Incommunicado – Just for Kicks
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Just for Kicks
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Apr 07, 2012 @ 9:52pm
Location   Main Sickbay
Timeline   SD57 10:00

Rick staggered/limped his way into sickbay, supported by two deck hands. He had his arms around the shoulders of both, and he was wincing in pain now and again. His face was a look of concentration as he tried to keep pressure of one leg, which the foot of was twisted in an obscure direction. He reflected momentarily that perhaps this should have counted as a medical emergency and he should have just beamed himself directly into sick bay rather than come all the way the lower decks. If he could he would kick himself for being so stupid, if he had been more aware he would of seen the magna locks on the amo rack break and he could of dodged the small micro torpedo that had fallen on his leg….Ok. he had been under the Valkyrie fighter when it happened but if he hadn’t been so hands on in the management of fighter repairs this might not of happened. Next time he was going to stick to flying.

Chelsea was treating a patient when she looked up to see Rick on the other side of her Sickbay, supported by two colleagues and pale as if he were in pain.

"By the Prophets?" she exclaimed and handed over to the nurse who had been helping her. She hurried across to where another nurse had stepped up to help get Rick onto a bio-bed and started scanning his leg.

Running a medscan over him with a worried frown, Chelsea didn't say anything until she was sure he wasn't in any mortal danger then she let loose.

"What in the Prophets' name have you been doing? How did you do this much damage? Isn't it enough that I have to have eyes in the back of my head to keep those kids from harming themselves without having to put you on a lead as well?" It was the download of the fright he had given her seeing him being almost carried into Sickbay.

It had brought back too many terrible memories of when he had been almost incinerated playing heroics in defence of the USS Sarek. She shivered as that memory flashed across her subconscious.

Rick scratched the stubble on his chin and said "will you stop fussing" as he dismissed the men who had brought him up to sickbay.

"Fussing? FUSSing??" Chelsea spluttered with indignation. "I......" she paused for a speechless few seconds before she called Ed McBain over. She took a hypospray from her kit and jammed it not too gently into Rick's neck dosing him with pain relief.

She might be mad with him but she wasn't going to let him suffer from that badly broken ankle. She also knew that Ed was the best she had even including Ben who was talented but less experienced than Ed so when he arrived she handed over without any qualms.

"CPO McBain" she began making Ed raise his eyebrows at the formality and the clipped tone, sensing immediately that something untoward was under the CMO's skin. Ed had been her Mentor when she had first started on DS5, back in the days when Ryan had been CMO and she had come here as ACMO, so he knew her only too well, perhaps sometimes better than Rick from some angles.

"Yes Ma'am?" He mirrored the serious formality in reply, watching her carefully to see if he could guess what was wrong, other than that her husband was clearly the patient and as if that wasn't enough, he too was looking rather serious which in itself was uncharacteristic of the cheery, popular, generally serene CAG.

~God I hope this isn't a domestic!~ McBain guessed with the kind of insight and inspiration that he was known for.

"Lieutenant Commander Dunham is injured and does not wish to be *fussed* over. I wonder if you would be kind enough to take care of his wounds with the minimum of .... "fuss and bother" - not that in THIS Sickbay we are known for such trivial, unprofessional attitudes but somehow he seems to have gotten the wrong idea of us as medical practitioners." her sarcastic tone cut from a sharp tongue as she handed the padd to Ed with one eyebrow raised and a strut in her step as she left that said it was most definitely a major storm of a *domestic* in the making.

Ed winced and looked conspiratorially at Rick as the tornado winds swept out of the room, leaving very little to be guessed as to the temperature of the welcome the CAG was likely to get whenever he got *home*.

"Sucks to be you tonight!" Ed smirked good humouredly and began to treat the twisted limb with sympathy.

