Unity – The Maquis Approach
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   The Maquis Approach
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Thu Mar 04, 2010 @ 2:18pm
Location   Near DS5
Timeline   SD17 08:15

The ship was an Ambassador Class and the Operations Officer was ensuring the cloak generator was being supplied with a constant supply to keep the shields up. The station was just appearing on the screen under normal magnification. Ronald turned to the Captain.

"Deep space five ahead sir." He said, before turning back to his station. "Cloak is one hundred percent operative and we have not been detected. Several ships are stationed outside the station. One of them is starfleet, the USS Anubis." He advised.

Raymond's back was facing the main view screen as he faced the holographic projection of Elliot Hartsfield that was being sent through a secure communication feed somewhere in the station.

"If all goes according to plan, then I will be seeing you soon, Elliot." Raymond stated to the projection.

"We will *all* be seeing each other very soon, Raymond. I trust in your crew. Hartsfield out." Elliot stated with a reassuring smile as the signal was cut and his projection faded away.

Raymond turned his chair back towards the crew and stepped down as he looked around. He trusted in their abilities, but part of him was still nervous about what they were about to attempt to accomplish. If it worked, so much would be changed, and for the better. So many lives would not be lost in vain, things would be different.

But he also realized what was at stake if they failed or if the other party did not complete their task. Starfleet would not look kindly upon the re-emergence of those whom they considered to be traitors to the very ideal of the Federation and to their own uniforms. Not to mention, *who* they had chosen to work with.

But Raymond had faith. Faith in his crew, faith in his mission, and faith in the one who was leading them all. They had not steered them wrong thus far, why should he begin to waiver now?

"Helm/Ronald, maintain our position as long as the cloak will conceal us. Everyone else, meet me in what is left of the conference room. I want to iron out the last details before we begin." Raymond stated as he nodded to the Bridge Officer for him to take over while the others had a brief conference.

Gerrard swung himself about a little. "Aye sir. Maintaining power levels." He advised as he shifted his position to the man at helm, before glancing to the Bridge officer, ready to accept any further instruction.

"GUESS WHO MADE WAFFLES?!" Gord yelled as he ran onto the bridge made a lap and then took his spot at tactical. He looked over his display and made sure the ship would be ready to fight.

Raymond sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. He needed everybody on the same accord if this mission was to be a success. "Gord, we're having a meeting before we begin our next step." He stated as he entered the conference room.

“I swear,” Ryouske growled out through clenched teeth as he walked across the worse for wear bridge and entered the conference room, “Gord, I’ve had enough of your goddamed waffles to last me a lifetime! Everyday, waffles, waffles, waffles…if I have to eat another waffle, I’m going to stick an explosive in it and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. Make something different for once!! Something tasty! Hell, even something edible would be appreciated.”

"Well no one said you had to eat them did they!" Gord yell running past Ryouske into the conference room.

Raymond sat at the table and thought for several moments as everyone entered the room. "Tactical, what are we going up against in regards to the Anubis? How much of a fight will they put up? Additionally, what other vessels in the immediate vicinity will join in to defend the station?" He asked.

Gord took a deep breath and started to talk quite fast. "The Anubis is an Anubis class Starfleet vessel. It has 2 Type U, and 7 Type X phaser arrays and 3 pulse-fire torpedo launchers, and the regular shielding standards for federation ships. Though formidable when fully staffed," He stopped to take a breath. "The Anubis however is not fully staffed and will most likely not be a problem because this. The other ships nearby are mostly freighter ships and have little or no weapons. And there are no other starfleet vessels in the immediate vicinity that will join in."

Raymond nodded in response. "Good, we'll need to make the fight look realistic enough for them to believe that we are actually surrendering to them. They'll take us to the station and from there we can move to the next phase of the plan." he said.

"Weapons, once we are brought onboard the station we will need the entire crew armed and prepared to take over their designated areas. However the station is equipped to disable phaser weapons soon as a general alert is sound, therefore we'll need something effective that won't be disabled." Raymond stated to his Weapons specialist.

The ships bridge officer spoke up as he took at a ballistic weapon from underneath the conference room table, placing it on the table surface. “This is the TR-116 Marine Ballistic Rifle.” He began to take it apart in front of his colleagues, though most were already familiar with it. “The layout for the rifle is a bullpup configuration with the clip placed behind the hand grip to allow for quick reloading in the field, and reducing the overall length of the weapon. Several attachments for sights/targeting aids are also implemented on the rifle. It should do are nicely for this mission.”

"From there we will need to split up into several teams. One team will take OPS. Second team to Main Engineering, Third team to Sick Bay and Armory, the final team will need to locate and recover the Romulan Core that is located within the station. You'll meet up with Elliot Hartsfield for that portion." He instructed.

"What kind of resistance can we expect onboard the station?" He asked.

