Beg, Steal or Borrow – Found you....
by Commander Rakka

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Title   Found you....
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Rakka
Posted   Sun Feb 08, 2009 @ 7:57pm
Location   Security Office
Timeline   SD8, 0700 hrs.
Ready to sink her teeth into the Romulan problem, Rakka marched to her office. She nearly stepped on the small envelope leaning against her office door, but noticed it just in time. She bent over to pick it up. Unmarked, nondescript. There was a small bulge inside. She stepped over to reception with it.

"What's this? Where did it come from?" she demanded of the receptionist.

The woman squinted at the object. "I have no idea--where did you get it?"

"It was right there by my door. Did someone come by here recently?"

"Not that I've seen." She shrugged.

Growling, she stepped out into the main corridor. "Does anyone know what the hell this is?" she roared, catching the attention of everyone nearby.

A sea of blank looks was her answer.

With a grunt, she retreated into her office and sat at her desk, ripping the envelope open. A small isolinear chip dropped out onto the surface of her desk. She examined it briefly--the technology looked slightly unfamiliar, but it looked like it would be compatible. She slipped it into her computer's port and gave it a quick scan for viruses or other malicious elements.

The only thing the chip contained was a audio-visual transmission. She started it.

There was a visual of an interior of a ship. She examined the details briefly but did not recognize it as belonging to any race or faction she was familiar with.

A tall figure stepped into view. Rakka reeled back in her chair, breathless.

"Hello, little girl," the male Nausicaan rasped. "Surprised? You shouldn't be. You know I don't let an insult go so easily." He leaned toward the screen. "It has taken me this many years to track you down, daughter, and I will savour your punishment. Prepare yourself to come along quietly. No doubt you will prove as defiant as you always were... but I know just how to make my little girl cooperate."

He held up a small, furry catlike animal, which struggled and screamed in his tight grasp. "Oh, your heart bleeds for the weak, does it not? Can you possibly bear to see their suffering?" He squeezed the animal tighter and tighter until its shrieks were cut to silence. "That bothered you, didn't it? How much more will you hurt when I have your loved ones in my hands? Yes... I think you will cooperate. See you soon, darling."

The camera zoomed out and swept briefly across the room, revealing a score of other Nausicaans, many of which Rakka recognized with horror. She felt a light sweat breaking out on her forehead as the video ended. She popped out the chip, ready to have it examine minutely to find out where it came from, but dropped it quickly as it grew unbearably hot. She watched it spark and melt into a useless puddle of nothing on the service of her desk.

Her panicked mind went to Petro. If they reached this place, surely it would not take them long to find that Petro was her greatest weakness. She curled up in her chair and wracked her brain.

After half an hour of thinking, she had come to only one solution. The only way to protect her loved ones was to remove herself from them. She had to leave, and soon.

If she hurried, she could catch up with Tasha's vessel bound for Earth. It would be a good place to 'disappear' until she could figure out her next move. But she could not do this without first speaking with her CO.

She opened up a long-range channel.
