Things Past – The last day of a career and the first of a new life part two
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   The last day of a career and the first of a new life part two
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Sep 25, 2011 @ 12:39am
Location   Offices of Bradshaw Inc.
Timeline   two weeks after The last day of a career and the first of a new life
It had been a long couple of weeks for Wayne he had spent most of that time on a fast runabout returning to earth where his family had the main offices for their company. Normally he would have been met at the door by his father and have spent a year or so getting used to the company before taking it over himself. However a freak accident had resulted in his father being killed a week ago and so he was put into the position of being the CEO of the company right from the first day. In more ways then one he was thankfull now for all the years he had spent in the corps and the leadership it had provided him.

He sat down in his fathers seat and looked over the company he had been left, on paper it was pretty impressive. There were several frieghters, ship yards and mines that the company owned and they all looked profitable. However there were some areas that seemed to be glaring oversights in the way things were run. The freighters regularly carried valuable cargo but were next to totally undefended from possible pirate attacks which were a huge hazzard in some of the areas that the company worked in.

To that end Wayne contacted some old friends in the corps mostly officers and NCO's who were looking to retire and offered them a job with his company as a security force. To his surprise almost every man he talked to was more then willing and in short order he had a decent sized security force that he could deploy onto his ships and stations. In the span of a day he had started the changes that would change his company for the better in the years to come. He sat back and relaxed for the first time and gave himself a chance to morn his father.