Time is Fleeting – Between friends
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Between friends
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sat Sep 05, 2009 @ 4:19pm
Location   Deep Space 5 intel office
Timeline   SD 13 0200
The office was empty accept for a few officers, Jarred sat behind his desk Mikeal and Jarreds encryption officer Craig Ayers were sitting one bottle of blood wine aleady gone, and another half way there. Jarred spoke "This isn't like before the war, everyone is paranoid, politcal types are in key positions at high profile postings, its scary."

Craig let out a belch then spoke "Could be worse, we could all be under Dominion rule right now, or dead."

Mikeal looked at the other two men, "We got lucky during that war on more than one occasion, it was the years after that were a nightmare, the refugees, the rebuilding of the devistated worlds, it was a mess."

"It was the months after on Cardassia that was the hard part for me, all the secret labs, and weapons facilities, they were desperate to win, developing some real freaky weapons." Jarred said drunkenly

"the thing that.....uuurp....bothers me is what happend to the stuff we know the Romulans got ahold of, its not like they would've just sat on it and let us forget about it." Craig said between belches

"Who knows, those pointy eared devils were good at hiding it is all we know, besides that, who cares alot of that suff wasn't exactly practical for them....uurrrrp!" Mikeal said

Jarred reached for a third bottle and started to pour, "who cares, if they have something there gonna use it, and we'll have to come up with something more effective, and then they'll do the same and so on." he paused to belch "The bottom line is live for today, tomorrow we're likely to die."

Craig attempted to stand up only to collapse on the floor, "I'm okay....I think"

Jarred looked back at his encrptions officer, "thats one, care for another?"

"stop talkin' and start pourin!" mikeal said with a slur in his voice.

As the dark red fluid poured into the gobblet Jarred had a realization "Shit the Iso-rod! I figured it out!, we gotta go see the science guy!"

"Too the turbolifts!!" Craig said in a drunken stupor.

"What rod, where are we....uuupprr....going.." Mikeal said in a haze and very confused.

Jarred reached into his desk, and pulled out the isolinear rod he'd been give a few days ago, "this!" as he held it up.

"Too the Turbo lifts!" a staggering and very drunk Chief Ayers said

"Yeahhh....lets go wake up....uh whats his name? Grevo trapping...greo....geek....oh what ever!" Jarred said as he staggered to the door

"Wait for me!" Mikeal said as he staggered to the door.


Lt Jarred Wallace

Chief Craig Ayers
Encrptions DS5

Lt Cmdr. Mikeal Akerfel
XO Uss Daedalus