Interlude – Prejudice, plain and simple
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester

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Title   Prejudice, plain and simple
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester
Posted   Wed Aug 25, 2010 @ 12:06am
Location   Public gymnasium
Timeline   SD30 - Early morning

After the incident with her cousin, Arrienye didn't want to risk having to see him again so soon during her morning workout, so when the time came, she got dressed in her workout clothes and headed to the public gymnasium. Luckily, at this time of morning, there were very few people there, all aliens of course. She was glad to have become accustomed to being mostly comfortable around them in such a short time period. It made living on DS5 much easier.

After spending ten minutes stretching her lean body, t'Merek followed her standard routine and began her strength training.

Walking down the corridor to the gymnasium, Jackson received an obviously large amount of second looks in his gym outfit. He sported a pair of white board shorts, and a small, tight black muscle shirt. Being accustomed to the feeling of being watched, he merely smiled as he entered the gymnasium. As usual, he paused just inside the entrance to scan the entire room before moving on towards a free weight stand.

As he passed Arrienye Jackson merely smiled as he eyed the beautiful woman, not noticing anything inhuman about her.

When he arrived at the free weights, after doing a series of stretches, he set a curl bar to 100 pounds, and began doing barbell curls, breathing steadily, eying his largely bulging biceps to ensure proper form.

The only person who didn't look up to watch Jackson was the beautiful woman. In fact, she only returned his smile with a look from her blue eyes. Walking over to where the man was, she picked up a pair of dumbbells that were smaller than his before starting her workout by holding the dumbbells out for a few seconds before slowly moving her arms apart while trying to keep her arms straight.

Jackson was intrigued. He eyed Arrienye as he continued to work out. Naturally it would be difficult for Jackson to contain himself from openly flirting with such a beautiful woman. His nature was simple, his nature suited his personality, and his brain, and his brawn, supported his nature. There were usually two attempts he favored when initiating conversation; the first, a well thought out, complementary comment. The second, a simple hello, or maybe an exotic or back home variation.

He decided on the latter, turning to Arrienye and smiling he simply said, "Howdy."

Arrienye glanced over at him. "Excuse me?" she asked, not stopping her movements.

Jackson widened his smile as he began to assume she must have been a colonial human, "Sorry." he said simply, his accent vibrant, "I'm from Texas, it's a common variation of hello." putting down his barbell he walked by Arrienye, leaning in as he did, "So hello." he said simply, winking as he approached an inclined abdominal station. Taking off his shirt, not merely to display his physique, but in actuality to watch his stomach and maintain form, he situated himself on the machine with his legs over the top, under the padds. When he thought himself ready, he began doing full situps.

"Oh. Hello," Arrienye replied simply, focusing on keeping her breathing steady and even. She simply glanced at him as he took his shirt off, looking unimpressed. She continued her workout, doing five sets before moving on to nearby leg press, adjusting her legs a bit lower on the platform to work on her thighs.

Jackson smiled as he felt his normal charm go out the window with this woman. He figured it best to go back to his workout as he saw a scruffy, short, yet muscular bald man walking past Arrienye, eying her mischievously.

"Not bad." the man said, sporting a guilty smile, and stopping in front of her to stare down at her body.

Arrienye raised an eyebrow at his words but thought nothing of it until he stood in front of her, eying her lecherously for much longer than any woman would feel comfortable with.

"If I were you, I would keep walking," she suggested, in a warning tone. Her speech had a peculiar accent and her voice was a bit deeper than most would except from a woman of her size. Whether it was deepened to accentuate the warning or natural was a mystery at that point.

"Ooooh." the man said simply, being nothing but intrigued by her straightforward bravery, "Feisty." he commented, moving in ever closer, "You've got a bit of fire in you." he further implied, "I bet I could stuff it."

Arrienye sighed heavily, anger bubbling inside her now. ~Don't cause an incident. It's just a pig.~ She spoke this several times to herself, like a mantra, knowing there was nothing to be gained by snapping his neck.

The man smiled as he saw the faintest sign of anger on her expression, "Aw." he said simply, "Little girl get mad?" he teased. The man lifted his hand and moved to brush the side of her face with the back of his hand, "I can make you happy."

~He'll come to his senses.~ Arrienye told herself, watching his hand come closer to her skin, sure he wasn't that stupid. But, after a moment it certainly appeared he was. The minute she felt his fingers connect with her face, she grabbed his wrist with blinding speed and squeezed, her Romulan strength coming into play as she squeezed. The pressure was forceful, but controlled on Arrienye's part. After all, she didn't want to permanently disable him. Still holding him, she stood back onto her feet in a graceful movement and as she did, she pushed the shorter man away without a word. Hopefully, he'd get the hint.

Jackson pulled himself out of the sit up position and moved to stand nearby, just in case he felt the need to step in. However he still stood fairly far away.

The man, being forcefully angered now, and it was apparent. He moved back towards Arrienye and with his might, shoved her back, "Little girl wants to get pushy?" he teased chauvinistically, attempting to maintain an imagery of manhood, "I can push back!" he was shouting now as he moved in to engage her.

Arrienye stood passively as he walked towards her. When he was close enough she suddenly sprung into action, slamming an open palm hard into his chest, forcing the air out of his lungs before swiping his feet out from under him with one of her own.

The man coughed as he slammed to the ground, managing a slight amount of sense to roll away from Arrienye, and stand up. He stood 5 feet from Arrienye and charged. Before he again found himself toe to toe with the strong woman, he was thrown like a rag doll by Jackson, slamming into a weight rack.

"Easy now fellow." Jackson said, standing in between the man and Arrienye, his old fashion instinct to defend women being more prominent that his sensible deduction that she was in no way in danger from this man.

Arrienye crossed her arms over her chest, watching the human step in to defend her. She frowned. "Thank you, but I don't need you to defend me," she pointed out, walking up to stand by him. "I can take care of this pig by myself," she told him confidently. But, Arrienye was grateful that he'd stepped in. Not because she needed help, but because she was a bit glad to see that not everyone took delight in a Romulan's troubles.

Jackson smiled, "No problem ma'am." he said, his skin shimmering from sweat, "Just my instincts is all, I'm sure you were fully capable of handling yourself."

The man, injured now from the fall, managed to lift himself out, and spat a mouthful of blood to the side, "What's your problem boy?" he inquired, "What kind of man are you? Sticking up for some Romulan piece of ass?"

With a raised eyebrow, Jackson mumbled to himself, "Romulan?" he asked quietly, then going over the woman's strength, and the green shimmer to her skin in his mind. As his eyes widened he turned to look at Arrienye, "You're...Romulan?"

Arrienye crossed her arms over her chest. "Yes," she nodded, looking back at him with a proud glint in her blue eyes. Then she snorted. "I should've realized you didn't know. Why else would you step in?" she said more to herself, shaking her head at him before going back to the exercise machine she'd been on.

Jackson was cross. Not just in mood, but as well indecisive. He was angry, because part of him was expressive of the feeling that he stood up for someone who was a member of a race he didn't respect or tolerate. The other part, a part that could be considered the better man, was upset with himself for feeling any distaste for another race, and not simply boiling it down to stepping in, and helping a girl who he thought needed it.

Jackson's eyes were red with the various emotions coursing through him. After a stint of heavy breathing, he turned and left the gym.


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Head of Security
Romulan Consulate

Master Chief Warrant Officer Jackson Jester
Chief of the Boat
Deep Space Five