Beg, Steal or Borrow – Mind Storm
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Mind Storm
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Wed Feb 04, 2009 @ 2:01am
Location   Jarred Wallace's Quarters
Timeline   SD7 20:00


Jarred looked up at Claire and let his thoughts betray him ~Wanna go some where more private?~

She blushed but nodded.


Jarred stood and offered a hand to help Claire up, ~your place or mine?~

~I haven't even moved into mine properly...~

~mine then...I'm moved in, I guess~ jarred snickered

She took his hand and stood. ~Lead the way.~

As the turbo lift slid open Jarred looked at Claire and laughed, ~how are you with Klingon Bloodwine?~

~Umm...~ She replied blushing a deep scarlet.

~You snuck a bottle into the dorms too huh?~

Claire laughed, ~No, that was Zorana's idea...she's the rebel...reluctant but a rebel nonetheless.~

~Come on.~ Jarred took her hand and led her into his Spartan quarters. ~This is more or less it, I haven't had a chance to do much with the decor~

~More than what I have done with my place.~ She replied as she walked in and looked around. ~What exactly is Zorana doing for you, I know that there is more than keeping a watchful eye on the Captain. She is my sister for all intents and purposes.~ She looked at him.

Jarred held up a dark colored bottle ~Sounds like Zorana has been more of your guardian angel than a sister.~ Jarred poured two cups and passed one to Claire.

~Thanks. Jarred she is the only family I have, I can't be prepared for that kind of lose.~ She looked around and saw the Klingon knives and swords. ~You an avid collector?~

~Not Really. These are all from my time aboard the Kar'gah, Three Bathleth, two different knives, and the Mekleth. Made my way up to something close to Lieutenant in the Klingon service.~ Jarred boasted.

~Interesting...~ Was all she could say, she was still worried about the mission that Jarred had sent Zorana on. She took a sip from her glass.

Jarred took a mouthful from his cup and looked at the smaller woman, her feminine curves were pleasing tothe eyes, he had to be respectful though, ~never seen this much Klingon cutlery close up before have you?~

~I have only seen it once.~ She gringed even with Zorana gone thoughts of Frederick popped into her head.

Jarred could sense the sad feelings from Claire, it wasn't hard to sense, ~You gonna be ok?~

~Yeah.~ She took a swig. ~The only other person that had this kind of weapons was Frederick. It still makes Zorana upset, images that flood her mind also flood mine.~

~It seems pretty strong with you,~ Jarred placed a hand on her shoulder.

~Her emotions roll of her like waves, I can take away those feelings from her and they become my own. It's a rare gift of our kind to do what I can do. I make it easier for her, lessen the pain.~

Jarred placed his other hand on her shoulder, his fingers massaging her shoulders ~sometimes you need to take care of yourself first.~

~No, she took care of me first, it's my turn to take care of her.~ How could she make him understand, how could she show him?

~But who's gonna take care of you now?~ Jarred could feel the tension in her shoulders start to drain away.

~I've always taken care of myself~ She sighed, ~life as an orphan isn't easy Jarred.~

~Maybe you need some help, it's easy to say your ok alone, its far better to ask for help when you need it.~ Jarred turned to stare into her eyes.

~What do you want me to say?~ She asked, she only just met him but knew him through Zorana's eyes. Even with Zorana there by her side she was still alone.

~Maybe you need someone, to lean on.~

She sighed, there was nothing more to say or think.

Jarred's hands made there way up to her cheeks, ~Sometimes you gotta be yourself.~

~I....~ She wanted to say that she couldn't but she couldn't find the strength.

~It's ok.~ Jarred responded pulling her close.

No it's not! She wanted to scream at him, how was it ok? She had been taking care of herself for so long how could she let someone else in now?

~Everyone needs someone, its just a matter of time, you can't hide behind work and the past forever Claire, you've gotta let go and start to feel for yourself.~ Jarred just stood hoping his words might help.

~Like you?~ She asked, she asked stepping over the line. She had already seen everything. She knew that he would throw himself into the most dangerous missions just to compensate.

~I've never had a reason to come back, maybe I need one.~ Jarred half smiled as his thoughts joined hers. the ghosts of her past filled his mind, jarred knew her pain, and shared his, the personal hell he lived for the last two years.

She bowed her head, a single tear fell to her cheek.

Jarred brushed the tear away with his finger, the warmth of it filled him with some strange sensation, he looked into her tear filled eyes and wasn't sure what she was thinking.

Her mind was a mix of emotions, hers and his and it was chaos.

Jarred felt something deep within both of them, he wasn't sure what it was, he knew something was very present, something primal. Their lips met in an empathic firestorm, or was it something else. He didn't know.

~No Jarred, I can't, please.~ She wouldn't allow herself this, not now. She wasn't prepared for this, she needed to breath and think. She needed his touch but it felt overwhelming. Claire wanted to step back but her feet were cemented to the floor.

~I'll stop if you want me, say something, anything.~ struggled against the sensory overload.

~Then let go.~ And with those words she went limp in his arms.

Claire felt her legs give out first, the darkness started closing in around her. She was experiencing an overload, she had allowed her mind to be open to everything, she had lost complete control.

Jarred picked her up and laid her on the nearby couch, he could sense the fire storm in her mind, multiple, strong impulses, Jarred found it hard to resist the stronger images that filled her mind, his mind began to fill with the same feelings, the same strange energy.

Claire felt all the emotions from Jarred, from Zorana and from herself. She hadn't released that much emotional turmoil before, it had all built up inside and was now swirling around her mind. Claire was experiencing a mind storm.

Jarred tried to close his mind to the the uncontrolled thoughts, ~you must let go, stop the fire, focus on my words, not the thoughts of others around you, let go of it all, you must let go.~ Jarred's mind screamed in agony.

Claire tried to regain control over the emotions that bombarded her, she was hurting Jarred and she could feel it. She wanted to close her mind but she couldn't, it was hurting the both of them. Claire focused her mind bottling the emotions again so she couldn't hurt Jarred. She focused on his voice, his words to bring her back from the storm.

The pain subsided, or did it? Jarred felt the flury of emotions fade, but it wasn't completely gone. Jarred looked at Claire, "what was that?"

Claire slowly opened her eyes. "A mind storm. I lost control and all of your emotions, mine and Zorana's were let loose." She whispered, "I'm so sorry." She said as she tried to sit up.

"I never really tried to develop my abilities, now I know why mom never got emotionally involved with anyone but her family." Jarred observed.

"I took on too much Jarred, I tried to relieve your pain too. It was too much. I'm sorry." She kept apologizing, her body and mind were weak and her head ached.

"Sit down for a few minutes, your looking really weak." Jarred propped himself up, he hadn't felt this bad since he tried to keep up with the Crew of the Kar'gah on a short-lived shore leave.

"I can't expose you to that again. I am weak but I need...if I was to loose control again Jarred..." She didn't know how to finish it, she didn't want to risk his mind again. She stood up and took a step, she caught herself on the chair before she went head over feet. "Oh." She put her free hand to her forehead, she felt faint.

Jarred stood up and caught her, he looked at her, "Careful, are you going to be ok?"

"I think so, I just can't risk hurting you again."

Jarred scooped her up and carried her over too the nearby bed, "rest here for now, its not worth exerting yourself tonight." As he pulled the blanket over her he looked at her. "Just sleep." He walked over to the couch sat down, picked up the half finished cup of bloodwine and stared out the window again, his thoughts wandering to the young lady laying in his bed.

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie (Played by Mandy)
ACIO Jarred Wallace