Beg, Steal or Borrow – Making contact
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Making contact
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon Jan 26, 2009 @ 1:29am
Location   Jarred's office
Timeline   SD 1 1755 hrs
Jarred was about to wrap-up for the day when he remembered too contact the quartermaster at Intel. He quickly found the info he needed too contact his old friend.

"Aye it really....ACH! LADDY!!!" the grey haired gentleman answered

"Yeah Darcy its me, how are ya' you old git!"

"Oh I've been doing ok...this place keeps me too busy, so I know this isn't a social call, whaddaya want?" the welsh accented man asked

"A young Lieutenant is traveling to earth with my new CO and I need you equip her with a few goodies, and could you also get some of the intelligence armory stuff sent out here too?" jarred quipped

"I can do that 'une for ye, but I gotta know jerry... is it true about the Legacy? Is she really been ransacked by pirates?"

Jarred too a deep breath and filled his old friend in on some of the details of his now controversial mission. When he finished the recount, the older gentleman said "Boy you made a few new friends, I'll tell ya that now, even Admiral Janeway was impressed! Just keep your nose clean ok boy!"

Jarred just laughed and they said the farewells for now.

Mr. Wallace


Quartermaster Darcy