Incommunicado – Sins of the Father part 5
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Sins of the Father part 5
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Thu Apr 12, 2012 @ 2:44am
Location   Scion Station/ Bera Don
Timeline   4.5 years into the Takian War

"How long?" The Ambassador asked.

The silence of the conference room was the only response.

"How long must we continue to waste the lives of our young men and women in this war of attrition!?!" 2nd Prime Hussley said as he slammed his fist down onto the table, causing the holographic display to shimmer.

"We continuously engage them time after time, and what do we have to show for it? We are no closer towards independence today than we were two years ago!" He said as several heads within the room nodded in agreement with him.

"2nd Prime, we have made significant overtures in regards to being recognized as an independent government in the eyes of the Unity." Minister Ja'ron Detheaux stated. "We can't negotiate for peace in one hand while waiving a weapon in the other. These things take time." He tried to say calmly.

"HOW MUCH TIME!?" The 2nd Prime asked rhetorically. "Time is what our people do not have. Do you not see that the Unity has far superior numbers than our own. It means nothing to them to lose an entire fleet in a battle. They'll simply build another one in a matter of months and try to reclaim whatever lands they have lost." The battle-hardened politician stated to the Elder Minister.

"He is right," a voice said, interrupting the argument. The various heads within the room turned towards the holographic projection of the Takian solider.

"Our soldiers have begun to become weary of these constant skirmishes. IF we continue down this path, the Unity will win just from sheer numbers alone. Something more definitive must happen." 1st Commander Re'Lan Tru'Ane stated from the bridge of the Bashtor.

"I am in agreement," came another voice. "Re'Lan and I have fought tirelessly for our people, but we must make a bold strike if we are going to break the spirit of the Unity and show them that continuing to fight us will cost them more than they are prepared to pay." 1st Commander Clo'bnz stated from the bridge of the Dartnor.

The 2nd Prime had prepared for this moment, having already spoken to the Takian fleet's most prized military commanders, he was already assured of their cooperation. His idea was unheard of and would certainly need the support of powerful voices within the High Guard in order for the High Council to accept it as the best choice. . .the only choice.

"I have spoken to the both Commanders and we have developed a strategy that is certain to send shock waves throughout the Cierian Hierarchy, to the point that they will no longer have the stomach for war." he said as he pressed several buttons on the console revealing the plan.

"Our target will be the Cierian colony of Bera Don," He said. "It would be expected for us to launch a strike against their heavily fortified capital. Instead we will demonstrate our power by targeting a sparsely defended dilithium extraction facility that is located in orbit of a civilian population." The 2nd Prime announced.

=^= Bera Don =^=

Bera Don, a heavily populated planet far from established shipping lanes and even further from the front lines of war, hung like a ruby against the pool of night. The rare crimson quartz that comprised the world's surface drank in and refracted sunlight back out into space. The Ceirian Empire considered the planet not just a valuable source of dilithium, but a natural wonder of the galaxy.

When the Takian fleet dropped out of warp on the edge of the two=planet system, the Home Guard was orbiting the planet in a loose formation. Unaware. Unprepared.

1st Commander Re'Lan Tru'Ane stood from his chair and observed the loose formatino of the Home Guard. they were unaware of what was about to befall their planet. Sympathy was a luxury that Re'Lan could not enjoy, not when his people were so close to gaining their freedom from the rule of the Cieran Empire.

"Open a channel to Clo'bnz onboard the Dartnor. Tell them to hold formation and not to attack unless and until I give the signal." The Commander said to his communications officer as he approached the standing point for the projection-communication system.

"Open a channel to the planet, activate projector-view once communication has been established." He ordered.

Meisha opened the hailing frequency, glanced down at the man who appeared onscreen, then began talking automatically. "Welcome to Bera Don. Our goal of fast, friendly service means a lot to us here at West Shore Enterprises. Please enter standard orbit and await dock..." She trailed off, finally noticing his Takian rank bar.

"Oh, um..Sorry about that, Commander...?"

"I am 1st Commander Re'Lan Tru'Ane, of the Takian High Guard Fleet. You are ordered to stand down and surrender." he said crisply and without hesitation.

"Surrender?" Meisha cocked an eyebrow. She seemed to be having a difficult time wrapping her head around the fact that this was an invasion fleet. "Look, Commander Tru'Ane, this is a supply depot. If you need dilithium, just let me know. I can assure you our prices are very competitive. Otherwise, I think you'll find Bera Dan of little value to your little war."

"Little war?" Re'Lan said, feeling the hairs along his arms bristled. He made a non-verbal gesture to his tactical officer, signalling for him to prepare the weapon.

"For the sake of the lives of your crew and others, stand down and surrender." He said in a stiff tone while maintaining eye-contact with the individual.

Meisha knew full well the Takian penchant for completely ignoring little details like sides, neutrality, and long-establish Telian articles of war. Nevertheless, she refused to let her fear of the gol'ok'ki in orbit shake her belief in the laws and customs she'd grown up with. She was Oramen, and would uphold the honor of her people in the face of this danger. She took a deep breath, steeling herself against the inevitable.