~Mental note: work late tonight~ thought Rick to himself as he watched his wife...sorry the chief medical officer storm away. This was closely followed by another thought; ~god she's hot when she's cross.~ This thought was quickly dismissed however as it would appear that Rick was in fact for all intents and purposes in the 'dog house.' As this realisation hit him his mouth opened ajar slighlty and he asked the universe in general "what I do?"

Chelsea went back to work, stung and bristling. She would have also have chosen to pull a late shift to avoid him tonight but now there were the children to consider so they would both HAVE to go home and be nice to one another for the sake of the kids. It wasn't their fault and they shouldn't need to suffer from being in the middle of a row or a bad atmosphere.

At the end of her shift she went to the creche and collected them all, wondering why Rick wasn't out yet. Ed would have finished that ankle within a couple of hours so where could the Offender be?

'The Offender' was working....but not in the way he had wanted, upon returning to the 'barn,' home of wing command, fighter control and primary star fighter docking facilities, he had found that in his absence two fighters had gone missing and that there was an ever increasing bubble of communication black out occurring within deep space five space. But he had also completely forgotten about the kids and that they were staying with them. He pressed his comm whilst runnning to the changing room to put on his flight gear =^= Rick to Chelsea =^=

=^= Dunham here =^= she replied, the sound of kids crying in the background almost drowning her out. "Kids, stop that. Put him down." She said in an aside before Rick could answer. She sounded stressed but this time in an exhausted and fraught way rather than the huffy one that one might have expected from their last conversation earlier in the day.

Rick was talking while stripping, peeling off his uniform and rushing to get his flight suit on. He cringed slightly as the sound of the kids reminded him of his other responsibilities. =^= Honey I'm sorry, I have two missing pilots out there to try find =^= he sounded genuinely apologetic.

=^= Duty calls =^= her tone was flat and non-commital. =^= Stay safe. =^= she was gone as she hurled herself across the room to reach the youngest as he fell, throwing herself underneath him and coming up in a roll with him held closely to her body. "I ASKED you not to hold him up there." her tone was less than amused as the adrenylin that had shot though her began to abate into a state of near shock.

"Right. It's time for your tea. Wash and sit up." she instructed, keeping a tight reign on her exasperation. As she made up feed for the baby and omelettes for the other two the scene returned to calm and normal and that was when she realised she hadn't said she loved Rick.

As always, it was like going to sleep on an argument. The rule was that she never let him go on a mission, particularly a non-routine one, without saying that... it wasn't so much for luck as for the security that if.... IF... he mightn't come back one of these days, she wouldn't be left knowing she had neglected that.

Her heart wrung itself into a knot and a sob escaped her. It was a sob of frustration, exhaustion and upset and it made Todd, the eldest, sidle up to her, his large eyes empathetic as he sensed her distress.

"Sorry" he offered on the child's standard assumption that this had been his fault for dangling his baby brother earlier: An incident that had frightened him too and left him feeling guilty.

"Todd, it's not your fault, Sweetheart." Chelsea melted. "It was a bad day at work." This was mostly true and it covered all that needed to be attributed to the rawness of Chelsea's nerves right now.

Todd hugged against her and she freed an arm to wrap around him too. The eggs were ready soon and the baby was fed as she read to the other two quietly on the sofa.

Calm and settled, the baby went off to sleep unharmed and unaffected. The two year old nestled and before long she was sleepy too. Chelsea took them both to bed and allowed Todd to watch one of his vid-stories before persuading him to retire in due course with lots of reassurance.

When they were all settled, Chelsea had nothing to distract her from her thoughts about Rick. She knew it wasn't the done thing to contact him on a mission but this was really bugging her.

In the end she gave in, after a lot of pacing. She contacted Ops and asked how the Squadron were doing and they told her they had lost contact with all of them. That was it. It had to happen somewhen and now it had. She sank onto the sofa and just stared into space, frozen as if her whole life had stopped.

=^= Dunham to Dunham =^= desperation, damn the rules. =^= Empty crackling =^=


Second Officer & Chief Medical Officer
Commander Chelsea Dunham


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham