Judgement – Chance Encounter
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Chance Encounter
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sun Feb 27, 2011 @ 6:10pm
Location   Various
Wayne was more then a little upset over how things had been going for the last little while, it had only been a few weeks since his wife's death and the memories were still fresh enough that they gave him nightmares from time to time. Last night had been one of the worst he had had in a while he kept seeing her shuttle blow up and watching what must have been her frantic last few seconds as she tried to correct what was wrong and the look of sheer horror that was on her face just miliseconds before the explosion when she realised that there was nothing she was going to do and she died. It was while dwelling on these thoughts as he was walking down the cooridore that he literally walked right into someone knocking them to the floor and forceing him to stager back to keep on his feet.

Melody landed with an 'omph', the PADDs that she was carrying scattered around her. Stunned she looked around her and then up at the handsome, yet troubled face.

"Sorry I did not see you there." said Wayne he knew it was lame but it was the truth and it was all he had at the moment.

"It wasn't like I was paying much attention either." She mumbled and fumbled with trying to gather the PADDs. "I'm sorry." She gave a quick smile picking herself up off the floor.

"Allow me to help you." Said Wayne calmly as he helped her gather up the last few PADD's he noticed that she was in the uniform of science or medical and wore Lt. pips also haveing glanced at one of the PADD's he had picked up he could tell she was a scientist and a rather stunning young lady at that. "My name is Wayne Bradshaw and I would be honored if you would let me buy you a drink as a way to partially make up for basically running you over just now." Said Wayne lightly.

"Melody Bray, I was just heading back to my quarters. If you let me change first...I do not like social gatherings while in uniform." Her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Melody's friends always thought she was a bit of a snob about how to dress and act in social gathering. They teased her that she was born in the wrong era and that she should of been born a queen.

"Not a problem may I accompany you. I will of course wait outside while you change so that there is no hint of impropriety that could be attributed to our meeting." Said Wayne calmly as he offered her his arm.

Melody giggled softly to herself. "You are a gentleman." She smiled up at him. He was just the sort of man that she had wanted to meet but once again her friends had teased her saying that that sort of man didn't exist. The expression on his face was softer but his eyes still seemed sad. Melody took his offered arm and lead them back to her quarters. She wondered why his eyes were so sad.

"I...I will only be a moment."

She stepped inside and tossed the PADDs on the couch and went to her closet. Grabbing her favourite jeans, black fitted sweater and her suade boots she quickly changed. Melody kept her hair in the messy bun and hoped that she had dressed appropriately for their outing.

Wayne hoped that he was doing the right thing it had been years since he was on a date and well the corps had not exactly taught him how to act around younger women. He guessd that this lady was easly half his age but he was not sure. Still it would be interesting and could be fun, lord knew he needed a little fun in his life especially now.

"Is this ok?" Melody asked as she exited her quarters. "I don't know where you want to go...I can change if it isn't appropriate?"

"That is quite alright. I was not planning on anything to flashy just a few drinks and maybe a nice dinner and some conversation." Said Wayne softly he was not about to tell her that she looked drop dead gorgeous in those clothes or he might just find himself slapped or something. "Shall we be off then." He said offering her his arm again.

"Have you been here long?" She asked taking his arm. "I haven't seen you around...mind, I have been spending a lot of time in my office...perhaps a little too much."

"We have been onboard for a while now though like you I have not had the chance to get out and about lately just tied down at the office running the company when dad is gone and keeping tabs on areas of interest or trouble." Said Wayne lightly as they walked down the corridor.

"If I am not in my office then I am out in the field. I'm surprised that I don't smell like some old tomb, or a mummy." She laughed.

Wayne gave a chuckle at that thought. "I have no doubt but that you are a huge attribute to your field. Though if I may be so bold I do not find you snobish or uptight in the least you are perhaps one of the easiest women to talk to I have had the pleasure of meeting." Said Wayne softly

"And yet your eyes are still sad." She replied quietly without realising she had said it.

Wayne was almost instantly more guarded. "The reason for that is not a topic for pleasant conversation nor is it one I would bring up on a first date." Said Wayne dryly.

"I didn't...I am sorry...I couldn't help but notice...I notice things about people that others normally wouldn't...I am an anthropologist and archaeologist...sometimes I say things without censure." She tried to explain. Melody had felt so comfortable with him that she didn't even think to keep her thoughts close to her chest.

