Beg, Steal or Borrow – Refuge: Part 1
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Refuge: Part 1
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri May 22, 2009 @ 2:56pm
Location   Isha's Quarters
Timeline   c. 19:30

As her door closed Isha shrugged off her dress and let it crumple to the floor, somewhere in that heap was the transponder that had allowed them to take her. She winced her way through the shower and stared for a long time at the discolouration along her ribs as she waited for herself to dry, using the towel proved impossible. Eventually she pulled on a loose green robe and found her way to the sofa.

“Computer, send a message to doctor Adams,” she said as she shifted again. “Ask her to bring a medkit.”

Chelsea received the call on her comm badge, amongst a stream of similar messages, but *this* one stopped her in her tracks.

=^= Acknowledged, on my way =^= was her short reply as she snatched up her kit and handed the padd she had been using to a medic who had been assisting her.

As she hurried past the beds, she sought out Ed McBain. "Ed, I have to answer a call out, take over here please?" McBain nodded, hardly looking up from the regenerating of a deep looking laceration. "Sure thing" he replied and added "sir" afterwards with a grin as she moved on rapidly towards the door.

Hurling him a look back that would have frozen an Andorian Snow-Targ in it's tracks, Chelsea narrowed her eyes at her dear friend and pretended to be furious with him for a second. "That's YOU on sterilising the sigmoidoscopy scopes for a month, Mister!" she pretended to berate him without slowing her pace.

As the doors swished closed behind her, Ed grinned at a junior medic looking confused at having witnessed this. "Don't worry son, we don't use those and haven't done this century! ACMO is just letting me know who's boss." The youngster looked as if he understood at last, until Ed added softly with a wide smirk. "I'll clip her ear for her later!"

Chelsea hurried up the corridor and into the turbolift. She might have been looking as if she had everything under control as she left the Sickbay but the call she was answering was worrying her a great deal. As the lift doors closed and she found herself alone she allowed her frown to deepen with concern.

Something was very wrong. Isha wouldn't ask for medical intervention lightly. She and Raedheol had that in common, amongst a lot of other traits. They'd both prefer to put up with almost any amount of pain and discomfort rather than ask for Federation help, even of their friend, as Chelsea knew they both considered her to be.

The last Chelsea had heard from Isha had been that she was in the Consulate, under protection from Major Darson and Ensign Opaka with an angry mob gathering. That had been before Battlestations had been declared. What if Darson had left Isha & Jo'el exposed, to go off and do whatever Marines did under those conditions?

Chelsea didn't know what that would be exactly, nor did she think Darson's people would do that, but she couldn't imagine how else anyone could have got to Isha? She wondered if it wasn't a someone, so much as a something that was involved? Maybe there had been a direct hit on the Consulate? But then, there would have been other casualties too and reports of that. And why was Isha in her *old* quarters now?

She went through a thousand questions in her head as she got closer to Isha's location and by the time she came out of the lift she had begun to run along the sections of corridor. When she finally arrived, she hung on the chime, breathing hard with the exertion of sprinting.

As she walked to the door Isha clutched her arms tightly around herself. “Who is it?” she asked opening it only when the doctor had identified herself.

"Isha? Isha what's happened? Is Raedheol back?" Chelsea wasn't sure why she said that last part, it seemed to come from the depths of having spent far too much time wildly speculating all the time she had spent getting here.

~*He* would never have let anything hurt Isha, he can't be back yet or this wouldn't have happened. Unless.... no, he wouldn't have hurt her himself? He's capable of a lot but not *that*!~

Chelsea realised as she was waiting, that making a fuss would not sit well with Isha and that if she was hurt, it might be taking her a few moments to get to the door release. She tried to regain her own inner calm.

~For the Prophets' sake, Adams, where's your *doctor-on-call* composure now?~ she berated herself in the split seconds that she'd been standing there at Isha's door.

”Rh’vaurek?” Isha said, “he’s not back,” although the shake of her head she added was intended to dismiss the question that she suspected Chelsea was asking herself; in the doctor’s situation Isha would probably have wondered the same thing. “Come in,” Isha said, “I think I’ve frightened enough passers by for one day,” she added with an unconvincing smile.

Chelsea walked in and glanced around. A lot of Isha's things were gone but there were still many items that looked familiar from previous visits.

Watching the way Isha was hobbling, Chelsea got out her med-corder at once. "What in the Universe happened, Isha?" she gasped as she began to get readings. Snatching up a hypospray filled with analgesic and a regenerator and pointing sternly to the couch Chelsea became the bossy doctor as she realised how badly hurt her friend was.

A pithy comment or wry observation, that was what Isha would normally make about her own condition but she just could not find any; she was somewhere beyond fear and beyond anger where such defences lost their value. Isha lowered herself stiffly back onto the sofa, "Nniol ... my husband's brother," she mumbled, "They took me off the station, Nniol and my son, they were so determined to depose me. I ... I ..." Isha just looked at Chelsea unable to stop the tears.

Shocked that Isha's iron resolve and steely reserve were as smashed as the rest of her appeared to be, Chelsea dropped to her knees beside her friend, shot the analgesic into her and then wrapped her gingerly into a gentle hug, holding her close until the worst of her sobbing subsided.

To be continued ...

A JP between:

Romulan Diplomat Isha t'Khellian


Lieutenant Chelsea Adams