Beg, Steal or Borrow – Flying *diplomats* ....
by Lieutenant T'Pal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Flying *diplomats* ....
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Wed Aug 05, 2009 @ 7:54pm
Location   Flight deck
Timeline   Late DS9 After the "Diplomacy Flight and Dinner" log
"By the way... you got beautiful hair," Ayren said. "It suits your personality," she commented while she pulled the flight suit onto her legs. Her heart was actually beating fast from excitement and nerves. Not that she had any logical reason to be nervous, but she was.

"What a pair we make." Rianni laughed, "We both like the other's hair. Want to trade?" She pulled her flightsuit up and zipped it tight, "There we go, ready whenever you are. I think we'll take one of the Valkyries out for a spin, show you what it can do. Maybe we'll even do some target shooting, got to be some space junk floating around here somewhere."

Zipping up she grinned. "Shooting? Yay! I can live with that," she said. "I am ready." She could sense how passionate Rianni was about flying and a soft smile appeared around her lips. That was the part she enjoyed of her senses, to be able to share the feelings and emotions of others, which in this case, created a fuller picture of this stunning person she barely knew.

"Yeah, I never get an objections to that offer." Rianni smiled, stepping closer to Ayren to adjust something on her flight suit, "There we go, perfect. Looks like you've been flying for years." Reaching into her locker Rianni pulled out a helmet for Ayren and her Green Lantern helmet, "This is the finishing touch. Now, NOW we fly!"

All Ayren could do was grin from ear to ear as she took the helmet and hooked her arm through Rianni's as they walked towards the flight deck. "I am as excited as a kid!" she said in all honesty.

"Me, too." Rianni giggled, though admittedly her excitement was for other reasons, the beautiful CDO had definitely been on her mind since their meeting, "I figure we'll let you do some target blasting, a little flying, maybe even help me land this thing. Give me a couple months, we'll have you ready for a solo, another month or two after that, we'll have you able to solo every craft on this station." She thought for just a second about leaning over and kissing Ayren, but didn't have the courage at the moment for so bold a move, ~Maybe after the flight.~

That Ayren caught and she locked eyes with her companion. If she responded now, they might not get to the flying at all, and she just gave Rianni a meaningful smile. What Rianni said also caught her attention. "You mean, this isn't just a once off?"

"Well, not unless I scare you so bad today that you never want to do it again." Rianni laughed, "Hopefully I won't do that. Besides, gunboat diplomacy is still diplomacy."

Turning to her, she placed her arms around her impulsively. "I don't think you will... and I like this kind of diplomacy.." she said quietly, suddenly very aware of her.

As impulsively as Ayren had embraced her Rianni pressed her lips softly to Ayren's, "So, did you see that coming?" Rianni smiled as the kiss ended.

"Yes... I did," she said simply. They heard some voices in the background and Ayren smiled at her. "Let's get flying, girl, you are distracting me, and then I might fail," she grinned.

"You are so right." Rianni laughed, taking Ayren's arm and leading her to the flightdeck where a Valkyrie awaited them, "That, my dear Ayren, is our ride for the night."

Ayren stared at the winged fighter resting on the deck and and turned her gaze to the slightly shorter CAG, lacing her fingers over Rianni's a hand on her arm. "Male or female?" she asked as it was a scient life form. "Sure is sexy..."

"I think this one is a girl." Rianni smirked, "Yeah, with a name like Valkyrie she has to be one of us." She walked over and brought the ladder down, "Here, let me help you up. You have to be careful boarding, I've seen more than one accident with the ladder. Don't worry though, I've got you."

Ayren climbed in, checking carefully, not to be one of the *accidents*. Hesitating just a moment to see the inside, she eased herself into the craft. 'Yep... she is a girl," she said as Rianni followed her in.

