moment the Bajoran shook his head out of puzzlement. "The sensor array must be playing up again: the scans just don't tally up at all - unless I'm missing something?"


A pair of paramedics arrived just on cue. They both had large field med-kits and were relatively new to one another due to the fact that one was a junior doctor, recently assigned to the station and the other was one of the senior nursing staff who had been here since the days when Dr Milarno had been CMO. The nurse, Lissie Devon, was explaining to the new Klingon doctor, K'Val that the new ACMO, Dr Milarno, had been the CMO when she had first arrived and the current CMO, had then been the ACMO and how it had all taken place. She was giving him the details with 'four-part harmony' and he was looking bored as they joined the away team members already assembled in the runabout.

Lissie broke off her story to introduce them both to the rest of the team and then went back to regailing the K'Val with more of her version of 'what used to happen when she was first assigned to DS5.

K’Val listened with folded arms, a hardened expression plastered over his dark Klingon features. He let out a disgruntled sigh and shook his head; if she carried on he was in fear of his ear drums bursting. He held out his hand instinctively. “Alright, enough” he warned as he flicked his hand toward her, motioning her silence. “Talk when you have too preferably on the job, right now we have no patients to tend too” he shook his head, grateful now for the silence.

Lissie looked at the base of the padd, her cheeks pinkening. "Sir" she muttered and said no more for at least 30 seconds - something of a record if the truth were known.

K'Val nodded in acknowledgement and Lissie remained silent in her way of showing that she had heard, understood and was ready.

The last member of the away team to arrive was Cori-Anne DeRoot, a junior officer in Strategic Operations. The Ensign was here to co-ordinate whilst the main team boarded the ship, if they needed to board the ship.

"Ensign De-Root reporting for duty," she said with a smart salute casting her eyes around the assembled all taking their places.

"Welcome aboard Ensign," Villiers said. The headcount was complete. Once the doors were sealed they were ready to depart.


Tahir edged forward.

"Lieutenant Petro, inform flight that the Tyne is ready to depart. Security, move us up to yellow alert. I want all frequencies monitored and that ship to be closely watched. Medical are to be ready for anything and the second flight wing to be put on standby.

Engineering, tie in with Commander Villiers and be ready to offer any assistance needed.

Chief," She turned to Relma, "inform all craft to maintain a distance until we know exactly what we're dealing with. Science stations, prepare for data analysis." She turned back to the central rostrum and splayed her hands across the top of the table, putting into words her thoughts about the stations safety at this juncture.
"Under no circumstance, is that ship to be fired upon or any action undertaken unless they fire first. We have had no contact with the vessel and even though a distress signal has been received, it must be deemed in breach of federations regulations, therefore until we have more data, it is deemed dangerous."

Petro opened the communication to the flight crew. "Flight, Tyne is ready to depart and is awaiting escort."

"Aye, Captain." replied Relma as he opened a broad-band transmission. =/="Deep Space Five to all vessels on approach and inside our perimeter. Please hold position at the outer marker until further notice. Do not approach until specifically advised. I repeat: DO NOT approach without authorisation. We will return to full operations as soon as possible."=/=

The confirmations from the various vessels began coming in and after only a few seconds all vessels on the display had been accounted for and had altered their courses appropriately. Another message came in almost immediately, however, causing Meryn to sigh. "Captain," he said, reluctantly "Captain Amblitsio of the freighter Jian'Karra in Docking Bay 9 requests permission to depart immediately - he has an urgent appointment he says."


A JP Between:

Captain Tasha Tahir


Commander Karen Villiers


Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Relma Meryn


Senior Nurse, Calista Devon

and others.
NPC'd by Jools