Interlude – Grim Discovery
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Grim Discovery
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 23, 2010 @ 12:32am
Location   Promenade Level Three
Timeline   SD 34 2200

Mercy was so thrilled with her puppy. Bryan had taken to him too! He was a mischievous little scamp but then he wasn't even three months old yet. Mercy and Bryan had begun to undertake the training together and were making sure they were consistent in the words they used and the habits they got him into. Bryan had said it was important and Mercy was *always* keen to agree with and hang on, every word Bryan said.

Tonight, he was with Counsellor t'Jay and Mercy was taking little 'Titan' whose name he had yet to grow into, for a walk. It was possible to exercise him in their quarters on the treadmill and Mercy and Bryan did this a lot, hiking along country path scenarios in the comfort of their living area with the aid of holo-projectors and pre-set programs that they had managed to obtain from a man on the promenade. However, Titan also needed to be socialised and his 'real' walks attracted him a great deal of attention and admiration around the station.

The services zone of the promenade was a place of no glamour whatsoever. Here the maintenance crew dealt with the detritus of the promenade shops and their customers. It contained the recycling units, access to life support and power distributions, and also the chemical waste processor. As a result it was the easiest place to let a puppy be a puppy as the means to deal with the mess were close to hand, and didn't inconvenience any other promenade user.

At this hour it was deserted. The Cleaning crews wouldn't be around for a few more hours, and no-one else came here unless they had too. Unlike the rest of the Promenade it was cramped and dark, and the air smelt nasty, as if the cleaners couldn't be bothered to replace the filters as often as they should.

The puppy trotted up to a corner by the chemical waste dump, and sniffed it industriously before raising a leg.

"Go Nicely" Mercy told him, the words they were teaching him to associate with relieving himself so that later he could be encouraged to do it in appropriate places under guidance.

She looked to see if he had 'done his business' with the intention of cleaning it up with her little recyclable 'poop bag' when she suddenly realised that what he had cocked his little leg against wasn't the usual disposable absorbent rubbish covering.

A closer looked revealed that the puppy's doings was soaking into a dark fabric. The puppy, also examining his work, begin to sniff more closely, and then dig into the detritus surrounding it. A few bags of rubbish waiting for dematerializarion rolled away, and Mercy was suddenly looking at a leg poking out from the pile, with a bare foot. the foot was green, not with putrescence, it seemed natural. The toenails were painted pink.

"OH MY GOD!" Mercy squealed and leapt backwards, tugging on Titan's lead to drag him away from what he was showing a morbid interest in sniffing with indelicate enthusiasm.

Looking around for someone to help, Mercy staggered back towards the Promenade and bumped right into the perfect person to answer her needs.

"Ohh... Thank God.... there's... it's... pink and green... and ... " suddenly she was too overcome to even continue with making no sense at all. She just rocked forward and threw up all over the shiny shoes of the bewildered Security officer she'd just attached herself to by grabbing his sleeve and tugging it with the same intensity as Titan had grabbed his trouser leg and begun tugging at that too.

The security guard took her arm to support her whilst she heaved, taking care to avoid any more splashes. "What are you talking about. What's pink and green?"

Mercy was all apologies. "I'm SO sorry... I'm so..... " she tried to say, with some but not total success. Overcome with embarrassment she desperately tried to settle her stomach by holding it from the outside. This didn't help stop it, but it was more comfortable at least.

"Oh my God... " she gasped. "I'm SOOO sorry... " She wiped her mouth on her handkerchief, pulled from up her sleeve. "It's.... she's.... a leg... a woman's leg... blue.... with pink toenails.... it's HORRIBLE!" she pointed towards the recessed corridor she had just come from.

"Show me."

Mercy stood unsteadily on her own and haltingly went back, puppy running along beside her un-noticed, his little tail wagging at the thought of more play. She took the officer almost all the way but stood a few feet back pointing to the grisly sight.

The security officer examined the leg for a second and then gingerly moved another bag. It unseated a small heap of garbage, bagged and unbagged that rolled around their ankles.

And it revealed that the leg was still attached to its owner. Mercy recognised her instantly, the sassy little Orion woman who ran the holosuites at the box of delights.

Klia's eyes were staring, seeing nothing. Her mouth was open, hanging loosely. She didn't look asleep. Everything was too still, too slack, her limbs sprawling across the floor at odd angles that no living person could tolerate holding for long. She looked dead. Worse than dead: extinguished.

"KLIA!" Mercy sobbed, suddenly realising that *worse* than an horrific find, Titan had unearthed the dreadful end that someone she knew had come to. It was all too much and Mercy was on the point of fainting. She swayed and reached out to steady herself on the wall as the Security Guard called in for back-up and medical assistance.

"You know her?" The security officer turned her away from the gruesome spectacle.

"Y... ye...s." Mercy replied wishing Bryan were here. "Her name is .... Klia... she began to breathe more normally, making a huge effort to get calm again. "Sh....she's from the..Box... " she picked up Titan's trailing lead. "The Box of Delights... i think she's a partner of Yolanthe's..."

The Security officer nodded, noting to himself to let his superiors know. Even as they spoke, his colleagues were arriving to secure the crime scene. "You'll need to come to security, make a statement."

"I understand" Mercy sighed, resigned to the paperwork. It was something she knew a lot about from her Administrative job. "Can I take Titan home first and tell my partner where I've got to?" She asked.

The man looked down at the little puppy who was keen to explore the evidence, straining at the lead Mercy had wrapped round her hand. "Yes, but don't be long. I'll tell the front desk to expect you in fifteen minutes."

"Of course" Mercy replied and set off as fast as she could for the quarters she shared with Bryan, noting the time on the chronometer at the top of the Promenade as she passed.


A JP Between:

CWO (2) Mercedes Denoublier
NPC'd by Jools


Klia, Titan, and security officer
npc'd by Notty