Judgement – Recovery and New Plans
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Recovery and New Plans
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Jun 21, 2011 @ 2:12pm
Location   Sickbay, DS5
Timeline   SD 37


Kensington was transported straight to Sickbay with Jana when the Shuttles arrived back at DS5. Chelsea was there waiting and helped to get Jana onto the Biobed and straight into the life-support analysis and hooked up.

Once she was stable, a scan was done to see how the baby was doing and then the usual monitoring was established as the fluids were given to balance them both. With the bio-arch set up to create the appropriate regulation of electolytes and minerals within her body, Jana began to regain consciousness slowly.

Ben was right beside her, gazing into her eyes as they began to focus. He was holding her hand between both of his, clutching it close to his chest where he would have liked to be able to hold her but her need for the biobed was stopping him.

"Ben?...is the..." Jana couldn't finish the sentence, her eyes focused on him and saw the look on his face. "Is our baby?..." She whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

"Don't worry about the baby. This is the 24th Century and her daddy's a doctor. She's going to survive if I have to incubate her in a test-tube!" he boasted proudly at the resilience of his daughter, who, despite all the damage done to her mother, was still clinging to life as stubbornly as her father had clung to her mother all the time she was at death's door.

Jana closed her eyes and smiled weakly, a little girl. "Ben...I'm so sorry....I shouldn't of..gone...on...the mission." She tried to say but ended up coughing hard enough alarms started going off near her bed.

"Take it easy" Ben soothed, stroking her stray hair aside from her forehead lovingly. "You really have to give up smoking though" He joked, quoting an addictive habit from several centuries ago when Terrans used to carcinogate their lungs by deliberately inhaling tobacco smoke.

The doctor in Ben was glancing at the monitors and keeping his eye on her vitals and U's and E's. Her kidneys were recovering but he needed to be sure. The father in him was watching the screen for the tiny blip that showed the heartbeat of the foetus and the Lover in him longed to make Jana feel better.

He mopped her tears and stroked her cheek with the back of his forefinger as if she were made of eggshells, which she clearly could not be, bearing in mind all that she had physically endured and survived recently.

"Chelsea and Rick's wedding tomorrow" he commented. "You'd better get well quickly, or we'll have to sit at the back." His smile showed her he was teasing and his eyes were still filled with love that was just so grateful to have her safe and alive that he wouldn't have cared if they had to stay in Sickbay for the next 8 months, just as long as she would stay okay.

"What is wrong with me Ben?" She asked, she wanted to go home, she wanted to be in his arms, not stuck in sickbay. Jana wanted to see her friends get married, "When can I leave?"

"Not yet babe" Ben replied, checking her vitals YET again like a mother hen.

"You've been almost to death's door, honey. You will have to recover properly, you have two of you to think of now, your old ways of being too tough for your own good won't keep a foetus healthy, now will it?" He knew that was a bit patronising so he at least had the grace to look sheepish under her firey gaze.

"I love you" he responded, compelled by the way her eyes melted his knees to lean over the bio-bed both for support and to give her a long, lingering kiss.

As their lips parted he muttered mischievously. "Anyway, i'm not going to lightly give up the chance to keep you here where I can get kisses even when I'm duty!" he chuckled, stealing more of them and softly pushing her ever miscreant tumble of curls back from her forehead.

Jana smiled softly up at him. She craved his touch, even if it was just him brushing her hair off her forehead. "I'm really sorry I scared you Ben..." She whispered, Jana knew that she shouldn't of gone on the mission but she wasn't thinking about both her and the baby, simply her job, that was going to have to change in a big hurry as she would never put their child at risk again.

She looked up at him. "What's wrong with me? I feel...kind of numb..."

"You've been through a lot of physical trauma babe. You need time to heal. You might *feel* like you want to get out of here but seriously, you need to be monitored AND kept very quiet too. If i were to let you go home you'd be doing housework or worse, in no time." He rolled his eyes, smiling affectionately but knowingly.

"Can I still go to the wedding tomorrow Ben? I promise I will be quiet and rest...if you want you can stay in my quarters with me...or I can stay in yours...I wont lift a finger until you say that it's ok." She smiled weakly, Jana was so tired. She closed her eyes for a few moments before looking back up at him.

"If you don't rest, I'm going to have to give you something to make you give in and sleep!" Ben smiled at her tenacity.

He leaned in and kissed her forehead and said gently. "If you're better in the morning we'll think about it all again but i am NOT promising." he smiled.

She smiled and closed her eyes. "I love you." She whispered before falling into a dreamless but healing sleep.

"I love you too" he whispered, pushing back a stray lock of her lovely hair and kissing her forehead softly before leaving her to sleep.


A JP between:

Lt. Ben Kensington


Lt. Jana Kasikova