Beg, Steal or Borrow – Moments in Glory - Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Colonel James Darson & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Moments in Glory - Part 1
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Colonel James Darson & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Apr 22, 2009 @ 11:46pm
Location   DS5/Romulan Formation/USS Freedom/USS Ashton
Timeline   SD 8 - 14:07.23
= DS5 Ops =


She looked at the screen and was about to give him a positive report when something caught her eye. The Guardian Platforms were giving a malfunction indication. "They were just fine a moment ago." Petro said in defense. "Wait," she tapped the console commands in again and the report came back clear and ready. "There. We should be fully operationa - " she stopped as another red light came on. "krazzlepop" she said.


As his hand of comfort fell from Petros' shoulder, Davies became mortified and stood rooted to the spot.

"Krazzlepop? Can I take that to mean that there is a malfunction?" Davies inquired, in a mild shocked tone. If this had been any other time, he would laughed aloud at her form of cussing, but for the operation centre, that was acceptable.

Frazzled but not deterred, Petro continued working the console. "Just a minor one. It seems that there is a delay in the targeting sequence for the firing mechanism. We'll have to adjust manually to compensate and I'm afraid I'm not trained for that." she explained.

= Rhianndhaell/Vrelnec/Ayhler =

Taibek shook his head as the sudden volley of Fleet torpedoes rang across his hull.

"This was indeed, not in the plan." he said quietly to himself, as the viewer flickered, trying to bring itself back to life.

"Helm, bring us about, full batteries and arms to bear on the station." He ordered, as he wiped the back of his hand across his damp brow "and get that channel open to the other ships." He said, knowing that they were practically doomed.

All his life he had been dogged by failure and now, in the final throes, he knew that this would be his final failure, which would result in his death and he suddenly realized how lonely a person he was, with no children or mate to grieve over him. The only person who may miss him, would be his sister, if he had not had her locked up 11 years before, for claiming that he was mentally unstable.

The comms channel crackled and with a resolution in his voice, he spoke clearly to the other 2 commanders.

=(*)= "This is the Rhianndhaell under the command of Taibak ir-Elahu. I await final order and instruction. Batteries are fully charged and my ship is barely operational." He listened for a second, only hearing his own blood rushing around past his ears. "Nniol, what would you have me do?" He inquired as he relinquished what little pride he had left to the ill fated battle at DS5.

=(*)= "Your sacrifice is noted, Taibek," Nniol said, his voice calm now he had a better perspective on the battle. His brother's wife was in his custody and the Vrelnec was almost clear of the battle zone. Of course there was still a chance that the Ayhler would take the station ... a small chance, and if that happened Si'Van was going to be a very, very angry man ... but the chance was so small, as was the likelihood of him managing to arrange any meaningful revenge.

=(*)= "This is the Ayhler! Taibek, bring yourself together!" Si'Van said stridently. "We are still in the middle of a battle, and I will not sit by as this situation continues to deteriorate." He said as he took his seat again and observed his crackling viewscreen.

"Taibek, bring your vessel to my starboard side and deal with the contingent of Federation Fighters that are attempting to break through the attack fighters. If they wish to waste their life on such a futile endeavor, than you shall be the won to give them their wish." Si'Van said as he reviewed the nearest tactical console to his chair.

"Helm, bring us about to these coordinates." he tapped into his chair's side-console. "I want a full torpedo spread across their primary batteries and their habitat ring. They can always repair their ships and even this station, but they will never recover the lives they are about to lose." He said sternly.

=(*)= "Nniol. . ." Si'Van said as his vessel rocked again from a torpedo blast to its port section. "It appears that the cause for this battle was not for the reasons that you led us to believe. But fear not, I hold no ill will nor grudge towards you. It is my hope that you will possess this same level of tenacity and self-preservation in the future when it is time for you to pay for your transgressions." He said as a console behind him exploded, sending sparks across the bridge.

Fveirrolh put his back to the viewscreen, there had to be a reason for it, there was always a reason, but he did not have to watch it. Fveirrolh's his dark gaze came to rest on his uncle who seemed not to hear what was being said, "Vadi?" he said, some acknowledgement was necessary, though the words could hardly be construed as a blessing.

"Thei'khaiell ssuin hw'aenevha," Nniol said eventually, though any wind that gathered beneath the wings of the Ayhler would be fiery and short lived.

Nniol got to his feet, gesturing for the comm to be cut. For those here who knew of the plan this was no defeat. "Fveirrolh, have the Vrelnec prepare to leave, and don't disturb me again."


Taibek stumbled backwards into the command chair and gave a solemn wave of his hand.

"Take us to the starboard side of the Ayhler, fire a photon spread at those fleet vessels." He ordered, knowing that at this precise moment, they would be of little use against the growing number of support vessels and the powered shields of the station. He prayed that the still silent guardian platforms would remain so as the ship banked steeply to their altered course.

= Federation Craft in DS5 airspace =

= Fighter Element =

Lieutenant Dunham's Valkeria fighter was stuck in a swarm of Romulan Scorpion attack fighters. Their black canopies reflecting the light of the space battle around them. Dunham and the rest of Alpha flight were fighting for their necks.