The ships bridge officer spoke up again, “Intelligence indicates that we have caught them with their pants down,” said the man with small smile in his face. “A heavy contingent of Marines, are on the planet’s surface, undertaking a series of war games, also our eyes on ground have indicated that mission is under way, something to do with a rescue op? This in turn has taken more Marines and Star fighter Squadron elements away from Deep Space Five.”

"That sounds too convenient. Are 'we' doubly sure our Intel is solid?" growled the quartermaster, a suspicious half-bred Human-Klingon with a scar across his left cheek, a mop of unruly brown curls down his back and dark but not very pronounced forehead ridges scowling over the top of his out-of-keeping blue terran eyes.

"I didn't join this group to die in an ambush. It's only a good day to die if you die with honour!" Tan'Rek had been in rebel forces of one sort or another all his adult life which spanned a surprising 45 years. He was more a fighter for the sake of rebellion than one for 'honour' in the real sense, nor even for any spiritual or moral calling.

Tan'Rek was a professional Quartermaster because he liked to know the supplies were well managed. No-one fights well if they are half-starved or half-equipped.

Ryouske leaned forward and faced his commanding officer, “Don’t worry about that Raymond, I’ve got it covered. I have a contact inside the Marines, and I paid him off enough to… divert …some things that we can use. My contact thinks that the weapons are going to gangs on far off colony worlds. He won’t be any trouble. I managed to obtain enough TR-110’s and TR-116’s to equip our boarding parties…and I even managed to obtain some...special…ordinance. I have a special target in mind for that.”

"From there we will need to split up into several teams. One team will take OPS. Second team to Main Engineering, Third team to Sick Bay and Armory, the final team will need to locate and recover the Romulan Core that is located within the station. You'll meet up with Elliot Hartsfield for that portion." He instructed.

"What kind of resistance can we expect onboard the station?" He asked.

Ryouske leaned forward again, ready to serve in his capacity as infantry expert, “Deep Space 5 is a large station… Celestial Class. It has a standard operational compliment of 8440 officers, 47600 enlisted crew, 1024 Marines, and a fluctuating number of civilians that averages out at about 50000. Things on DS5 are a little different though. There are a number of other factions on the station besides the Federation. Klingon, Cardassians and Romulans have all set up shop on the station. We may have to deal with them when we attack the station. In addition, the Marine Garrison has been expanded to accommodate a full regiment... almost half again what the specs say. Civilians by and large will be unarmed, but there will undoubtedly be a couple that has weapons.”

“The good news,” he continued, “is that the Marine force has been reduced to approximately 60% of its operational capacity, owing to a combination of the recent bombings in their base, and a company departing with the resident Marine Commander,” his face tightened even more than it had as he ground out the name, “A Lieutenant Colonel by the name of James Darson,” he rubbed his cybernetic hand as bad memories surfaced, but he squashed them down.

“I’m acquainted with the Colonel through one experience, but mostly by reputation. To make a long story short, the fact that he is off the station may be the greatest tactical boon we could have happened upon. He is without a doubt one of the best military commanders around, and his presence would severely hamper our efforts. As for the other personnel onboard…nothing really stands out in my investigations that will directly impact our operation. I would still recommend avoiding going after the Marine HQ and their armory. The security one is one thing, but this is a horse of different color. Another thing that I must stress thought is that we must make this strike quick and clean, taking all of our targets within a very short time span. Any more time gives the crew a chance to put automated defenses or something else into play. If we can take some of the high-ranking officers hostage, that'll give us an edge."

"That's forward planning for you." Clad in a battered pair of brown suede trousers, knee high boots, and a deep green vest the tall blonde Trill strode into the conference room. Melia Krah was the seventh host of her symbiont and to the list which spanned a spy, a dancer, a chef, a soldier, a writer, and a thief as an activist in the Maquis she had added a freedom fighter.

She helped herself to a waffle as she passed.

"My man inside warned me about one of the Ambassadors, the one who discovered the artefact and arranged the operation to extract it, the archaeologist was working for him. We've used that to our advantage so far, but my guy thinks the Romulan ambassador might scupper his own operation before he lets the artefact fall into anyone else's hands. I've just arranged a transmission from the archaeologist that should put the ambassador's suspicions to bed," Krah said taking a seat before tearing a piece from the waffle and popping it in her mouth.

"There's one other problem, the head of intel on the station." Gord said as he sat down with a cup of coffee.

Krah chewed, chewed and swallowed, the ballerina within her would not allow her to speak with her mouth full.
"The new one," she said the instant her throat was clear, "the old one, now in charge of security is no longer a player, thanks to the Romulan government. A hostage or two will stop the majority of the fleeters from taking action but we need to eliminate the main threats, the new guy included, they're unpredictable, don't always stick to the rules."

