Unity – Surprise Visit
by Chief Executive Officer Eleni Monteros (NPC)

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Title   Surprise Visit
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Eleni Monteros (NPC)
Posted   Sun Jul 11, 2010 @ 6:40pm
Location   Eleni and R'Vek's Quarters
Timeline   SD 27 after "Mothers-In-Law"
After spending a few minutes with the entire family, Gregori took his daughter's hand, motioning her to come to the side with him, "Excuse us, please." He smiled to the others as they walked away.

Eleni knew from the expression on her father's face that he was getting ready to drop something huge, especially since he'd pulled her to the side to do it, "Okay, what is it, Papa?" She asked, direct like her mother had always been.

"I've come here for more than Rianni's ceremony, Eleni." Gregori nodded, she was very perceptive, every inch her mother's daughter as Rianni was every inch her's, "I've come to put you in charge of Monteros Enterprises. I've decided to retire."

"What?" Eleni laughed, sure her father was pulling her leg, "You wouldn't know what to do if you retired, Papa."

"I think I'll figure it out, darling." He smiled, squeezing her hand, "It's time, Eleni. You've been ready to run this company for years now and I need to step away, spend some more time out amongst the stars seeking my next adventure, spend more time with the girls and with you and less time with my desk."

"So, what do you plan on doing?" Eleni queried, now knowing he was in fact very serious, "Where are you planning to go?"

"I thought I might stay on here for a bit, maybe by myself a small vessel to explore and hunt in." Gregori answered, "And that way, if you need me, which I doubt you will, I'll be right here at hand."

"Papa, it's dangerous out here..." Eleni protested, silenced by her father's shaking head.

"Eleni, my darling, it is no more dangerous than it was when I was in service those many years ago, or than it was when you were in service, or than it was when your mother and I started the company." Gregori replied, "It's no worse than it ever was and I don't have forever to do the things I want to do. Understand, please, I hope to have many more years of my life, but most of all I want lots of life in my years."

Eleni studied her father's face for just a moment, it was like he was decades younger suddenly, the excitement of the stars calling him to join them again, ~I can't take that from him.~ She decided, "All right, Papa, I'll run the company, you run all over the galaxy. Just promise you'll be careful?"

"You have my word, little lamb." Gregori smiled, pulling his daughter close, "Now, we should rejoin the family, I've come bearing gifts after all."

"Oh, boy." Eleni sighed in mock fear, remembering what they said about Greeks bearing gifts.


Eleni Monteros
New CEO, Monteros Enterprises


Gregori Monteros