"It is not a big problem just please do not bring it up again. maybe after I have had a chance to get to know you I will tell you some of my secrets but not just yet." said Wayne lightly as they walked.

"Perhaps one day I will share some of mine." She smiled. They reached The Promenade and Melody stopped, waiting for Wayne to show her where he wanted to go.

Wayne looked around and spotted a lounge he had heard about. "Let's try there." He said pointing to the Box of Delights entrance.

"I have heard the girls in the labs say wonderful things about the lounge." She replied with a smile.

"I know that I have heard alot of people around say that this is one of the best places to eat or just to unwind, so I figured what the heck it would be a nice place for two people to get to know each other better." said Wayne lightly as they entered the lounge and headed for the second floor.

Once at their seats a waitress was at their table within moments. "Something with strawberries." Melody smiled and waited for Wayne to order his drink. Melody sat back and watched the people around her, absentmindedly playing with the necklace around her neck. Even though she hadn't been on DS5 long she liked coming to the Promenade and watching the civil workings, people bustling around. "I'm sorry?" She asked when she heard Wayne's voice, she blushed when she found his eyes on her.

"I was just wandering what could have you so distracted that a photon torpedo could have gone off and you would not have noticed a thing." Asked Wayne with a slight chuckle.

"I study what humanoids and humans for that matter were like hundreds and thousands of years ago. I wonder what anthropologists and archaeologists will think of us 'primitive' creatures when our time here is done." She replied almost shyly, her fingers still twisting the green glass like stone that was hanging from the white gold chain necklace.

"They will probably think we were a bunch of backwards thinking self destructive people who let our own ambitions get the better of us in the end." said Wayne lightly. "But enough talking shop for a while I do not often have the pleasure of dining with such an attractive partner and I for one intend to enjoy it." He added as he stood up and offered her his hand. "May I have this dance."

Melody laughed and she took his hand, "You are awfully forward!" She followed him willingly to the dance floor.

"I have found over the years that you only get things if you go after them so I figure better to be to forward and maybe not get what I would like or to be to withdrawn and let a good thing pass me by cause I am not willing to take the chance." said Wayne calmly.

"And you want me?" She blushed looking up at him. It had been a long time since she had let any man close to her. She had caught Antoine with someone she thought was a friend to her...it took a lot for her to trust anyone, she didn't trust the man that she was dancing with but Melody could see that he was opening her up.

"I would have to be a blind fool not to see how stunning you look and I would have to be an idiot not to realize how smart you are at least about your area of expertise. Those qualities tend to bring out a bit of the animal in me so you ask do I want you the answer is yes. Not saying I want to sleep with you yet I am not that kind of man but I would love to spend more time with you and get to know you better. Maybe even someday you will be able to trust me and I will open up to you more once I trust you enough." Said Wayne flatly he knew he was holding secrets back from this lovely lady but he was not exactly ready to spring the fact that he had been married and had a few kids of his own on her at least not on the first date.

Mel blushed as he spoke, she watched his face, his eyes. She saw the secrets that he held in his eyes. "I would be lying to myself and you too if I said I didn't feel the same but I don't trust easily Wayne...I have been hurt and burned."

"For some reason I kinda figured it was something like that. I have no intention of rushing you into anything so we can take this at whatever speed you are most comfortable with and work on things from there." Said Wayne softly as they danced to a slow song that was being played by the small band on stage.

Melody sighed letting their bodies come closer, she rested her head on his shoulder and let him lead her around the dance floor. It surprised her that their bodies seemed to fit together like two puzzle pieces in a grander picture.

Wayne was determined to take things slow with this lovely young lady though he could not help but to start wandering what his life would be like if she were a larger part of it. It was a curse of the bradshaw men that they tended to wear their hearts on their sleeves. Sure his was slightly calloused and guarded but he could literally feel the walls start to crack. He wanted someone he could talk to about his past and he thought he might have found that person but it was to early to tell for sure. To that end they simply held each other as the music played enjoying the feel of the other person in his arms.


Lt. (JG) Melody Bray NPC'd by Jana

Wayne Bradshaw Jr. NPC'd by Wayne