Beg, Steal or Borrow – In Memorium: Part 4
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson

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Title   In Memorium: Part 4
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Fri Feb 27, 2009 @ 1:43pm
Location   Deck 72 - Marine Complex
Timeline   SD8 - 01:00
Nveid nodded, and unfroze the simulation, starting the cornucopia of noise and visuals back in motion.

In front of him and Isha, a variety of Starfleet personnel sat hunched at their shaking consoles, as they struggled to control their beleaguered vessel. Some battled the latest wave of Jem’hadar fighters, others worked on damage control, and one grim faced security Lieutenant made use of the ship’s environmental control systems to suck the atmosphere out of those compartments which had been occupied by Dominion forces before the Marines could rout them.

Some of the enemy carried their own atmosphere, but most of them didn’t and that made them vulnerable. There were Starfleet crew in some of those spaces, friends and colleagues, but there was no way to save them. If the Lieutenant didn’t kill them, then the enemy would.

As an aside, the cognizant Nveid said to Isha, “Better a quick death in vacuum then at the hands of the Dominion.”

It was a nightmare, Isha thought. She had never been in such an environment at such a time; her mother, Nveid, even Nniol had always made sure she was kept on the ground if there was any chance of running into conflict. Once the Empire had taken the decision to enter the Dominion war Nveid hadn’t allowed her to so much as set foot on a starship, she had not left ch’Rihan until it was long over. It had angered her at the time, it always did when people contrived to keep her our of things for her own ‘protection’ – for once, she acknowledge to herself that they had had a point.

“You’ll get no argument from me,” Isha said, slightly disturbed by her own lack of reaction to the increasing chaos around her.

As the bridge shook and consoles exploded, Captain Itsura hung on grimly to his seat, shouting orders, trying vainly to keep his crew alive.

“Report!” He shouted as the lights over him detonated in a shower of sparks, coating him with their glow.

Lieutenant Jones leaned over and squinted at her flickering console, “A dozen Jem`hadar cruisers against a single Normandy-class carrier…with those odds we still had three-“ she paused as if distracted as she consulted her displays, “-make that four kills.”

Before the Captain could reply, another blast rocked the entire ship. Itsura was sent flying out of his chair, and skidding across the floor right into Nveid, who toppled with him to the ground. With a grunt and a curse in Romulan, Nveid recovered and helped Itsura to his feet.

As the Federation Captain wiped a small trail of blood from his mouth he said, “What the hell was that?”

The COO, a male Bolian frantically palmed his console, “It must have been one of their boarding parties, sir. My guess is an antimatter charge.”

The engineering officer shouted from his station, “Sir! Fire Control for the torpedo launchers is off-line!”

Lieutenant Jones paled, and looked at Itsura. The loss of the ship’s torpedoes was a crippling blow to their holding action, “Captain, the torpedoes were my last defensive option. I can’t hold them off with Phasers alone.”

The entire bridge was quiet as Itsura thought. The Nveid standing next to Isha said quietly, “Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined how we could have gotten out of this situation. This Itsura was brilliant…for a human at least.”

Isha looked up at this Nveid and jabbed her finger toward the other one as she spoke, “was that his opinion or yours? I don’t accept that the two are the same. The real Nveid never doubted himself or relied on the ingenuity of a havam to get him out of any situation.”

That was not entirely true, but his doubts were spoken in privacy between them and she could not imagine that he had ever shared such thoughts with anyone other than herself which meant that someone was employing a degree of poetic licence in his programming.

“All right,” Itsura said gruffly, moving back to his chair and tapping in commands on his still functioning console, “We’re abandoning the Valkyrie .”

The Nveid of the simulation moved forward with a scowl on his face, “Are you mad, you kriheis'ei. How will abandoning this vessel help our situation? We have nowhere to run, and are outnumbered by a large margin. Instead of killing us is one fell swoop, they will simply pick us off one at a time. We’ll die anyway, and this mission will be a failure.”

Itsura stared grimly back at Nveid, and then a ghost of a smile appeared on his face, “Heh, this isn’t over. What did you think I was going to do, go down with the ship and let everybody else die?”

Nveid stared stonily back at him, “The thought had crossed my mind.”

Itsura managed a chuckle, and then coughed up a small wad of blood, which he spat onto the floor, “In a manner of speaking, I am going to do something like that,” he pointed out the miraculously functioning view screen at the planet that loomed close to them, “The planet…I’m going to try to land the Valkyrie on it.”

The Romulan Commander could only stare in silence, “…That’s insane,” is what he said eventually, delivering it in a typical stoic and calm Romulan tone.

As computerized warnings for the crew to prepare to abandon ship played over the ships speakers, Itsura leaned heavily on a support railing and said, “I appreciate your concern…but this isn’t up to me anymore. This is our only option to survive, and maybe salvage something of the mission. And if you don’t like it, then you can stay here, and be blown to smithereens with the rest of your detachment…if not, then come with us.”

Without waiting for a response, he turned to the Helmsman and said, “Lieutenant, lock in a selection of emergency landing zones and upload them to my tricorder,” As he said that, he moved around the bridge and said to Nveid, “Where are your troops?”

Nveid wavered as another blast hit, and said calmly, “They are below. They should be in the Company of your Marine contingent.”

The human nodded, “Good…they can go with them. Now then, let’s get as close to the planet as possible…increase our chances of getting off this ship alive.”

As he said that, the Nveid next to Isha waved his hand and froze the simulation again, “Let's leave myself and the good Captain to their work, and check up on how some other people, including our good friend the Major are doing, shall we?”

”Oh yes, let’s,” Isha said clapping her hands together with insincere and feigned enthusiasm, nothing could make this night more perfect!”

To be continued …


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Major James Darson