The Romulan fighters swarmed around the Warbirds like Wasps around a hive and every time the LT got a Target lock tone from his ships array. He would launch a missile at the enemy warbirds only for it to be shot out of the sky or for it to hit a Scorpion fighter. Dunham thought to himself.

"This is job for Peregrine Heavy Fighters". =^= Gamma wing this is the Wing Commander. Form up behind my flight. We Alpha are going to punch you a hole through those fighters. Once you see a hole. Blast that Warbird to pieces. =^= .

=^= Roger Lieutenant =^= came the reply over the comm.

Dunham nodded to himself thoughtfully. Then switched to internal Alpha Wing Comms. =^=This is Dunham all fighters follow me. We're gonna hit them hard and fast =^=.

Dunham pulled his bird up into a steep recline then opened all missile tubes and prepped all phaser banks. He then brought his ship into a steep dive.

= USS Freedom =

Jessie was nervous as hell. She'd spent the majority of he career at deck moving from one base or colony to the next. ~What am I doing here?!~ She maintained her footing as the ship darted in turns that was putting stress on the ships structure. "Captain! All these sharp turns are putting sever stress on the nacelles. Structure integrity is falling."


"Port nacelle down to 80% sir."

"Noted! Tactical - Fire at will. Helm - Keep them off of us and set us up for another run. Lockridge, Firestorm take lead on the next run, I want a hole in their shield!"

"On it, sir." DeHavilland replied, arcing the ship again towards the D'Deridex vessel and rolling the Freedom along it's center axis and slowing their velocity a touch allowing the Lockridge and Firestorm to streak past while the Freedom began her approach.

Da`nal watched as the Firestorm and lockridge pounded the Romulan vessel continuing to fire as they broke off. "Target the escorts torpedo impact points!"

"Aye, Captain" T'Pal answered and focussed her fire at the point of impact, this time weakening their shield enough for an explosion to accur where they had hit the warbird, breaking through their shileds at that point. It was quickly repaired though, but they did some damage. "Minor damage to their outer hull, their shields at 62 percent."

= Fighter Element =

Phaser fire arced around Dunham as they engaged the Swarm of fighters. Explosions went off all arund him and suddenly the open space seemed alot more busy as fighter took on fighter to clear a hole for the bombers.

On board the Ashton Rianni was dealing with the fighter swarms herself, they'd managed to rain some serious fire down upon them and were becoming quite a nuisance, "Tactical, what's our situation?" She asked, knowing whatever it was it could be summed up in one word, bad, but she needed more information.

"We've taken some hits, shields are at 94%, but we've got four Scorpions on our tail and in missile lock range." He replied, "So, in one word, bad."

"About what I figured." Rianni sighed, getting up from the center seat and going to the helm, currently manned by an Ensign who looked like she might be twelve, "Hi, if you don't mind I'm going to take this seat for just a minute to teach you a magic trick."

"Magic trick, Ma'am?" The young Andorian woman asked, clearly puzzled.

"Yeah, watch this." Rianni smiled, she'd done stuff like this before, just never with anything as large as a Defiant class. Taking the helm she transferred all thrust controls to her station and sent the Ashton into a dive, "Everybody hang on!"

Panic spread across the bridge like wildfire, crewmembers grabbing onto anything they could while wondering if their new CO had some lingering brain damage after her coma.

Rianni snickered silently to herself, ~They probably all think I'm crazy or retarded. Well, time to show them.~

"Captain," Tactical called out, "We have incoming missiles, Scorpion fighters have their guns at full power."

"Just.....a....." Rianni muttered as she sent the Ashton into another dive and flattened out, bringing the Ashton to a full stop "SECOND!" The missiles and the fighters that launched them flew overhead and past them, the missiles impacting into other Romulan ships while the fighters flew straight into the Ashton's gunsights, "FIRE!!!!!!"

Tactical didn't even waste a second carrying out her orders, opening up on the Scorpions with guns blazing, destroying three and causing the pilot to eject from the fourth seconds before it exploded.

"Beam in our prisoner." Rianni ordered, "We'll take him to Lt. Gabriel when we get back to DS5." She returned controls to their usual positions and rose from the helm console, letting the Ensign have it back, " See, magic."

"Yes, Ma'am." The Andorian grinned broadly as Rianni took back the center seat.

The Ashton bridge crew began to applaud loudly before Rianni raised a hand to stop them, "Please, please, you're too kind, but hold all applause to the end. Once we're sure we've all survived."

As the Rhiandhaell moved into it's designated formation for the final time, Si'Van nodded to the Commanding officer one final time before his viewscreen switched to the stars before the vessel. Si'Van knew that the Rhiandhaell was no match for both the station and its support fighters, however they were both loyal soldiers who were given a mission to complete, and they would not simply turn and run away. They would stand their ground to the end and make the Federation pay for each inch that it sought to claim.

