Cascade – Ivor Prime - Boots on the Ground
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Radmi Porkar

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Title   Ivor Prime - Boots on the Ground
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Radmi Porkar
Posted   Sun Apr 07, 2013 @ 6:11pm
Location   IRW Dhelan - Main Transporter Room
Timeline   SD 71: - 08:30
Duquesne's conversation with the Sub-Commander was productive. . .to an extent. However, he knew that there were more important matters to focus on rather than Romulan-Federation relations. He entered the room and was greeted by the presence of Sgt. Wyatt and his squad of Marines.

"Well, Sgt. I see that you and your men didn't want to be left behind." Duquesne said casually.

Luke nodded with a half crooked smile "You know us, always looking for a good party to crash especially when the Borg might be the hosts" the last part of that sentence was meant to lighten the mood but not even he couldn't ignore the cold stinging sensation that ran down his spine, spreading to the rest of his body like virus. fear.

Duquesne nodded in response. "Let's let the rest of the team get here before I give the final briefing before we beam down." he said. "I decided to move our ETA upwards now that we'e been cut off from communications with Deep Space 5. I think it's safe to say that someone doesn't *want* us here." he said intently.

Craig looked up, "understatement of the day." he continued to manipulate controls "I can break through the interference long enough to send a data burst but it will have to be small one, the jamming is oscillating so wildly its something new for me."

A sigh pierced through Luke's dry rigid lips "Things are looking up up already wouldn't you say!" He tried to sound cheery but the awkward silent that followed confirmed that no one was prepared to face whatever was down there, not even him. He could tell that his squad was getting restless especially when they had started impersonating the officers there way of saying hurry up lets get this over and done with, Luke even agreed with them. "You did make sure you informed everyone else right?" he didn't doubt that Duquesne but he thought that it would break this uncontrollable silence.

Duquesne nodded to Craig. "If someone is actively trying to block communications, then they'll certainly be on to us if we figure out a way to punch through. Save it for when we get solid information on the status of the colonists on the surface." He responded as he pressed several buttons on his padd, synchronizing information with the rest of the crew.

Luke turned to Saria "Could there be anything else causing the problems like a spacial distortion, something DS5 didn't or couldn't pick up on their sensor's that we can now being closer to the planet?" He knew that the Borg was on the top of everyone's list but he couldn't help hoping that there was something less deadly to describe the strange communication, sensor block's.

"Probably some kind of jamming mechanism, as it seems to me, since we don't recieve nor send anything." She began to tap on the console immediately. After a while, she stopped and turned to Luke. "The source of the jamming is still scrambled..." She paused. "However, I can tell you that it's coming from the surface. So if we encounter the source, I bet it could be de-activated. Either with some bypassing or brute force." She smirked.

"Why do all you science geek's assume we use brute force?" he joked matching her smirk, "What about your...Borg Implants? Could they be of any use?" He asked curiously not really taking them into account before.

Saria shook her head. "I'm sorry, they modified all of the implants to keep me alive. There's practically nothing I have to detect any Borg activity." She said. "Though, if you come across some moving red laser lights on the surface, then you've found some." She smiled, cheesy.

He shook his head and smiled further, "I'll take that into consideration for when we're down there" he turned to the rest "Well I don't have anything further to suggest until we get down there and see it for ourselfs" he gave the group a nod and moved over to his section who had now picked up their rifle's and kit ready to beam down.

Duquesne nodded. "We don't have time to wait. Craig, you'll beam to the Administrative Complex and investigate what caused the colony to go dark. Saria, you'll beam down to the Communication complex and find out what is currently jamming our signal. I'll beam down to the Assembly Facility, before scans went dead there was reports of a transporter beam. . .there very well might be a survivor down here." Trellis said as he updated his Padd.

"Sgt. Wyatt, you can assign our escorts. Any further questions?" He said as he sent one message to Ensign Straggard to coordinate with the surface in regards to restoring communications.

Luke shook his head and began to delegate his marine's to each federation group, leaving himself and his Comm's expert they stood next to Saria "This is going to be fun don't you think" it was more of a comment than a question as he began watching the first group climb onto the transporter pad. "Make sure you check back every so often" Luke was mostly talking to the marine's but it was comforting that the fleeter's was listening.

Craig looked over "The Jamming is rotating again I can send the data burst shortly."

Duquesne nodded in response. "Well, you've got your instructions. Let's get going." he said.

OOC LW: I think this can be posted now, Radmi Prkar doesn't need to sing since he didn't write ^.^

Michael Duquesne
Security Officer

Gunnery Serjeant
Luke Wyatt
Marine 1st Serjeant

MCPO Craig Ayers

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer

David Straggard