"Well, then we should get along just fine then, a little bit of girl power goes a long way, you know." Rianni joked, shutting the cockpit and firing up the engine, =A=CAG to launch control, permission to take off?=A=

=A= CAG you are cleared for take off from bay 2-Kilo-Niner, repeat, 2-Kilo-Niner.=A=

=A=10-4, Launch control, moving to bay 2-Kilo-Niner, CAG out.=A= Rianni turned to Ayren, "That means he needs us to direct out of another launch port, but it's no big deal, we only have to deviate five degrees to the left like...this." Rianni said, making the correction with relative ease, "Strap in, beautiful, the first take off is always the wildest."

"Uh huh," Ayren said as she do as she was told.

Her reflexes as quick as though she'd never been in a coma to begin with Rianni launched the fighter ahead on full thrusters, doing a quick burn to clear the station before going to warp for seven seconds precisely, leaving DS5 in the rear view, "Check out that view huh?"

"Oh ....yes... This is amazing... "Ayren said, having felt every bit of the power. "This is no shuttle," she added dryly.

"Not by a long shot." Rianni smirked, setting coordinates for their next burn, "Okay, I've got the coordinates set in for our next destination, all you have to do is keep her on course, controls are yours."

"Shit... now already?" she said glancing at the controls, her hands slightly shaking. "You see... we should have brought the Ale with..." she said and gingerly took the controls. Dammit, she wasn't this nervous in the Academy. What was it with her now...? Of course there was a difference between a controlled and an uncontrolled touch and she veered them of course, and overcompensated. "Wait... " she said more to herself as she relaxed her shoulders and started to get the feel it. Once they were fairly going, she stole a glance at Rianni. "You make it look easy...."

"You're doing fine." Rianni reassured her, "Actually you're doing better than some of the Marines I instructed in combat flight did on their first shot. All you have to do is hold steady, the computer will help you if things get out of whack."

"It is they don't realize that it's a girl," she grinned still slightly tense, but keeping her eye on the controls. The computer chirped as she veered downwards. With no point of reference, space can be deceptive and she needed to completely rely on the computer. "I have been on the station too long... I have forgotten how small we are," she mused. "How black it could be out here.."

"Yeah, I know." Rianni sighed, "Really puts things in perspective doesn't it?"

"Yes..." Ayren said, getting the hang of staying on the simply course, without the computer complaining in chirps when she veered off. For a little while it seemed like words would be superfluous. In companianble silence they contninued, until Ayren reached the coordinates. "Now what?" she asked grinning.

"Now, hold on!" Rianni smiled broadly, transferring control of the helm back to her console, and blasting into warp for less than three seconds, reappearing in a debris field, "This is the wreck of the IKC T'argavh, it's been floating in roughly this same place since the Dominion destroyed it." She quickly transferred fire controls to Ayren's console, "So, pick a target of opportunity and blast away."

Ayren looked over the console and located her 'target'. "It is asking me for settings... wait... ", letting Rianni know that she wanted to figure out how to choose the phaser energy output of the by herself. "Oh ok..." she said half to herself when she saw the recommended setting, and she pressed the button. The orange coloured beam cut through the black space and blasted the piece of bulkhead, letting in break up in an explosion. "YAY!" she said, beaming a toothy grin at Rianni.

"See! Told you it would be fun!" Rianni smiled back, giggling at Ayren's excitment, "Hold on." She said as she turned the fighter sharply to make another run, "Most of the bridge is intact, or at least partially. Why don't we try your first strafing run? You just fire as we fly low over the target, sparks everywhere, I promise, big fun!"

"More that I already have? Bring it on!" she said giggling, not sure she was going to manage that. She started to have in incling in the decisions tactical offiicers would have to make in split seconds. Tapping the console to bring the micro pulse phase canon online, she nodded. "I have no idea what I am doing, but I am ready.." she said. all concentration.

"Just push your little fire button, gorgeous, and I'll fly us right through the fireworks." Rianni promised, swooping in low over the bridge of the T'argavh's hulk, flying fast and close, just like she would in combat.

The sensation of the approach and reality of flight was much different that in a large space ship, especially having the debris field to measure the flight against. The first two pulses fired just in front of the bridge, but the rest provided the fireworks Rianni promised. They flew right through it. "I have never done this..." she said breathlessly.

