Judgement – When a plan comes together ...
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   When a plan comes together ...
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed Nov 24, 2010 @ 8:29pm
Location   IRW Ael laehval. Undisclosed location
Timeline   SD35. c. 10:00 DS9 time
Ssiebb Avrak Tarris, Colonel in the Romulan military, veteran of dozens actions from a near suicidal distraction assault to missions of a much more discreet nature re-read the mission brief and chuckled. "I'll say this.," he annouced to the other senior officers Rh'vaurek Raedeol had recruited for the assault and occupation of DS5. "Its not without ambition."

Aendah S'Hauen looked up from where he was reading his own copy with one hand, and traveling a tiny flick-dart across the knuckles of the other. "I sense a 'but'."

Tarris waived a hand. "Its not a big one. This space station he wants is a tasty plum alright. The shipyard will be an invaluable addition, the research institute likely full of interesting new things."

S'hauen sat up, the Flick-dart coming to rest between his first and middle fingers, ready to throw. "Bioweapons?" he asked hopefully. He'd had a small collection of nanite grenades once. When they detonated, they ate through anything organic in seconds, destroying the enemy, whilst leaving all of their weapons intact. He'd almost cried at the sight of it. Beautiful

"Possibly." Tarris admitted. "Though there's one 'weapon' I'm sure you'd love to stripdown to find out how it works." He slid a padd down to the weapons specialitst. "James Darson SFMC. THats But Number One by the way

"There's more than one?" S'hauen caught the padd and swung it round so he could read.

"There's a couple." The Colonel looked around to check he had more than just S'hauen's attention and that i- Rhehiv'je was paying attention too. "The biggest being its been the centre of too much attention lately. assasination, attacks, terrorist occupation. They'll be prepared and hypervigiliant."

"Trojan Horse full of special forces," S'Hauen promptly suggested

"Been done. As has stealth and surprise attack."

"So what we are going to do then?" The weapon's master asked. "Knock?"

Tarris grinned. "I'm glad you asked that." He punched a button and up came a schematic of the station and its surrounding space.

The problem is getting on the station. So we don't get on the station. At least not yet. "Instead, we use the forces we have to cut it off, and prevent intervention from arriving. Block communications, take and hold and ships leaving. We then need to get to a point where the federation will think twice about taking it back.

"And how do we do that?" S'Hauren gave him a sceptical look.

"Knock out the positioning stabilizers, and tow the whole station back to the neutral zone"

"It depends on how quickly he wants to procede," i- Rhehiv'je said, "we could intercept a civilian transport - give me two weeks with the passengers and I'll have you a team of saboteurs who won't even know what they've been programmed to do until they're triggered."

Tarris considered the option the bland woman presented. Either as a primary tool or a plan b, the idea had merit.

"Get onto to intelligence. If we can find a ship and its crew in the area that aren't going to be missed for that long, and the erie'khrein has the time, you do it." He drummed fingers on the table, considering. "If they can take out the stabilizers, the slightest nudge will have ds5 falling out of position. Then we can respond to any distress call. We quietly clear the area of anyother ships, and whilst Starfleet thinks we're offering aid, we're quietly taking them back home. By the time they realise their astrometrics don't match with what they see out of the window, we'll have a head start that should make it harder for any backup to reach them."


Rh'vaurek smiled to himself, he had listened to the whole discussion. He had learned a long time ago that the easiest way to get the best out of a competant team was to give them the freedom to work with minimal interference.

He got to his feet and made his way to the room in which they were gathered, now was the time for him to interfere.


i- Rhehiv'je nodded but before she had a chance to leave the room the door opened, "erie'Khrien Raedheol," she said .

Tarris and S'Hauen got to their feet, and saluted. "Sir!"

"As you were," Rh'vaurek said with a dismissive wave of his hand, he didn't need salutes and titles to remind him who he was. "So how far have we got?" he asked taking the nearest chair, he was interested to see how and if the discussion they had had among themselves would be rephrased for his consumption.

"Several options, which can be used alone or together, depending on time scale," Tarris began with confidence. "And I'm sure S'hauren will have a solution to the most likely roadbump to success once he's had time to think."

The weaponsmaster gave Tarris a flat look, before nodding. "Darson and his marines. Once I've been through the dossier in detail, I'll have a plan."

Rh'vaurek rested one foot on the edge of the table, "Good," he said, "factor in to that plan that we have support on the ground, I've left several shadow teams already in place on the station under the control of an ally. And before we get there, we will have reinforcements."

Tarris's ears pricked up at the mention of the word. "Ally? Who?"

"The Cardassian Ambassador," Rh'vaurek said as he linked his fingers behind his head. "Not as stable as I'd like, but he knows what he's doing, and if everything goes Tellarite shape on the station, his hands are dirty, not mine."

Rh'vaurek allowed himself a sigh, "he's also providing ships. We rendezvous in two days. Make sure that the attack plan has them on the front, if it goes wrong, we pull out."

Tarris recalled the call his commander had ordered when they first took the ship. "This Gul Getal?" He made a note to himself to check the intelligence file. The phrase, not as stable, worried him slightly. "I'm expecting the first response to be the station scrambling fighters. We can use the cardassians to soak up the insect stings and save our own ships for countering anything we think we can handle." He wasn't happy with the idea of of retreat. It was an important and necessary manoeuvre at times, but he didn't have to like it.

"Correct," Rh'vaurek confirmed. "and he's very touchy about his status," he added without bothering to explain why he made that comment. "My people on DS5 know their jobs and will do them regardless of what some Cardassian tells them. The resources he is providing in the air are key though, so when you communicate with them, don't piss them off," he said.

