Beg, Steal or Borrow – Rats get treated like rats.
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Rats get treated like rats.
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Apr 27, 2009 @ 8:09am
Location   Holding Cell
Timeline   SD 8 - 1510
OOC: Language and violence. Need I say more? Apologies to anyone who feels apologies are necessary. L


The chief walked into the interrogation room, and looked at the man sitting on the chair. "Dismissed officer." he barked at the security officer. "Now I can make this easy or I can make this hard, depends on how much pain you can take."

"Oh come off it," Joran said, "If there's one thing about you federation lot its that you follow the rules. I mean, if you keep droning on I might get a headache but I think I can bear that."

The chief circled the chair, as he walked behind him he spoke, "I'm not bound by those rules when it comes to you." He grabbed the man by the back of the head and smashed his face into the table top. "now lets' talk about what damage you did do?"

Joran lifted his head, a thin thread of sticky blood and mucus linking him to the table. "Fucking psycho! I'm a federation citizen, I have rights. I don't know what the hell you think I've done but this isn't getting you any answers. I want a lawyer."

The chief forcefully spun the chair around, and kicked it down knocking joran and the chair backwards sending him onto his back with a heavy thud "those rights are null and void, boy. You're looking at a life time of jail time for espionage, sabotage, and a mountain of other charges, its your choice, start talking or start bleeding." as he pulled him chair and all up.

Joran was sticking with his lie - they'd caught him with his head in an access panel, nothing more. The only evidence they had was circumstantial and there was nothing that could kink him with the actual sabotage he had perpetrated over a number of weeks.

"I told you already I was looting not spying," Joran said. "You'll be lucky to get a job on a garbage scow when this gets out."

The chief snapped. He grabbed him picking him up forcefully and threw him into a wall then kicked him in the chest as he crumpled. "When I'm done you'll be lucky if we don't let the Klingons have you, now talk or else!" he said face to face.

"You've got nothing on me," Joran protested. He could wait this out, boyo might have the power, but he didn't have the patience. "Just a dismissal for brutality to look forward to."

Craig walked over to the ledge where he a put a PADD and showed him a still image, "Next stupid comment? That's you sonny boy, it was taken five minutes before we figure the shields were sabotaged, its off an Isolinear recording rod, so are you gonna talk or are you going to have to be persuaded more?" Craig was hoping he'd want more he was beyond mad now.

Joran shrugged, feeling it in every muscle before peering at the image. "Could be anyone," he said.

Craig zoomed in on the figure on the screen "That's you boy! start talking or I'll start persuading you some more," the Chief said as he cracked his knuckles. "You're facing some heavy jail time, and right now you're being treated like a spy which means I can continue this until you talk or drop dead, your choice."

"What's my motivation? You want a scapegoat and I happened to be in the wrong place. I'm not a spy, I'm not a saboteur and I didn't fall off the banana boat yesterday. There's only one thing you can legitimately accuse me of, boyo, and you know it."

Craig decided to play one final card "they found 150 bars of latinum in your quarters, along with the tools used to disable to shields and guardian platforms, and schematics of those systems, talk!" Craig slammed his fist on the table.

Joran laughed, Linara had taken everything with her, and only a real idiot would stash that much latinum in their room. Absently he wondered what was stashed in this charlie's quarters. "See, now I know you're full of shit," he said. "I'll be expecting my lawyer now."

Craig decided to do the one thing he knew would break him "you're facing 150 counts of murder, and who the hell knows what other charges, plus 5 counts of espionage plus I think according to the new anti-espionage laws you're looking at spending the rest of your natural existence in jail on mars. And since some of the dead aren't Federation citizens you're looking at extradition, and the klingons get your carcass first, and since they execute spies you're fucked, buddy boy so talk and I'll see if I can get you a deal."

"If you want to charge me with intention to loot, go right ahead, you might just make that stick. Otherwise you've got nothing."

Craig had had enough. He pulled out a pistol and held it to Joran's temple, "Since your going to play this stupid I'm going to save the legal system the time and just put a bullet in your skull. This is your last chance, talk ... now." Craig pulled back the hammer on the pistol and waited for his response.

"You're bluffing."

He moved the gun away and fired into the wall, "Don't call a bluff with an intel officer."

"Well, well, well," Joran said, the sound of the shot ringing in his ears. "You've had your fun. I don't know, a kid like you getting his jollies from beating a prisoner ... you should talk to a shrink about that. I don't think you're in a position to offer me anything."

Craig stood up and pulled the slide back on the gun. He turned and saw a very startled crewman with a PADD in hand he took it and dismissed him. "They found what Lt. Freeman got knocked out with, your finger prints are on it, they're also all over the shield generator that didn't explode." he put the PADD down and looked at him, "So I'm going to ask you again, are you going to talk or do I repaint the walls with your brains?"

Joran shook his head. "The guy got in the way, he'll live. Who hasn't got a bump or two on the head in the line of duty," he said. "I didn't know about any attack. Happy?"

"No, Do you know what the motive for this whole thing is?" Craig begain to figure he was begining to tell the truth.

"How the hell should I know why? They wanted their ambassador, hired me to arrange a distraction. Never told me they were going to sail in with a warship, did they."

"Do you know anything else?" the chief begain to realize he'd have to talk to Gabriel

"Use your fucking ears. Some pointy eared son of a bitch payed me to take out a shield generator so they could get into the embassy and kidnap the ambassador. Who knows what counts as clean politics with that lot."

"Politics?" the chief was puzzled "I thought these guys were some religious group." now things were starting to make sense.

Joran closed his eyes recalling the very strange conversation he had had on the Romulan ship ( "He kept on and on about his brother's wife, the ambassador. I don't know why he wanted to kidnap her, I don't ask that sort of question. But I didn't hear anything about any religious nuts," a slightly incongrouos statement, given that Joran was still wearing the Bajoran earring which completed his disguise. "I do know he'll kill her. The guy, Nniol tr'Ill... crap, I can't pronounce it. He wants her dead and he'd have paid me to do that too."

Craig looked at the man, he'd just cracked open a can of proverbial worms, the chief said thinking about his next move. "Ok kid, now you've gone from making this look like a bad case to an intergalactic incident I think you'd better start writing that confession, then I think we're going to have to move you."

Craig turned his back and quietly tapped on his communicator, "four this is two, we need a detail to protect this guy." he turned back and then spoke to him again, "Make it detailed, the more detail the less jail time your looking at, I'm also going to get the mess fixed up, sorry kid but your still looking at some heavy jail time, this will make it a little easier."

"Occupational hazard," Joran said. "You might want to look out for a weasley little human and an Orion giant," he added, at the least he could get that pair back for getting in his way. It was probably their interference that had shut down his escape route so they deserved whatever they got. Linara had got away and with a few diligently dropped snippets of information he could reduce his time, Joran was sure of that.

"Names work better, after we move you to a secure location until a decision is made about you." the chief wasn't exactly going to give away that little detail about where this guy was being moved too.

"I'll see if my memory improves once I've spoken with a lawyer," Joran said leaning back and allowing himself just the slightest smirk for getting away with as much as he had, "and a doctor ... I seem to have a headache."


Joran NPCd by Louise

Chief Ayers by andy