"Fire!" Si'Van said forcefully as the tactical officer delivered a large spread of torpedoes towards the habitat ring of the station. No doubt, it would be shielded, but even the station's considerable shield could not prevent the extensive damage that was sure to be inflicted upon the section of the station that was not heavily re-enforced with hull plating.

With the damage inflicted, Si'Van ordered the vessel to begin an engagement course for the pursuing Federation Fighters. He was determined to take along with him as many Federation souls as the Warbird could manage to capture before the ship gave out.

As the Ayhler fired, so did the Rhianndhael, but what Taibek saw, defied explanation. His jaw dropped as the photons blasted straight through the three targeted ships. He jumped to his feet, literally flying from the seat.

"Tactical, confirm targets?" He ordered as confusion added to his already dejected brain.

The tactical officer was about to respond, when the flash from 2 of the stations guardians took precedence on their current order.
"Commander..." The helmsman uttered.

Taibek dropped to his knees, lips mumbling but no words escaping from his lips. He slowly turned to look around the bridge and thoughts of his life drifted through his mind. He remembered little things in his life, but especially holding his sister and he yearned for her. In the final few seconds, he mustered himself, pulling himself upward from the floor, holding onto the arm of his command chair for support, before standing as tall as he could.

"I could not have asked for a better..........................."

The ship burst as it imploded, a white flare, encapsulating a green vapour, which ignited into a bright yellow and orange ball of flame.

The Rhianndhaell was gone.

= Ops =

Davies felt a flush of pride, as the guardian platforms growled into life and began its heavy concentration of fire upon what was the "Diplomatic" Romulan craft. He started to raise a clenched fist in the moment of glory, but he changed his mind as he began to lift his hand and started to flex his fingers, not wanting to give an outward sign of joy.

"Well done officer Petro!" He remarked without looking at the J'Naii, as he hit the comm to primary sickbay.

=^= "Sickbay, injury report!" =^= He inquired as his eyes remained transfixed on the orange red glow of what was once the Rhianndhaell

Both Sickbays received the call on their open comms which had been linked for co-ordination of medical care. Chelsea waited for Ryan to respond first.

=^= This is Ryan Milarno. Main Sickbay is full and overflowing. We have shipped as many casualties as we can to the Emergency Infirmary but Lt. Adams reports that they too are stretched past the limits and have patients spread out into the schoolroom beyond. The good news is that fatalities are not as heavy as we had first feared. =^=

=^= Adams here too, Commander, we have been keeping both infirmaries linked and in close contact. It's the best way to maximise our efforts. So far, the total casualty list is around 150 or thereabouts, but some are minor injuries of course. =^= Chelsea reported in too.

Davies nodded, the first flush of glory was replaced with a dire need to get to sickbay and see what the injuries were.

= USS Freedom =

At the far side of the battle a chain of torpedoes erupted from the station followed by a brilliant flash as a ship exploded.

"Sir, one vessel has been destroyed!" Jessie feeling were mixed, they had taken out the enemy but all those lives...gone.

Da`nal felt the exhilaration of victory. "Now its our turn!" Once again the Freedom and her remaining escort moved in on the D'deridex Class Warbird

= Ayhler =

Si'Van paused for a brief moment as he witnessed the Rhianndhaell erupt into a ball of flames and plasma. The souls lost on that vessel died while serving as loyal citizens to the Romulan Empire, their sacrifice would not be in vain.

"Tactical, give me a full spread and target the lead ship." He said as he indicated the USS Freedom as it was beginning to make another run.

"Sir, that is one of the authentic vessels." A nameless solider stated, as the ship's crew had begun to discern which vessels were real and which were holograms.

"Very well, target the underside of the vessel. It's shields will be weaker at that point. Once they break off their immediate run, I want you to begin bombarding their starboard warp nacelle, if we time this correctly it will force them to vent plasma, thereby reducing it's tactical effectiveness and maneuverability." Si'Van said as he took his seat.




The Romulan Attack Fleet

= Rhianndhaell =
Taibak ir-Elahu, Commanding Officer NPCd by Mark

= Vrelnec =
Tal’Veek, weapons officer NPCd by Michael
Nniol tr’Illialhlae, Commanding Officer & Fveirrolh tr’Illialhlae NPCd by Louise
S'Tev Sullan, chief tactical officer NPCd by Darson

= Ayhler =
Si'Van, Commanding Officer NPCd by Gabriel
Hatham S'Tarleya/Crewman NPCd by John/Aieron

The Federation Defenders
Commander David Davies by Mark

Lt. Cmdr Da`nal
Chief of Strat Ops DS5 / Commanding the USS Freedom

Ltjg "CJ" DeHavilland
Chief Flight Control Officer - USS Freedom

PO3 Jessica Logan (NPC'd by Da`nal)
Operations - USS Freedom

Lt T'Pal
CSO/Tac USS Freedom

Richard Dunham fighter Element leader

CPO Craig Ayers (npc'd by wallace)

Major James Darson

Lt. Chelsea Adams, ACMO

& Lt. Ryan Milarno, CMO (pp'd by Chelsea)

Warrant Officer Petro