Judgement – Walking with Cougars
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Min Zhao & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   Walking with Cougars
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Min Zhao & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Tue May 31, 2011 @ 8:43am
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD37 1900
Happy hour was in full swing, and the bar was filling up when Edward took his place at the dabo table. Ahjess was on the next table, trying to watch the wheel and Edward's table at the same time.

Min, now suitably disguised as 'Leah,' stepped into the bar and looked around as if to find someone she knew. Seeing Jess over by the bar, she smiled and approached her. "Jess! I'd heard rumors you were here."

Jessica stood at the cue, moved over to Min. "Hello!" They exchanged air kisses. "It's lovely to see you. Are you on station for business? Tell me you didn't come just to spin the Dabo wheel and check out Ahjess's backside?"

"Ahjess is here?" Min broadly grinned. "I just concluded a business deal here, so I think I could be persuaded to give the wheels a try. I assume the wheels are a fair as they were at Krupps?"

"Better. The Boss isn't a Ferengi. Ahjess!" she called out as she walked Min past Edward's table. "Look who it is!"

Ahjess didn't take his eyes from the baize until Jessica had touched him on the arm, to signal she had the table. "Leah? is that you?" he gushed, making sure it was loud enough for anyone standing near Edward to hear. "What are you doing here?"

"Enjoying a well earned break after a business deal went through. Rumors were floating around you two had moved here so I had to check them out for myself."

"Well, I'm glad you did." He replied. then he turned her round and pushed her towards Edward's table. "There's someone you should meet. Since you like yours with a bit more mileage..." He pushed Min into a gap next to Edward, on the opposite side to the woman they suspected was the centre of the trouble. "Edward, hold the table a sec. I want you to meet a high roller."

Edward overheard the rehearsed conversation with Min and Ahjess, so he was ready when they approached. "High roller, huh? Hello there, beautiful," His hand paused over the Dabo wheel as if he were just about to spin it, and he gave her his most charming smile. "I'm Edward. And who might you be?" He flicked a glance at the woman to his right and noted her expression.

Min made a point of looking Edward over head to toe before replying. She smiled at Edward and offered him her hand. "Close friends call me Leah."

"Leah... such a lovely name." He lifted her hand to his lips, giving her a wink as he kissed it. Internally he was admiring the artificial age spots that completed her transformation. Nice touch. Her disguise, to his view, was strikingly convincing.

"Would you care to join us, my dear? We were just about to give the naughty wheel a spin and see who gets lucky tonight." He grinned and with a wave of his hand, included the other ladies around his table. It allowed him to look at his companion to the right, who was openly scowling.

Min found a seat opposite the ladies who were her target. She gave her hands a small shake and a smile aimed at the ladies. "Let's see if the wheel is as lucky as business has been."

"It's running cold so far." The one opposite her said, "Shirelle's been here since opening, and she's only got slips to show for it."

Shirelle, the loose skin on her neck quivering, laughed. "Depends if all your counting's money." The rest of the women around the table cackled agreement. Shirelle lent forward conspiratorially. "Eddie here got his heart broken. A customer came in with not one but two guys on her arm, and neither of them old enough to be her husband. I think he saw his tips go up in smoke so we're cheering up by throwing money at his wheel." More dirty, knowing cackling.

The sudden realization that Shirelle was talking about his wife, Ai'lani, and Kaelin didn't help Edward's mood any. He pasted his smile on with every effort at his disposal - but bit the inside of his cheek, as well. "You gals are doing a great job at cheering me up, too. I couldn't ask for better consolation."

He gave the wheel a spin, noting carefully where each players chits were placed. There would be no slip-shod attention paid on his game tonight. No, he hoped with Min's help that this little geriatric thieving ring would be caught red handed. His smile turned to a genuine smirk as he realized the mental pun he'd just made. Their hands might not be truly red, but the thin skin showed every blood vessel and ligament, as if it were made of parchment.

"Let's see if we can't heat the table up."

Min placed a few of her slips on various points around the dabo wheel. She'd read up on the game the night before but was pretty sure she'd come across as an amateur relatively quick. She watched closely as each of the ladies also placed their bets.

Shirelle through down her chips like confetti, and gave Min a deep nudge in the ribs. “Don’t be cautious. Best way to warm the wheel is generosity with the cash.”

“Best way to warm the boy who spins it too,” cackled another. “Ain’t that right Blanche?”

Blanche turned out to be the woman opposite Min, who only gave Edward a predatory smile. “Oh I can think of other things.” And she pushed a large stack down the table to the end. It was a high risk bet, but guaranteed Edward would have to practically stretch himself prostrate across the table to get it. Whether by accident or design, Yolanthe’s dabo tables didn’t come with very long rakes.

The wheel completed it's rotation, stopping on one of Shirelle's numbers. "Dabo!!" Edward called out, and began the traditional clapping to congratulate the winner. As the others joined in, Edward exchanged a quick but meaning-filled glance with Min. He hoped she'd get the message to keep an eye on Blanche.

"Looks like you're a winner, my dear," he passed Shirelle her complement of strips, a modest win. As he began pulling the losing bets toward him, he eyed the far side of the wheel where the large stack of strips from Blanche was located. It represented quite a loss for the woman, and he wondered how she could afford it.

With Edward stretched out across the table, it was Shirelle who made the move, not Blanche, moving to swipe the chips he was pulling back in under the cover of reorganizing her own. But at the last minute, Edward's position changed, and Shirelle's hand was trapped by his hip against the baize.

Min watched as the round unfolded. She pretended to keep a close eye on the wheel and that's when she noticed that it wasn't Blanche who'd made the move. And with her hand caught she'd be able to deny she'd tried something.

Leaning over the table she planted a kiss on Edward's cheek and suggestively running a finger down the front of his jacket whispered in his ear, loud enough for the girls to hear. "Maybe you should try your luck on me next time."

Momentarily shocked, he pulled back - and in the process, unknowingly releasing Shirelle's trapped hand. His mouth, which had dropped open at the unexpected response from his little spy, closed with a click of his teeth. He faltered a smile, covering his surprised reaction. "Sometimes I press my luck just by breathing, my dear." It was the only thing he could think of to say, and only half pithy.

Min pulled away from Edward, an evil grin playing across her face. "We shall see young man. We shall see." Looking over at the ladies, "Shall we play another hand?"

Blanche and Shirelle exchanged very brief glances, before hurriedly agreeing.

As Edward set up the wheel and the players started putting down the chips, Shirelle scooted closer to Min. "Thanks," she whispered. "I owe you."

Watching out of the corner of his eye, Edward saw the woman's move and whisper. It made him wonder what that little exchange was all about. "Pot's right, ladies. Time to spin."

They played the next few spins straight, nobody taking any silly risks, and eventually Blanche picked up her purse. "Well, I think I'm needing a drink. Why don't you come sit with us, Leah, we'll get some cocktails, get that adorable child with the long hair to bend over for us a few times." The old women cackled agreement and headed away from the tables towards the couches on the other side of the bar. Shirelle put her arm around Min, "Come on honey. I owe you."


A JP Between

Played by Min Zhao


Blanche, Shirelle, and the Granny Brigade
NPCs by Notty


Edward Stapleton
Dabo Boy Extraordinaire
Box of Delights, DS5
(NPC by Charlene)

The Staff of the Box of Delights
NPCs by Notty