Beg, Steal or Borrow – Passing the Torch
by Commander Rakka & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Passing the Torch
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Rakka & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Mon Feb 16, 2009 @ 1:49am
Location   Da'nal's Office and the corridors of DS5
Timeline   SD8 - 0900 hrs.
Rakka had spent the last half hour scrambling about in her preparations for her unexpected departure. She loathed having this happen now, when the whole Romulan thing had hit the fan, but as she had discussed with Isha, there was only so much she could do about it other than make sure her department was ready. And right now, it was more important to make sure Da'nal was ready.

She chimed at his office and tapped her foot anxiously, waiting.

Turning as he hung the Bat'leth given to him from his father (replica of the actual Sword of Kahles - forged on Boreth) to greet whoever was there. "Enter."

Rakka stepped in and approached his desk, wasting no time. "I don't have long to talk, but there are... important things... to discuss. First and foremost... I need to leave the station. It... it's rather sudden, and inconvenient, I know, but... I was hoping you could keep an eye on things in Security... at least for a little while, until someone can take my place."

Seeing that there was indeed something urgent behind her request he replied without hesitation. "I will offer any assistance you require. My I ask why you seem sooo...rushed?"

"It's... it's not something that needs to be common knowledge," she said in a low voice. "Let's just say I've got some unpleasant folks on my tail... and I need to make sure they don't get here. Ther are too many people here I care about." She cleared her throat and handed him a PADD. "This contains everything I know about the Romulan situation. Isha at the Consulate should keep you informed if she comes up with anything else. Someone's been accused of stealing items from one of the Romulan ships and that the goods are somewhere on the station. Fortunately, Romulan vessels give off a unique energy signatures that would be left behind on any object that's recently come from one--I've begun a station-wide scan for this energy signature so in a few hours you should know if there's anything here from that ship."

Taking the PADD. "Romulan situation? You'll have to forgive me I just reported in this morning." The fact that she was in a hurry was obvious. "Do you have time to bring me up to speed or should I contact the Consulate?"

"Everything you need should be on that PADD, but I'll give the the quick version," Rakka decided. "Two Romulan ships have been cloaked outside the station for some time, for unknown reasons. A third, identifying itself as a 'missionary vessel', has made itself known and yesterday issued its demands through Isha. They are claiming property of theirs has been stolen by a Federation vessel, and plan to take 'appropriate action' should it not be returned today. We are expecting to hear more from them, but until then there is little we can do other than be prepared. We have also been warned of a possible internal threat within the Consulate, but Isha has her doubts about this. At any rate, I'm not sure how much of this I believe, or how much can be done about it, particularly since The Tal'Shiar are already involved. Usually that means it's already too late."

Romulans....'appropriate action' that usually wasn't a good thing "I see. Very well." Shaking the PADD. "Thank you, I will see to this, and inform the senior staff of your request at the meeting in 1000 hrs. Now lets get you out of here."

Escorting her from Stat Ops he asked further questions. "You've been here awhile. If there is any one person I can turn to who would that be? If the Romulans..the Tal'Shiar are planning something I need to know who I can trust."

"I need to stop by my quarters and take care of a few things before I leave," she said. She thought about his question and suddenly found it very difficult.

"It's a sad state of affairs, I suppose, when I struggle to think of someone trustworthy," said Rakka. "I wouldn't normally trust Isha, but she knows her people, and that's going to be an asset. I wouldn't trust everything she says, but I do believe she plans to assist if she... feels able. No one who lives on this station wants to see it in danger."

She thought for a few more moments. "I would trust no one more than Captain Tahir... except that she's away at the moment. Otherwise... I believe Commander T'Lan can be trusted, though I've only known her a short time. One thing I must make clear, however, is that the information passed on to me by Isha cannot be common knowledge. She brought it to me in confidence... and I only have her leave to bring it to you, and to Ms. Ayren Kelan, our diplomat. I believe you can count on Ayren as well. We will need some diplomatic skills in what's to come, I'm sure. For now... just make sure the station is as ready as it can be for Romulan 'company'."

"Of that you can be assured of, and I will not betray you confidence. Da'nal had a only a short time to get what information he could. What can you tell me of the Marine contingent here?"

Rakka sighed. "Major Darson fancies himself quite a character. You'll soon see what I mean, I'm sure. He acts like a buffoon, but his Marines are well-organized and useful in a crisis. However... I believe they're beginning to step beyond their bounds. They need to back off a little. As does Intelligence. Lt. Gabriel seems to think himself the only competent officer here, though I've seen him contribute little other than criticizing others. There are a few here with inflated views of their own power."

Da'nal listened intently as they made their way through the station. He would have to see things for himself of course but for the time being he would obseve things for himself. As the 'outsider' he would be able to see thing from a prespective that others could not. "That's good to know." Changing the subject he returned to why she was leaving. "You said that there were individuals after you. You know if you keep running, you will always be running. I don't mean to intrude into your affairs but I have friends that have considerable contacts. Perhaps they could be of assistance?"

Rakka swallowed. "I don't know... it's a... sensitive matter. For now, I just... need to divert them away from this place. There are too many people I care about here. I know I can't run my whole life, but when I do have to face up to them, I'm not letting anyone else get caught in the crossfire. They want something from me, and they're not the type of people to stop until they get it."

"Just don't forget that you have allies here....If need be the resources of my House and my allies are at your disposal."

"I... I do appreciate it," she said, looking down at him sincerely. "But I... I've been 'rescued' once before. I'm not sure it will be a solution this time."

""You misunderstand me. I do not mearly refer to rescue but resolution. There comes a time where one must make a stand; not only for themselves but for those they care about. Contact General D'Groth of Klingon Internal security....ask for Charghwl'IH. They can both be have my word."

Rakka considered this for a few moments. She knew she had to get away for now, but in the future.... "Very well. It may come to that one day. Thank you."

"You are welcome. If there is anything else I can do let me know. As the son to the head of a Klingon House I hold Ambassadorial status in addition to my rank in Star Fleet. If needs be I will use that status to assist you should have the need." They stepped out of the turbolift and onto the main crew quarters level. "Which ship are you heading out on."

"I'll be taking the Pollux until I can catch up with the Castor," she replied, and stopped when they reached her quarters. "Well... I hope I haven't left too much of a mess in your hands. I certainly regret that I won't get the chance to work alongside you. So far I'm much more impressed than I was with the last Starfleet Klingon I met."

"You never know what the future may hold, we may still get the opportunity to work together." He had alot to do in a short amount of time. He needed to speak with this Romulan that Rakka had mentioned, but that would have to wait until after the upcoming staff meeting. "Well I guess I will leave you now....Until next time then."

Rakka let out a breath, suddenly feeling unreasonably sentimental over someone she'd just met. She wanted to tell him that her relationship with yInchu' was over, but what purpose would that serve now?

"Yes... good luck," she said simply