Unity – Treading Carefully
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Mathew Totti

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Title   Treading Carefully
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Mon Mar 01, 2010 @ 5:50am
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   SD17 09:15
William was driven to distraction by the number of calls asking for permission to dock and he was getting used to the same monologue. "Sorry, DS5 is currently on alert status and no ships are allowed to dock or leave." He was going to be saying that in his sleep tonight.
Another call.

=^= "DS5, this is the USS Anubis, seeking authorisation to dock under Starfleet directive Alpha 4." =^=

Again, William started his response "Sorry, DS5 is currently..."

The captain of the Anubis cut in.
=^= "DS5, we are here on Starfleet orders. Your lockdown does not usually relate to Starfleet ships of the Flag. I demand to be put through to Captain Tahir immediately." =^=
His tone was harsh and unforgiving.

=^= "Captain, please forgive me, but I am only following station protocol. I am afraid Captain Tahir is not on board at present, but if you will bear with me, I will have Commander Davies contact you shortly." =^= William advised, looking up to the large glass view window that was the COs office.

=^= "Make it sooner rather than later, Anubis out."=^= came the curt response.

No sooner had the channel closed than another call came through from a transport ship. William tapped at his chest comm.
=^= "Harris to Commander Davies." =^=

David was trying to get through the mass of PADDs on his desk. Requests, reports and general diaries from staff to wade through and he still had a million and one things to do today before captain Tahir arrived tomorrow.
He tapped his comm.

=^= "Yes Mr Harris." =^= He responded.

=^= "Sir, I have had the Captain of the Anubis on channel and he is very annoyed that we are not letting him dock.=^= Harris advised the Commander

=^= "And you have explained the reasons I presume?" =^= Davies answered, already rising from his seat.

=^= "I have sir, but he says that he is here on a Starfleet orders under Directive Alpha 4." =^=

~Directive Alpha 4 ~ David mused. =^= "That's a Diplomatic errand. OK Bill, I'll contact the Anubis. Inform transport crew we may have to let the Anubis in, but I will let them know directly. Davies out." =^= He tapped his comm and retook his seat.
He ran his fingers through his thick hair and adjusted his collar, opening a channel to the Anubis.

=^= "DS5, Commander David Davies. How can I assist you Captain." =^= David enquired as the face of the ships captain appeared on his screen.

"Commander, thank you for your speedy response to my call. I am sorry that I was blunt with your operations officer, but we have federation orders for your Diplomatic Officer, a Lieutenant Mathew Totti. With your permission, I would like to speak with him, if not in person, then on a secure channel." The Captain requested Davies.

"By all means Captain." Davies responded, "I will try to locate him and contact you directly. Davies out. He closed the channel.

"Computer, locate Lieutenant Mathew Totti, Diplomatic officer." David requested.

'Lieutenant Totti is in the Executive Officers office'

~Nice timing~ Davies thought as he rose from his chair and to the side door entrance of Villiers office and rapped.

Mathew was about to stand up. "Thank you Commander it was nice to meet you."

Karen nodded. "Come in," she said. "Ah, Commander Davies. This is Lieutenant Totti."

Mathew turned round and smiled.
"Greetings Commander how are you?"

Davies was taken aback for a split second. "I am very well, thank you for asking." He said automatically in response as he entered the XOs office. "Commander." He continued, "sorry for disturbing you, but I have just spoken to the Captain of the Anubis and he has a high priority message for Lieutenant Totti, a diplomatic message and he wants to over beam directly." He advised and then re-addressed Mathew. "Sorry I missed your arrival Lieutenant, I hope you have settled." He stated.

"Yes my Journey was pleasant apart from my docking while the bomb went off."

Davies nodded. "Good. Commander Villiers, can you advise Captain Lockhart that we are ready to receive him." Davies requested, as Karen was at her desk.

Karen stretched out an arm and sent the message.

=^= "Acknowledged. I will beam over at once." The Captain replied.

Lockhart stood and tapped his comm.

=^= "Chief, transport me to the station and keep a positive lock. I don't want to be here any longer than necessary." =^= He advised and shimmered away.

Moments later, Lockhart materialised a few feet from Karens desk holding a grey pouch.

"Permission to come aboard." He stated in a regulatory manner.

"Permission granted Captain. I am Commander David Davies, this is my Executive Officer, Commander Karen Villiers." His hand raised to Karen.

Lockhart dipped his head in acknowledgement. "Commander."

"And this is Lieutenant Totti, Chief Diplomatic Officer." Davies' hand moved to the Lieutenant.

"Lieutenant." He responded, also acknowledging Mathew.

"Can I offer you anything Captain?" Davies offered, moving towards the captain, "Tea, coffee, something to eat?"

Lockhart shook his head. "Thank you, no. I will be brief." Lockhart moved past David and made directly for Mathew.

"Do you require privacy?" Davies enquired cautiously.

Again Lockhart shook his head. "Not necessary Commander, I won't be here long enough." He didn't look at either Davies or Villiers as he held forth the pouch.
"Lieutenant Totti, Chief Diplomatic officer, as instructed by Starfleet Command, under directed Alpha 4, I relinquish this diplomatically sealed pouch unto you." He stated and the relief to have delivered it was evident on his face as smile eventually crossed his lips.

Mathew was a little startled and waited a little too long to grab the pouch.
"Thank You Sir?"

Davies was mesmerised by Lockharts actions. The contents on the pouch intrigued him, as to why a Starfleet Captain had to hand deliver the bag.

"Sorry, but that has been a thorn in my side for nearly 2 weeks. We did try to intercept you, but we hit a delay. Suffice to say, Admiral Uhlan was most insistent that this was hand delivered to you by me and now that it is, I can carry on with my previous task." He spoke with a calmness now, that was not on him just a few seconds previously and turned to Karen. "Commander, I am sorry I can not stay longer, if just to enjoy your company."

"I only wish we had the leisure time," Karen replied; this was not standard practice and she smelled ... she was not sure what she smelled.

He then brought himself about to Davies. "Commander, sorry to rush off, but I would appreciate it, if you would pass on my personal congratulations to Captain Tahir on her return. I never got the chance to tell her myself when she received command of DS5, but I am sure she knows I was thinking of her." He held out his hand to Davies.

David took the hand and shook it with a firm response. "I will Captain. I am also sorry that you could not stay to tell her that yourself." Davies replied.

"Thank you. If the station had been open to visitors, we would have stayed for a day or two, lord only knows my crew could have done with the respite, but circumstances dictate." Lockhart said as he stepped backwards. "Farewell." He said as he tapped his commbadge =^= "Lockhart ready to beam back." =^= He nodded his thanks and swirled away.

"Well what do you make of that," Karen said, "Unorthodox to say the least."

"Indeed."Mathew said he turned to face Karen parcel clasped in both hands.

Davies was more than bemused and looked at the diplomat. "He appeared very desperate to make sure you had that." he nodded to the parcel in Mathews hands and was intrigued to what it contained.

"Not for our eyes, I think," Karen observed to Davies.

David agreed with Karen. "Lieutenant, we shall give you some privacy." He said, already turning to leave.

"Take as long as you need, Lieutenant," Karen said to Totti, she had an appointment elsewhere.

"Thank You both."
Mathew decided he'd leave after them and open it in his quarters in his Diplomatic Wing.


Commander David Davies

Captain Lockhart
By Mark

Commander Karen Davies
Executive Officer/JAG

Lieutenant Mathew Totti