Incommunicado – "You're Kidding, Right?"
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   "You're Kidding, Right?"
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Jan 31, 2012 @ 3:37pm
Location   Paris, Earth----->DS5
Timeline   3 weeks ago----->SD53 22:45
Girauna had just gotten back to Paris, her report in hand regarding the charges against Dorian of harassment of the Romulan Ambassador and her family, and reported to her Section Chief's office, only to find him gone..

"What's going on here?" She asked the very intense looking Vulcan woman sitting behind Bill's desk, "Where's Chief Crawford?"

"Well, I see I'll have to have someone review the protocols for reporting to their section chief." The Vulcan replied, "I am T'raina, your new section chief. I replaced former Section Chief Crawford when he took the job as Special Intelligence Adviser to the President four days ago..."

"Bill never mentioned a job with the President." Girauna shook her head, none of this made sense.

"You're accustomed to your superiors checking their comings and goings with you?" T'raina asked, raising that one eyebrow into the stereotypical smug Vulcan expression that annoyed the Hell out of Girauna, "Then my administration is going to be quite a change for you, Agent Girauna. Let me start by making something perfectly clear, this is the State Department, not Starfleet Intelligence, not the San Francisco police, or whatever undercover rock they found you under after the Dominion War. I've reviewed your file and, though I admit the military side of it is inordinately good, even excellent, you've been involved in entirely too much gun play and old fashioned espionage since you've been here. I have no use for your methods, Agent Girauna, and you'll find your workload severely different from the sort of thing you've become used to under former Section Chief Crawford."

"As it stands right now, I really have nothing for you." T'raina continued, "I'm in the midst of re-organizing special branch, and many of you may find yourselves looking for other assignments where you'd be more at home. Make no mistake, Agent Girauna, your days of playing 007 are over."

"Begging your pardon, Ma'am." Girauna began, fighting hard not to lash out at this arrogant bitch, "But if my record is so exemplary why am I being berated in this manner? It's against regulations for a superior to demean a subordinate, not to mention it's highly illogical."

"I do not need you to quote regulations to me, Agent Girauna." T'raina replied, adding, "You forget yourself. And I am not demeaning you, if you feel that way it's an illogical emotional reaction on your part that should be taken up with a counselor. I am merely instructing you on what your new reality in this office will be. If you can not work within the strict regimen I prescribe you will be dismissed without hesitation. As I've already stated, I have no use for your methods, and your most recent... misadventure...."

"Misadventure, Ma'am?" Girauna asked, wondering what the problem was with her mission to DS5.

"Yes, where you took a simple assignment to Deep Space Five to investigate a harassment claim and came back to Section Chief Crawford with a fairy tale about a conspiracy against a former lover by the Cardassians and Romulans." T'Raina stated, almost as though Girauna didn't know where she had been, "That misadventure."

"Ma'am, that was no 'misadventure' as you put it." Girauna fired back, she figured this bitch was going to fire her anyway, so what did she really have to lose? "I simply followed the case where it took me and reported what I had discovered, as is my prescribed duty."

"Yes." T'raina nodded, "A tapestry held together by threads of extremely flimsy circumstantial evidence."

"Which is where most cases start." Girauna said harshly, this woman was a bean counter who'd probably never been in the field in her life, let alone under fire, "And given the proper backing I could've followed those 'flimsy threads' to something concrete and exposed the disaster that's coming our way, Ma'am."

"Then follow them back to DS5, Agent Girauna." T'raina replied, "There's going to be need for a new security chief, at least temporarily, and I've decided since you already began your investigation you're the best candidate for this job." She produced a PADD from her desk and handed it to Girauna, "You're hereby reinstated to Starfleet security at the rank of Lt. Commander and re-assigned to Deep Space Five. If you find anything to bolster your case while you're there, only then will I allow you to intervene on behalf of Special Branch. Your transport leaves in one hour, Commander."

"Very well, Ma'am." Girauna nodded, standing to leave. ~This is a funny backdoor way of firing me. And they say Vulcans don't deceive.....~

T'raina nodded to Girauna and watched her leave, even though she'd not been dismissed, not that it mattered, she was glad to be rid of that troublesome woman, ~Dinosaurs of the Dominion War....~


Girauna, now clad in her Lt. Commander's uniform, stepped off the transport and onto the promenade of DS5 for the second time, this time for considerably longer. Longer than expected, too, with Dorian having been kicked out of Starfleet along the way here. ~Damn it, this goatfrack is taking on a life of it's own....~


Lt. Cdr. Girauna
Chief of Security