"I won't waste time, Commander, explaining to you the hows and whys of this colony's neutrality," she said. "I know you won't hear a word I say. I also will not tarnish the honor of my family and country by kneeling to terrorists. Please, destroy this station and colony, if you must. I'll say a prayer for the souls of my people. You, however, will get no such respect." She smiled politely and terminated her end of the conversation.

"Very well. May the spirits embrace you in the hereafter." Re'Lan said as he gestured for his communication officer to cut the signal.

"Signal the Dartnor, tell them to begin their assault." He said as he took a deep breathe. He used his left hand to steady his right hand as the realization of just what he was about to do began to take hold of him.

Right after the comm went dark, Meisha prepared a distress capsule, leaving a message for the Ceirian troops who would come to investigate the sudden silence of the colony. Then, she sent a short prayer to Dalas.

"Creator of us all, Father," she whispered. "Shield my people. Calm their fears. And make this as quick and painless as possible." She paused. "Father, forgive me for my anger. I know Ecodan taught us that vengeance is not for us to ask for, but I pray that your wrath against these butchers will be great. And not too slow, if you please."

A pair of powerful arms, those of her husband, Earl Deresa, wound about her shoulders. "So say we all," he muttered coldly. He leaned down and rested his chin on the top of her head. "Our home guard are putting up a fight," he said. "But they aren't trained against Destroyers. We've already lost Garen and Kolo." Meisha contained the tears. Garen was the oldest of their sentient ships, and the most powerful. Kolo was his second, he'd fought in the Dominion Border War sixteen years ago. With them gone... no, dead; murdered... there was no chance.

Back onboard Re'Lan's vessel he saw the second half of his task force beginning their assault against the daring Home Guard. He knew that their sacrifice was nothing more than an attempt at distracting the Takian fleet until their Ceirian's re-inforcements would arrive.

"Bring the gravitational device online." Re'Lan commanded as he stood at the fore of the bridge, keeping his eyes focused on the battle so as to not reveal the inner strife within him.

"Are...are you certain sir?" the tactical officer inquired as he prepared the launch commands.

"Didn't you hear them?" Re'Lan asked rhetorically. "They view our entire mission as some "little war". They don't know what we have been through, they don't care that to the Ceirian Empire, we are nothing more than bugs that can be crushed at their choosing. We are doing this to send an example to the entire Empire that we are willing to do WHATEVER it takes to be free!" Re'Lan said with more conviction in his voice than he had shown since the start of this mission.

"To answer you question: I am not sure how the Spirits will judge me, but I know that if I am to face eternal Dok'troom, then let it be for this cause." He intoned.

As the gridlock between the two fleets raged on, a silver ball of energy was generated from the Bashtor and was purposefully aimed towards the mining facility that orbited the colony. The facility itself had little tactical value to any force and the resources its possessed were hardly worth the effort that would be necessary to obtain and maintain dominion over it.

However, if the orbit of the 2.6 kilometer structure were to rapidly deteriorate through an gravitational event within its immediate vicinity, the crew onboard would be helpless to prevent its direct collision course with the planet's surface. In fact, the planet below would only have upward of two hours to begin and complete evacuation procedures of its entire population before the structure violently collided with the planet's surface.

Those two hours, were the only mercy that Re'Lan was willing to give.

"Fire," he ordered. . .and with one word, an entire planet would be forever devastated.

- Telia - two weeks later -

Tevarna stood in stunned silence, watching the train of refugees disembarking at Juguar Spaceport, a half children for each adult that came down the ramp of the single ship. The Beros had obviously done what they could to save the youngest of the two million colonists.

"How many? he heard himself say, his hoarse croak coming from miles away.

"Eighty-seven," Tali'ani said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "And the planet was... devastated. The quartz surface shattered once the device was detonated. The other refugee ships were caught in the blast."

"If it had been any other world," Tevarna sighed. "They would have been safe. That's the report I had."

"Either the Takians didn't intend for the loss of civilian life to be so... catastrophic, or, more likely, they planned to murder as many Telians as possible." Tali'ani's voice grew harder as she spoke. "The Ambassador from Oramen is at the House of Nobles. He's demanding Takian blood. No doubt, you're the next person he'll want to see."

"Takian blood?" Tevarna repeated. "He'll get it. I'll make sure we can all bathe in the life-blood of those... things." He shot a glare over at Tali'ani. "They'll soon discover why our ancestors established the Unity. We're butchers. Killers that make the Jem'hadar look like children." He took a deep breath. "Have the Aereom finished examining the Dominion's weapon?"

Tali'ani nodded. "They called it Yo'cava de Sho'canala. 'The Vengeance of God.'"

"No," Tevarna said. "This is our vengeance."


1st Commander Re'Lan Tru'Ane (NPC)
Takian Leader

Lady Meisha (NPC)
Governess of Bera Don

Emperor Tevarna IX (NPC)
Cierian Leader

Empress Tali'ani II (NPC)
Iben Leader