"Nothing else like it in the galaxy." Rianni smiled, flying through a shower of sparks and flying debris, "If I ever find anything as thrilling as flying one of these I might not survive the shock."

That made Ayren laugh and she glanced at Rianni. "I can believe that...And you got me hooked," she said glancing at Rianni, also absorbing her feelings and smiling as it washed over her senses. She felt it a priviledge to not only hear what the pilot was saying, but also share empathically in her experience. It was invigorating. "I cannot tell you how much this means to me," she said quietly even as she fired another array of blasts.

"It's okay, I know how you feel." Rianni smiled, "And I don't even have to be a telepath to understand it. It's like nothing in the galaxy: thrills, adrenaline rushes, it just sends chills up the spine." Rianni threw the fighter into a dive and dipped under the Klingon cruiser's hulk, "Now, let's do it from underneath. You can just adjust the angle of the guns from the console and we can have a spark shower."

"Ok," Ayren said and made the adjustments. Well, actually the computer did so, she would be too slow. As Rianni took the shuttle underneath, she fired again and must have hit a container of explosive gas, causing a massive blast. "Oops," she said as they flew through it, but enjoyed it. "It's going to be a bit more than a shower.." she said rapidly as they approached it.

Rianni giggled in delight, "This stuff never gets old!" She said, thoroughly enjoying the flames and sparks they were dodging, "So, how do you feel?"

"Like you do," she said in all honesty. "I cannot remember when last I had such fun.." Ayren giggled. "You are amazing.."

"You're pretty spectacular yourself." Rianni smiled sweetly, "So, you ready to go finish that bottle of Ale now that you've blasted away your frustrations?"

"Yes, oh yes..." Ayren answered. "With all this adrenaline, I think there is not alcohol left in my blood, I need to change that..." she agreed, returning the smile.

"Well, in that case." Rianni giggled, programming the coordinates for DS5 into the console and transferring flight control to Ayren, "Take us home." She kicked her feet up and leaned back, "You can do it."

Ayren laughed heartily. "You are trusting me with that...what if change it....." she quicklly looked for something in the database and adjusted the coordinates. "Awww, we won't make it to Risa after all," she said with mock disappointment.

"Damn, I knew we should've gone straight to warp." Rianni laughed, "But where would we put our bags?"

"Get every new on Betazed on the way..." she said and reset the coordinates. The computer worked out the lenfth of time to get back to the station and Ayren engaged the engines. They dropped out of warp a few seconds later and when the station appeared, Ayren turned to Rianni. "Your turn... " she said, hoping that Rianni had forgotten that she had said earlier about her landing it. The smile she beamed at her was super sweet.

"Not ready for landing yet?" Rianni winked, "It is the hardest part." She transferred control back to herself quickly, opening the comm to DS5, =A=CAG to Control, permission to land?=A=

=A=Permission to land granted, CAG. Set your vector for 2-Kilo-Niner and we'll do the rest.=A=

=A=Understood, over and out.=A= Rianni smirked, making the course adjustment and letting the stations beam pull them in, "Well, okay, it's the hardest part when you don't have a tractor beam to pull you in on automatic."

A very serious expression appeared on Ayren's face. "I knew that.... It's just the talking stuff I can't do," she said, lifting her chin in mock nonchalance, looking at her nails.

Rianni only laughed at her when she did that, ~Girl's a trip.~ She turned her eyes to look at her while they landed, thoroughly enjoying the moment.

Ayren kept her pretence of complete nonchalance going for a few moments longer, enjoying Rianni's gaze, but then the suppressed giggle escaped her lips and she turned to her. "I will take you out anytime... just ask," she grinned.

"Deal." Rianni smiled, ~Hey, she likes me, too! Sweet! CRAP! She probably heard that!~

Ayren never read anyone's thoughts without permission, but Rianni's thought were so strong and 'out there' that she did, causing her to smile softly. "I do.."she said simply. "Although I meant I would take you flying anytime," she said and giggled. "You see I don't even need Ale to talk shit, I can do it without help...."