Interlude – Reporters Requirments
by Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Reporters Requirments
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Sep 04, 2010 @ 9:38pm
Location   Ops / Box of Delights
Timeline   SD27 12:30
Thomas stepped off the turbolift and looked around. He'd never been to this part of the base and he felt a small amount of excitement as he took a few steps to the desk not far away. "Excuse me," he said to the woman sitting there. "Is the Captain in?" he asked her.

Ensign Bradfield looked up to the person who had asked the question, thinking of the replies she had given on numerous occasions that morning and she didn't recognize him as any staff member she had seen.
"New on board?" She inquired, encouraged by his smile and his beautiful blue eyes.

"Thomas Whitlock," he said, extending his hand to her. "I've been here for a few weeks. I just thought it was time to visit the woman in charge. Is she in?"

~Whitlock, Whitlock.... Federation reporter ~ She recollected reading something about him being stationed to DS5.

She politely accepted his offered hand and shook it once with a warm smile in return.
"I am sorry to say that at present, Captain Tahir is not taking any visitors, except command staff." She leant forward across her console to speak to him a little quieter, "Her workload is rather intensive, but come back in an hour and I am sure she will be able to find a quick slot for you." Her smile widened as she let his hand go, still looking into his eyes, mesmerized by them.

Thomas looked at her for a moment and nodded. "I'll see you in an hour," he said, smiling at her as he turned and left the room.

She watched him turn and leave and her eyes never left him until he had rounded the corner of Ops and then tapped her comm.

=^= "Captain, forgive the intrusion, but you wanted to be informed of all requests from non-command staff and Mr Whitlock, the reporter, has just left Ops and will return in an hour." =^= She advised, settling herself back onto her chair.

Tasha stood up and strode to the viewing window onto Ops.
=^= "An hour! That's hardly enough time , but thanks for the warning. Tahir out." =^= She closed the comm and looked at the desk and the chair she had hardly left in the last 2 days and let out an exasperated sigh.
"I could do with a change of scenery." She said aloud, running her fingers along the small bare space on top of her desk.
She glanced around the room, the walls stared back at her and she felt both lonely and overworked.
The week she had spent with Jayfe on their return journey had gone by so quickly, without worries about station agendas and paperwork, that she was now buried in and she spun about and headed towards the door, tapping at her comm.

=^= "Tahir to Mr Whitlock, please respond." =^= She called.

=^="Whitlock here, Captain. What can I do for you?" =^=

=^= "Meet me in an hour, at the Box of Delights on Level 2 of the Promenade deck." She began, "Do you know where it is?" She enquired.

Thomas smiled and nodded his head, although she couldn't see the gesture. =^= "I'm familiar with it, yes. I'll be there waiting." =^=

=^= "Excellent. Until then, Tahir out." =^= She smiled to herself as she walked out onto the upper gantry of the Ops and looked down, casting an eye over the staff on the Ops deck, busying themselves with station functions.

= An hour Later =
Already sat in one of the corner seats, Tasha had watched personnel come and go, civilians laughing and arguing and who appeared to be the owner, directing her staff. She was so wrapped up in what was happening, Thomas startled her when he spoke her name.

"You must be Captain Tahir," Thomas said as he approached the table. "May I sit?" he asked, standing by one of the chairs.

She composed herself, focussing her attention back to him.
She eyed him carefully, already aware what his vocation was and she was glad that he had approached her, rather than the other way around.
He was quite a handsome fellow and she stood, indicating the chair opposite.
"And you must be Mr Whitlock." She stated in response. "Please." She smiled her most courteous smile as she tugged at her trousers just above the knee and retook her seat. "I have not yet ordered a drink, would you care for something?" She enquired politely attracting the attention of a waiter with an upward nod of her head without looking at the journalist.

Thomas took the seat and looked at her again. "I could use a Draylaxian whiskey," he said to her.

Her head cocked as she nodded to the server. "Draylaxian whiskey and a cold sweet cider for me please. Small glass." She requested and the waiter duly nodded and left to fulfil the order.

She turned her attention back to Thomas.
"So Mr Whitlock, what brings you to Deep Space 5. I suspect the fact that we have been under a great deal of pressure to unify the sector?" She asked the question more than made a comment.

"I wanted something a little more exciting and the higher ups sent me here," Thomas replied with a smile. "I have to say, I haven't been disappointed."

Tasha smiled with ease, not sure if the excitement was a good or bad thing as the waiter returned with a promptness with their beverages.
She turned her head towards the waiter. "Not sure if the Captain has an account, so if not, open one for me and charge to that. Names Tahir, Captain Tasha Tahir." She hoped that it was as easy to approve here as with other establishments on the station.

The waiter shot a concerned glance at the Captain. "I will check ma'am." He said, laying two placemats on the table and the drinks atop of them. "If you require anything else, just catch my attention." He dipped his head and spun off to the table two over.

Tasha turned back to Thomas lifting the glass. "Good health." She toasted, offering her glass forward to him

"Good health," Thomas said with a smile as he raised his glass.

She sipped her drink and shuddered at the cider, which was less than sweet and placed the drink back onto the paper placemat.
"And have you found it yet? Or is it too soon?" She questioned, pulling her leg up to rest on her knee and leant back into the comfortable chair, which for a bar was more than she could have hoped and far better than the cider but she was not about to complain. "The excitement I mean?" She added, captivated by his eyes.

"This assignment hasn't been a disappointment so far," Thomas replied with a smile.

Tasha's com chirped.
=^= "Captain, please report to Ops." =^= Bills voice sounded urgent.

She tapped her com as she stood.

=^= "On my way Chief." =^= "Duty calls." She said with a touch of regret to her tone, as she had been enjoying meeting a civilian who took his responsibilities seriously. "We shall have to rearrange." She dipped her head, the only thing she was glad to be getting away from, was the cider.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter