Things Past – Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Jun 21, 2014 @ 8:56am
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   Sd 76 (backpost)


Lise was in no mood to be friendly. As a Ferangi, he wasn't predisposed to the attitude to begin with, but today, he was even less amiable than usual. Ignoring the hails from various patrons and more than a few former clients, he shouldered his way up to the bar, a scowl on his face.

"Bokkai!" He hollered down the bar, instantly silencing the clamor and drawing nearly every eye in the Box.

Yolanthe looked up, turning a sandy yellow at the rude outburst. The little ferengi was drawing eyes all over. This must be Lise. Bugger. Harry, the huge gorn doorman was lumbering in his direction, but she shook her head towards him and moved out from behind the bar. "Can I help you?"

Lise growled at the back of his throat. "You spoke to my Orion."

"Oh, you want to sell the figurine. Please, come to my office and we'll talk." She decided to try and brazen it out, rather than deny it.

Lise blustered, mouth working without sound, watching the tall, stately woman stride away. After a second, he followed her, cursing under his breath. There was no door to slam behind him as he entered Yolanthe's office, only a sliding door. He took a deep breath, calming his nerves. Profit was profit, after all. And if this woman wanted to buy one of the pieces, so be it. One less of the crazy things to deal with. And maybe a few less idiot Telians breaking down his door.

"You saw the statue?" He said, reining in his temper.

"Briefly, when I dropped the crate. It was lovely. How much do you want?"

Lise glared, still angry at the Bokkai. She had no business putting ideas in his Orion's head. "Three bars of latinum," he sneered.

"One and a half" She replied promptly. She would have cheerfully paid the three to make him go away and not drop Akamu in it, but Ferengi were always angling, so she might as well play along.

Lise narrowed his eyes suspiciously. She was too willing. The piece she'd most likely seen - the stupid cats in the water - had little intrinsic value. It was tastefully carved from unremarkable volcanic stone, and would make a decent display piece or conversation starter, but it's true value was in its history and the legacy it represented. And an Alpha Quadrant barkeeper would be unlikely to be aware of any of that. One thing the Karemma who'd sold the artifacts had mentioned was that he needed to be extremely cautious. If any Telians caught him with the artifacts, it could mean his head on a stake.

But Yolanthe was Bokkai, not Telian, so he decided to see how this played out. Besides, the Karemma had said the cats sculpture was one of the least valuable of the artifacts.

"Two and a half," he shot back after a moment's consideration.

She hesitated, but not for long. "one point seven five."

"Two," Lise answered instantly. He loved bartering, and this female was actually quite decent at it, too. For a female.

"Cash on immediate delivery."

Lise sighed. "Very well. One point seven five."

"Then you have an accord," Yolanthe held out an electric blue hand.

Lise shook Yolanthe's hand slowly. He couldn't just let her win. Not like this. " Remember, Bokkai, stay away from my Orion."


Ferangi Captain


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights