Time is Fleeting – Beating the Bushes
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Beating the Bushes
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Mon Sep 07, 2009 @ 5:03pm
Location   The Matahari Bar and Grill
Timeline   SD 12 1900

Martina walked into the bar, Alexandra in step behind her, "I've never been here, but then again, this place has been closed a couple of times because of searches by Mr. Gabriel and then again by Mr. Wallace, I think they suspect something about the owner." she paused, "I think we'll have to sit at the bar its packed in here."

Natrina watched as two more customers entered. 'Ah, more sheep for the fleecing.' She smiled, "Good day, Welcome to the Matahari Bar and Grill, and welcome to our official Re-opening." She continued silently in thought 'I must remember to space Mr. Gabriel and Mr. Wallace one day.'

"Uh, yeah, could I get a cosmopoliton, and you Alex?" Marti said ~this must be Natrina~

Natrina joted the order down mentally, "And you Ms?" Alex spoke, "A Coke Please?

Natrina raised her eyes, "Wow, you're into old Earth Drinks. I've never had this request before. But then again, I've never been to Earth." She turned and and punched in the coke in the replicator. The Cosmo she mixed expertly with a shaker. Finally, she served the drinks. "I don't believe I've meet the both of you before. But then again, my bar has been closed by Security and the fool that lies within."

From nowhere, one of the Security Officers approached. "Are you the owner? I must protest. We had a tab with you." Natrina turned to the Officer. "Yes, and while this bar was closed, your Chief of Security and the Marine Commanding Officer broke in and helped themselves. Perhaps you should ask them why I am charging the Security Officers and the Marines a ten percent gratuity for their recent criminal acts. Do not worry, after my expenses have been satisfied, I will remove the Gratuity. Good day." She grinned and returned her attention to her customers. "Where were we? Oh yes, Introductions."

"I'm Martina Perth, this is Alexandria Marshall, you must be Natrina." Marti knew enough to play this one cool.

Natrina nodded, "I apologize for that scene. I usually do not place special charges on people, however the Chief of Security and the Marine Commanding Officer, in all their bluster, decided to abuse their authority and consume a large amount of my stock when this bar was closed. Since you're not of Security or the Marines, Starfleet Officers receive a ten percent discount on everything on the Menu."

Marti looked at the human looking Cardassian "Thanks", ~I think~ (Note: Natrina has the appearance of a striking human in her mid twenties. Lets just say she has a past.)

A rather large Gorn, thumped up to the bar, while holding a Nausicaan and a Klingon by their collars, two feet off the ground. "Misss Keren. Thessse two were about to brawl when I intervened. What do you wisssh be done with them?"

"Carry them out and let them fight outside, I have a business to run." The Gorn thumped away toward the Bar's exit. Natrina returned to her customers. "Oh how careless of me, I must formally introduce myself. Natrina Kerran. I run a respectable establishment. Mr. Sssgrisk, the Gorn that was just here, is my bouncer, so there will be no trouble here." She said with a grin.

"Don't see many gorn these days, its been a long day I'm not looking forward to tomorrow either." Marti started "I can't believe I have to supervise an engineering team tomorrow instead of being part of the wargames." she said attempting to not sound like she was pouting

Natrina smiled, "Ah the ever vigilant Federation. Always ready to defend its citizenry from the latest threat." She turned her attention to Alexandria. "And you must be a new arrival."

Alex sipped her coke, "In more ways than one Ms. Kerran."

"I'm not even sure why we need to have some stupid exercise just days after we were attacked by a bunch of Romulan separatists." Marti commented "plus all these new security precautions on hangar 18 seem a little over the top."

Natrina thought for a moment, 'Time for the shearing.' She then spoke, "Now what ever could they be storing in Hanger 18?"

"Dunno, docking port six had all the same precautions installed yesterday in preparation for something as well, something to do with something called Project Princeton, all I know is its a big deal whatever it is." Marti said ~bait out~

'You disappoint me. An intelligence officer talking about some sort of secret project in a bar, in front of a total stranger you've just meet.' Natrina resisted the urge to laugh maniacally. 'How careless of you little fly. Caught in the spiders web, and telling the spider where the fly paper is.' She just smirked, "How interesting."

"Alex, I'm going to call it a night, I need to be up early tomorrow." marti said ~I hope this is worth it~

Natrina smirked, 'Well now, I don't need Latinum. I've already got latinum, but I could use its blueprints to build my new ship based on its technology. But since this is a trap, this could be a little difficult. Yes, I'll have to be a bit more clever with this one.'

Alex looked at the Intelligence officer. 'Comming in here and telling this woman about a secret project. These twenty-fourth century people are loco in the la cabeza.' She thought.

As Marti walked out of the bar she stopped and tapped her comm badge, "Hook baited" then she walked over the the bank of turbo lifts near the bar.


Ens. Martina Perth (NPC)
Intelligence Officer

Natrina Kerran
Matahari Bar and Grill

Alexandria Marshall
Civilian Scout/Scientist