Beg, Steal or Borrow – Weiltzer New Ship Issues
by Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer

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Title   Weiltzer New Ship Issues
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer
Posted   Mon Jun 29, 2009 @ 2:30am
Location   WCV Leo Tolstoy, 9421st Fleet Offices, Weiltzer Corp Offices
Timeline   SD9 1400-1900
OFF: I figure that this would make a great JP, and I hope to involve you a lot more and to help you get more involved in the group.

ON: As the WCV Leo Tolsoy, a heavily armed, heavily armored, and heavily shielded Weiltzer Corp Warship flew through space at its fastest warp capability, which was faster than most of the freight ships they were designed to escort, the crew was going about their normal routine. This ship was commanded, at least for the moment, by Admiral James Chavo. He and his crew, and their ship, were operating under orders to leave the Weiltzer Corp drydock orbitting Earth and to report to Deep Space Five where they were to fall under the command of the 9421st Fleet and Commander Nayron.

Admiral Chavo had protested the orders, had tried to argue that as he had a higher rank he should be in command of whatever fleet his ship was to be assigned to, but he lost the argument. As a result he was a little bit cranky, but he had been reassured that any orders given to his ship by Commander Nayron would essentially be coming from Fleet Admiral Weiltzer, and that even if they weren't coming from him, that they were to be treated exactly as if they were because he had easy access to the 9421st Fleet and would undoubtedly be working extremely close with them, as was the custom for Fleet Admiral Weiltzer, regardless of where he was assigned or stationed.

"Lieutenant, what is our current estimated time of arrival for Deep Space Five," asked Admiral Chavo carefully as he sat in the command chair with his Executive Officer at his right and his Second Executive Officer on his left, the traditional places for his right hand man and the man who would be his right hand man should his right hand man ever need replacing.

"Estimated time of arrival to Deep Space Five is currently eight hours," responded the young Lieutenant.

Tapping his combadge, Admiral Chavo contacted Engineering. "Chavo to Engineering."

"Engineering here, sir," said the aging Lieutenant General who was the Chief Engineer.

"Can we get any more speed out of our engines?" he asked the engineer, cautiously.

"Sir, we can't nurse much more out of our engines. We can nurse out about 10% more from our engines before we hit the beginning of the red zone. I would advise against trying to nurse more than 10% more from them or we risk permanently crippling the engines or even having them blow up in our face," said the Engineer calmly.

"Is that based off of your calculations and your experience with similar ships, or is that based off of the book that some computer geek who never a once worked on engines wrote?" asked Admiral Chavo, calmly anticipating the response, given that he and the Lieutenant General had served together for a very long time.

"It is obviously based off of my personal experience, as you damn well know," said the General kind of chuckling.

"Do it then," said Admiral Chavo cautiously, "But watch it carefully. I expect three sets of eyes on it at all times," he stated furiously.

As the ship began to pick up speed, an announcement came from the young Captain working at tactical.

"Sir, our shields have just dropped, weapons have powered down, engines are shutting down, we are losing navigational control, and sensors just went offline," he said calmly, but with a little bit of an edge in his voice he added, "Right before we lost sensors, sir, we had picked up a minimum of six extremely large vessels closing in on us. We weren't able, however, to get their identification tags before our sensors went down."

"Get a signal to Deep Space Five, and engage the distress signal repeater. Relay the following message on a repeater frequency. This is Admiral Chavo in command of the WCV Leo Tolstoy. We have just undergone a sudden change in our defensive status. Our shields, weapons, engines, navigational control, and sensors are now unoperational. We are requesting assistance from any and all vessels within responding range," he said recording the distress repeater message.

"Sir, I wasn't able to get a channel open to Deep Space Five before we lost communications, but your distress signal went out and activated all Weiltzer Repeater Stations and frequencies as well as all Federation Repeater Stations and frequencies within the area, which are in turn activating those that they can contact. I estimate that if everything goes according to plan, it should reach Deep Space Five within five minutes give or take," said the tactical officer calmly.

"Thank you, Captain Patton," responded Admiral Chavo carefully.

Meanwhile, back on Deep Space Five, a young Ensign suddenly got a communication signal on the emergency distress repeater frequencies. Listening to it, he very much paled, and headed directly for Commander Nayron's office. Upon finding no one there, the Ensign quickly ran to Fleet Admiral Weiltzer's office, completely out of breath and unable to speak, he just bolted into the conference room, where Johan was having an important meeting with the Weiltzer Corp Board of Directors and racing to the head of the table where Johan was he set the PADD in front of Johan and quickly whispered into his ear, "I apologize for the intrusion, Fleet Admiral Weiltzer, sir, but Commander Nayron was nowhere to be found, and this was a Priority One Five Alpha Black message, meaning immediate action is required. Once again, sir, I am sorry about the intrusion."

"Don't worry about it, Ensign...I guess I um, didn't catch your name yet," said Johan quite calmly.

"Hammond, sir, Ensign Gregory Hammond," replied the Ensign turning beet red.

"I will handle this Ensign Hammond, don't worry about it at all. I also will be putting in a Letter Of Commendation or a Notice of Merit or something of the sort into your record along with a promotion recommendation for taking urgent and necessary action when immediately needed, and not failing to take responsibility for the said actions," said Johan, amazed that the Ensign was so bound to duty as to not fail to take the responsibility and potential blame for interrupting the conference.

As Ensign Hammond silently snuck out the door, Johan addressed the Board of Directors very patiently. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be taking a five minute recess effective immediately while I handle a very critical issue at hand. If the recess requires extending, I reserve the right to extend it and postpone this meeting for as long as is necessary. You all have my recommendations and my reports in front of you, I would suggest that you take the recess as an opportunity to further familiarize yourself with it."

As he left the room, he tapped his Weiltzer Corp combadge and quickly spoke into it. "Weiltzer to Commander Nayron. You and I need to speak immediately and you WILL report to my office, and I DO mean ON THE DOUBLE," by the end of his statement he was about ready to shout into the combadge, but instead closed the channel and tried to calm down and cool off and hope that it was something urgent that had drawn her from her office.