He looked down into his cup, he knew well that they were walking into a hornets nest, "Don't under estimate him, or we are all dead."

"Nobody is underestimating anyone," Krah said.

Raymond stroked his beard as his listened to his comrades speak. "WE all have to remember that this is not going to be a bloodbath. If we engage Starfleet forces directly, then we won't stand a chance in hell. We have to be smart about our actions." He said as he pressed several buttons on the conference table. It took several seconds for the screen to flicker into existence. When it did it showed a presentation of the Celestial Class station.

"These are the designated targets. We are hitting these points because they are the focal point of the station. We need to quickly secure Sick bay since they will be the most vulnerable and least likely to resist. We'll hold them for hostage along with the crew members in Main Engineering and OPS so that we can buy enough time for the team on the planet to complete their task." He said as he switched to the next screen.

"The team with me on OPS will be responsible for making sure primary and secondary security systems are not activated while we are onboard. Additionally, we'll have the Command staff under our direct supervision." he said as he clicked the next screen.

"Krah, your team will be responsible for securing the Core. Ryouske, your team will be responsible for the Armory. Gord, Main Engineering will be your responsibility. Once we get onboard we will need to secure our targets and hostages with *minimum* casualties." Raymond said while looking at the gathered individuals.

"We need to show everyone that our cause is Right and not just for revenge. If we go in guns ablazing, then we'll be no better than the Cardassians and Dominion butchers that took so much from us." He said sternly. "Ryouske, work on converting the TR-110’s into versions that are smaller and more portable. Once we are brought onboard, we will need to move quickly before they will know what hit them." He stated.

"Any questions?" he asked.

Ryosuke nodded to his Commander. He was right afterall, it was for the cause. Everything was for the cause. He had fought for it for years, lost a hand even…but their cause was just. It was just up to them to convince everybody else that they were right.

"Good" Raymond stated as he stood up. "Everybody take your positions and make sure your teammates are ready to move once we are onboard." He said as he nodded to the group, dismissing them and heading towards the bridge.


On the bridge, Ronald leant to the helmsman. "Do you think we can pull this off?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"Not a hope in hell if we don't kill Wallace in the first two minutes." he paused to make another coarse correction "and since we don't have enough on his routine knowing where he is going to make matters worse."

"Umm, there are many other things to consider as well, like will they let us in first." Gerrard winked with a sly grin on his face.

"Thats the easy part."

"CAN I FIRE THE PHASERS YET?!?" Gord asked knowing that they were still a ways out but it didn't hurt asking.

The operations shook his head and grinned. "Why not. I am sure that those Guardian platforms would just love to see a little target practice." He spun his seat around as the other officers emerged from the conference room. "How much sugar did you use in those waffles?" He asked, then added, "You muppet!" Before easing his chair back to his console.

Greg looked up at Gord, he just shook his head. "Go ahead, fire away, maybe we'll get lucky and kill off all the senior staff in one volley." he said with a lot of sarcasm.

Gerrard shook his head, hiding the smirk that was pasted across his face, which suddenly dropped when he saw that the cloak emitters drawing far too much power.

"I think you had better be prepared to do exactly that, Gord, we may lose these shields in a just a few minutes." He stated as his fingers began to tap furiously at the control panel.

His colour dropped to near white as he drew power from the warp engines. "We gonna have to slow back to one eighth impulse and I need power to shore up these shields. We're gonna need a shunt and quick." His voice raised a half octave as he desperately diverted twenty percent more power to the shields.

"Weapons," Raymond stated as he stepped onto the bridge, sidestepping a damaged console. "Prepare to decloak and target the freighter that has cleared DS5's space. We'll need to get the Anubis' attention as quickly as possible." he said as he sat down in his chair and studied the screen before him.

"FINALLY!" Gord yelled reading himself.

Gerrard shook his head. "Not advisable, if we don't have enough power for shields, we certainly won't have enough power for weapons to last long enough for any battle." He intervened, turning to the Captain as he stood and made his way to the Engineering console. "With permission sir, I would recommend a full stop, divert all power to the shields and power off all unnecessary systems." He urged.

"So be it," Raymond responded. He wanted everything to go properly, there was no room for mistakes.


Raymond Wier
Commanding Officer
NPC'd - Thom

Melia Krah
NPCd by Louise

NPC'd by Julia

Gord Jowan
NPC'd by Bruce

Ronald Gerrard
Operations / Transporters
NPC'd by Mark

Ryouske Nakayagi
Weapons Specialist
NPC'd by Dan G.

Greg Goodman
NPC'd by Andy E


Commander - Melia Krah - Karen
Helmsman / Flight - Jarred
Weapons specialist - Darson
Tactical - Freeman
Bridge Officer - Dunham
Quartermaster - Tan'Rek - Chelsea