"I can massage a few egos for tactical advantage," Tarris assured him, trying not to look sideways at the other two. S'Hauren would most likely not even acknowledge they existed unless they had interesting weapons and someone to spar against and as for i- Rhehiv'je. Well, she may have given him the creeps, but he was confident that if she couldn't control her thoughts and words then no-one could.

She still stood by the door, her arms folded, "Convincing a few Cardassian Commanders that we are working for the same goal will not be a problem," i- Rhehiv'je said, "But we must not be too accomodating, they will expect some conflict, even if they have been ordered to accept out commands."

"They have," Rh'vaurek acknowledged without a glance at her.

"Then we will let them see what they expect to see."

Tarris nodded. He would follow whatever advice she had. That was one of her specialties after all. "In that case the plan so far is this: We capture a civilian vessel. i'Rhehiv-je conditions them into a sleeper cell with the mission to permanently disable all stabalising htrusters simultaneously. Then, with a nudge from that vessel if needed, the station begins to fall out of position.

"A group of cardassian ships, say three or four, in the area, offers assistance - will have a plausible cover in place - by co-ordinating their tractor beams they can take and hold the station back to position whilst repairs are effected. This will require any large ships to either be locked in place or sent away, making it longer for DS5 to get its immediate response in place.

"Once they realise that the Cardassians, are actualling pulling them towards the neutral zone, then we send in the rest of the carddassians whilst our fleet, still cloaked, speed mines the area, allowing for a corridor to push the station through. That should take care of any reinforcements Starfleet tries to send in in the first instance, whilst the ground trrops quell any internal resistance

"Now, if we think we can win it, we decloak and aid the cardassians, if not, we quietly fade away, and leave the cardassians to take the fall out for sixty thousand counts of kidnapping and one count of attempted grand theft space station."

Rh'vaurek listened without interrupting. Physically move the station ... Tarris had a big imagination. Rh'vaurek was almost tempted to try this just to see if it could be done, but moving DS5 from a strategically sensitive location would defeat the purpose of taking it over. This was not about gaining the infrastructure. "The Cardassians will attack first, with the help you suggest on the inside to weaken the defenses. The Ambassador has conveniently removed a lot of the forces usually stationed there and sent them off to hunt pirates.

"You're right about one thing though, if this goes wrong its the Cardassians that will take the blame. We will decloak, and assist DS5. The Ambassador will say that she asked us to be there out of concern for the safety of the station."

Rh'vaurek paused and stared into the middle distance for a few moments, "You know, Tarris that destabilisation idea might work ... if they're so busy running around trying to stop the place from drifting out of the quadrant they'll pay a lot less attention to us," he said.

Tarris drummed his fingers again. "We'll still need to mine the system, stop the pirate hunters rushing back before we have the station secure. But if we need to take it in position, then the destabilisation is a good reason to encircle the station without raising suspicion before we're ready." He checked his pad again. "The marines. Does the Ambassador have them chasing pirates too?"

"Agreed," Rh'vaurek nodded at the suggestion as he looked at the chronometer on the wall. The truth was neither Isha nor her niece knew that he had found a way to exploit their joint operation, they were making a sincere approach to the Feds. "They should be in the briefing round about now," he said, one to which he knew that Darson had been invited. "I doubt that tin clad poseur will be able to resist being involved," he said.

"Darson wasn't on board when the maquis took the station, but the marines still saved the day." S'Hauren said quietly.

As he turned his head to look at S'Hauren Rh'vaurek folded his arms. "The marines saved the day? Have you taken up a freelance job with the Federation News Service?" he asked. "The maquis was a group of rank amateurs, and if I, among others had not thinned their numbers there wouldn't have been a day left to save. Find a way to take out their facility," he instructed, "even if its as crude as sealing the doors and flooding all the spaces with gas."

S'Hauren didn't react to his commander's sarcasm. "It would be easiest just to seal the entire system and kill everyone on board with a biological or chemical agents. Fleet, civilians, our people. The lot."

There was one reason alone why Rh'vaurek would not consider this suggestion, and it was not the thought of tens of thousands of counts of murder, "Easier, yes, and more efficient, but much too blunt," he said, "Confine it to the marine facility."

S'Hauren shrugged. He'd always wanted to try a large scale deployment of one of his nanite bombs, they were rarely practical as they took so long to program, he'd hoped for the whole station, but the marine decks would just have to do. "I have something." He assured Raeheol

Tarris nodded. "In that case we launch a simultaneous assault on the marine quarters, command level and Klingon Facilities as soon as DS5 raises its alarms. We'll just seal the Klingons in - no need to provoke a war on two fronts. Generally speaking, we'll want to go with overwhelming force and quickly. It should minimise casualties all round if we can force capitulation on them."

"Agreed," Rh'vaurek said. "i'Rhehiv-je, you've got five days to find and prepare your puppets, after that one more to get them in place," he said - that was not giving her a lot of time, but they had a schedule and if she was not skilled enough to do it then he had chosen the wrong person.

"Then I'll not sit around here, chatting," she replied with a slight note of scorn in her voice as she looked at her colleagues with an expression that suggested it would amuse her to get inside their skulls. i'Rhehiv-je got to her feet and left the room.

"Isn't she just charming," Rh'vaurek remarked.

"Not the word I'd choose," Tarris observed. He stood, S'Hauren standing with him. "But she is right. No more time for chat. f you'll excuse me sir, we should get started. Perfect planning and piss poor performance and all that."

"Yeah," Rh'vaurek pushed back his chair. "Good work on the planning he added as he crossed his ankles on the edge of the table, "and keep me informed of progress."


Brought to you by

erie'Khrein Rh'Vaurek Raedhoel
Aendah Janicka i- Rhehiv'je
NPCd by Louise


Ssiebb Avrak Tarris
Aendah S'Hauen
NPCd by Notty