Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Guess who
by Arrival Lawrence McKinney

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Title   Guess who
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Arrival Lawrence McKinney
Posted   Wed Nov 12, 2008 @ 1:11am
Location   The Dragon's wing
Timeline   SD3 1630 hours

A friend had tipped Lawrence off to the perfect smuggling opportunities this region of space provided. Compared to other sections of the Romulan border the stretch to the galactic north of the typhoon expanse was relatively unguarded. Starfleet tried to compensate but any criminal knew that being caught by the romulans was a death sentence while being caught by the federation meant a nice little vacation to club fed.
Not to mention all the completely unguarded independent worlds close by all in all this was a corner of the galaxy that could do with a few good smuggling rings. ‘Well I don’t know about a few smuggling rings but give me a few years of good business and I’ll be able to buy my own romulan senator’ Lawrence thought to himself. “Are you still thinking about that senator” asked a short kid sitting in the co-pilots “you realize you could just buy a small colony and settle down“. “I could but I have wanted to be rich enough to buy a senator since I was your age” Lawrence shot back. “What would you even do with a senator” the kid asked. “Well I don’t know Jimmy I just wanted one since I was a kid” Lawrence responded wistfully. “One if you were my age you wouldn’t be a kid and why would someone my age want a senator” Jimmy said annoyed. “I don’t know to do senator stuff” Lawrence said annoyed.
“Incoming freighter bearing 79483.9 your transponder has suffered a malfunction state your name and business” came the hail from the starbase. “Jimmy did you forget to turn on our transponder after that last run” Lawrence said accusingly. “Go switch it on” Lawrence yelled.
“Our apologies DS5 we suffered a minor power fluxions it should be repaired momentarily” Lawrence lied smoothly. “Your information” said the curt voice from the station. “We are the SS Dragon’s wing out of Dorvan we are caring 5 tons of yammock sauce to the SS Blue moon” Lawrence said glad he was actually doing something legal for once.
“Alright Dragon’s wing your information checks out” The voice came after a lengthy pause. “However the Blue moon is still a day out” the communications officer said. “Are the accommodations I requested ready” Lawrence eager to get off the ship after to weeks of travel. “You are cleared to dock at civilian bay 33 and the rooms and storage facilities you requested are ready a member of the housing authority will meet you in the bay with further information”. “Roger that DS5 Dragon’s wing out” Lawrence said. “So what took you so long” Lawrence said glaring at Jimmy “as he walked back into the cockpit”
Lawrence took the long silence as a victory as he guided the wing into the shuttle bay. “Well let’s get this over with” Lawrence said to himself as he and Jimmy walked down the boarding ramp. “Hi I’m Wendy” said a person around Lawrence’s age that looked liked she was about to explode with shear peppiness. ‘Try not to kill to much cheer must murder’ Lawrence thought to himself but actually said “Hi Wendy I am Captain McKinney”. “Well here is your room assignments sir and you such a cute boy would you like a tour” the young women said in a voice that was so happy it would drive any sane person to murder. “NO” yelled Lawrence and Jimmy at exactly the same time “a we mean no thanks you mam”. “We are really tired and would just like to retire to our rooms” Jimmy jumped in. “Good save” Lawrence said to Jimmy when they were out of earshot.


A post by local smuggler
Lawrence McKinney
Now looking for a job
price negotiable
“Wink wink”