Intermission – Balancing the Books
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Balancing the Books
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Feb 27, 2014 @ 10:18pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD101 0400

"And that," Edward Stapleton said with relief, "is that."

Yolanthe and Edward sat on the floor of her office at the Box of Delights, surrounded by padds and the dregs of a bottle of wine. She leant back against her desk and raised her glass. "Here's to a balanced book."

He clinked his glass against hers. "I wish there was more profit."

"We paid off the loan I had to start this, and covered all our costs." Not to mention the mysterious brick of latinum that had turned up. She'd turned it into smaller denomination and now it sat in the safe under the rug, ready in case of emergencies, or if none happened, then a nice boost to her retirement pot. "I'm ahead of where I thought I'd be this time last year."

"At least someone is." Edward swallowed the last of his wine. "I feel like I've gone backward."

The bokkai drank as well. "I'm sorry about you and Bridget."

He shrugged. "It was inevitable, my hours, her hours. I still hope she'll change her mind."

"If she does, I hope you won't leave me. I couldn't run this place without you."

"Its certainly interesting, and a whole lot more comfortable now I don't have to wear those trousers."

Yolanthe turned blue and laughed. "But you looked so good."

Edward snorted, "If I bent over fast they would have burst."

She sniggered. "That's kind of the point. Its for distracting the old dears."

Edward groaned. "Ugh. Do you remember those old biddies?"

"They scammed you good." she said. "Min and you sewed them up nicely though."

"Yes we did. Have you heard from her?"

The bokkai nodded. "She's gone back to starfleet. And there was a baby on the way. It might have arrived by now. She seemed happy enough. New man and all that.."

"Young love." Edward sighed. "You know this year is probably going to have a slow start. With all the uncertainty in the beta quadrant, there's a lot less traffic coming in. And those that do are already spending less."

"Something will turn up." She stretched out her legs and pushed her boots off with her toes, relaxing. "One thing you can say about DS5, is that its never dull."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Edward Stapleton
Assistant Manager, The Box of Delights