Judgement – A Sordid Past Part II
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   A Sordid Past Part II
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 10:21am
Location   A seedy Location in Downtown San Fransico
Timeline   [Backpost Several Years Previously]
Lance felt the fist smash into his face. He could smell blood and cartilage. Instinctivly he knew his nose was broken. It didn't matter. Spitting out a globule of blood he collected his wits.

Stepping back he circled his opponent warily. The burly Orion launched another high right punch at Lance's head, but this time the starfleet cadet was expecting it, ducking under the blow he launched a counter punch into the larger mans armpit. The was a muffled grunt as the Orion absorbed the blow, Lance was in now in a crouched position, straightening his legs to give himself more momentum he propelled himself upwards landing an uppercut that had his full weight and force behind it.

The Orions head snapped back, his eye's rolling vacantly in their sockets as his legs turned to jelly underneath him and he went down.



Lance sat in the changing rooms after the fight. Victor was re-setting his nose. His roomate was lecturing Lance whilst conducting the proceedure. "I don't get it Lance, we're studying medicine for god-sakes, first do no harm and all that..." Victor was saying. "Why do you feel the need to get the crap kicked out of you every other week?" He asked.

"Ummm... I think I actually won this one." Lance joked.

Victor was unimpressed. "Yeah your face looks like a real winner." He said. "Do you have any idea what would happen to your career as a surgeon if you break your hands?" He asked.

Lance sat flexing and unflexing his fists. looking at the fresh scabs on his knuckles. "Yeah." He replied simply.

"So why do it?" Victor pressed. "Why take the risk? This whole 'fighting Doctor' thing doesn't make any sense."

"Not to you." Lance replied quietly. His thoughts turning to his father. In truth the fights were one of the only outlets that allowed him to vent the anger he felt within. He had been to weak before, too powerless to protect those he loved. He would make sure that never happened again. He clenched his fists tighter, then relaxed them.

"Vic, its a long story." Lance replied, he gave his friend a blood stained grin "Would you believe I do it for the girls?" He asked.

Victor shook his head. "You forget I sleep in the next room, I know you don't have any trouble bedding half the female students at the academy." Lance laughed, "Well I'm counting on you to fix my nose so that I still have a shot at the other half!" He joked.

Victor finally relented and gave a chuckle of his own. "I'm just impressed you actually trusted me enough to do this."

Lance gave his friend another bloody grin. "Actually I figured whatever you do will be enough for us to sneak back into the dorm. I can fix whatever damage you do myself later."

Victor rolled his eye's, "I think the reason you do these fights is that you piss everybody off. And knowing you are a semi-professional fighter deters everybody wanting to kick your ass every five minutes."

Lance laughed. "Well yes... there is that..."