Lieutenant JG Malak Muz’s Personal Log - Need some sleep... It can't go on like this..

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Title   Need some sleep... It can't go on like this..
Author   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Tue Jun 25, 2013 @ 6:11pm

"Pilot's Log Stardate 68088.38..... ...

I am not even sure what to even say. It seems like things move really fast here.. and yet, extremely slow. I still can't get a grasp on everything either. It's like being in quick sand - You reach out to grab something and it slips between your fingers. I may just still be trying to get acclimated. I will be returning Jon to my subconscious tonight. He's been a rather nuisance. On the personal front Atlana and Saria are two of the most interesting people I know. Both suffer from the same thing that I do..just in different ways. It's interesting that Xenophobia still exists - among the Humans no less." Soft chuckle,"Enlightened indeed. I'll be taking a leave of absence to assist Saria in Trill Affairs. That should be interesting. And on top of that, I am wanted by the brass for some ‘meeting’ – I am sure that will go well.. God I love Rambling. Why the hell we are required to do these things.. Computer End Log.”


Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Starifighter Wing Executive Officer