Interlude – Knight in shining armor
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Knight in shining armor
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Fri Jun 11, 2010 @ 1:03am
Location   Romulan Consulate/ tr'Tahn's quarters
Timeline   SD22- after hours

A large stack of padd in front of him on his desk, Maiell leaned back, lowering the back of his chair to nearly lie down on it, his feet propped up on the stack of padds. It had been a day since his transfer and he was still not quite used to his new position. But reading through the reports of the Dhelan he was getting a fair amount of information to get him started in his work. In fact, he'd taken the entire load back with him to his quarters for the night, something he rarely did.

Rianni, out wandering the station, decided it was high time to meet the man who saved her life and who had since become her political officer. Standing outside of Maiell tr'Tahn's quarters she rang the chime and waited.

Maiell looked over at the door, putting his feet down onto the floor again. "Come in," he said, swirling his chair around to face whoever came in.

Rianni entered and smiled, "Well, I hear you saved my life."

"And I hear you're my new Commanding officer," Maiell returned, giving the woman a customary salute.

Rianni returned his salute, then said, "I am."

Maiell smiled. "Would you like to sit down? Can I get you something to drink?" he offered.

"Yes, on both counts actually." Rianni smiled, taking a seat, "So, nice to meet you, well, meet you again."

"And you as well. And this time I'm not trying to tie you up," he said with a grin. "What would you like to drink?"

"Anything is fine." Rianni answered, "Whatever you're having will be fine."

"I'm having some ale," he said, pouring her a glass of the dark blue liquid. Finally handing her the glass, he sat down next to her. "Are you settling into your new positions well?"

"Yeah, actually." Rianni nodded, sipping the ale slowly so as to savor it, "This is very good ale. Anyway, how are you doing with your new job?"

"It's been a difficult, if welcome transition," Maiell replied. "I was going through the Dhelan's files today to get all my information straight," he told her.

"Oh?" Rianni raised an eyebrow, not sure what, if anything, she should say to that, ~Or even if I could say anything. Have to remember, this guy is Tal Shiar, no matter how nice he is.~

"Yes," he just nodded. "And, I hope you don't mind me bringing this up, but I wished to apologise if I had inconvenienced you with interfering in your suicide," he told her. It had been bothering him for a couple of days. The Elements knew he had gone through having the will to die and had attempted it several times, but he'd never been quite as direct as Rianni had been. All he knew was that, if someone had stopped him back then, he would be angry.

"No, you probably kept me from doing something that I would want to live to regret." Rianni said, "You helped me, Maiell, and I appreciate that."

"Well, I needed to get that off my chest. I've tried to kill myself in the past but it wasn't meant to be for me either," he revealed.

"Well, then there's a reason we survived." Rianni offered, "I mean, there has to be or we wouldn't have both survived."

"I suppose so," he allowed. "So, onto lighter subjects," Maiell began, not wanting to dwell too much in the past. "How do you feel about switching sides?"

"I don't really think of it as switching sides so much as I do me finding myself out of work and coming to work for my family." Rianni answered, she'd been asked that question more than once lately.

"Interesting view," Maiell admitted. "Well, welcome," he said, raising his glass to her.

"Thank you." Rianni laughed, raising her glass to him, "Hoping it goes down as well as this ale is."

"Don't bet on it," he joked with a laugh. "I hope you don't find this offensive, but I feel some doubt that your upbringing can prepare you for a well adapted life in Romulan society," he admitted with a small bow of his head, hoping she wouldn't take offense.

"Speaking of a bet I won't take." Rianni laughed, "Thanks for that urgent message from duh, Maiell. Yeah, I know I'm in for a hard adjustment."

"Oh, you have no idea. I've been here two years. It's a political freak show and I understand it," Maiell replied.

"Yeah, my Aunt...the Ambassador has been telling me I need to get better versed in diplomacy and politics." Rianni replied, "And, I know she's right. I don't want to, but, I will, because I know I need to."

"You do. Nothing is simple with us," Maiell told her honestly. He often felt like an outsider with his opinions, but he understood why things in his culture worked the way they did, and he always did his best to fit in.

"Yeah, I know." Rianni nodded solemnly, "So, how about the outsider's guide to understanding Romulan politics?"

"Don't think we have one of those. If we do it's probably classified," he grinned, finishing his glass of ale before pouring himself another. He offered her one.

"Yes, please." Rianni accepted, laughing at his joke, "Okay, this is just me talking, analyzing people is a hobby of mine. You are about the least Tal Shiar person I have ever met in my existence, how did you end up roped into this craziness?"

"I was born here," he replied, pouring her another glass. "But here's a thought for you. And this might just be the ale talking, by being the least Tal Shiar person you've met, aren't I the most Tal Shiar person you've met?"

"Well, I guess if you want to go all reverse psychology on me, sure." Rianni laughed, sipping on her ale, "But you don't exactly remind me of 007 or anything the way my dad does."

"007?" Maiell asked in confusion.

"Sorry, sometimes I forget not everybody is as up on Earth pop culture as I am." Rianni apologized, "Commander James Bond, 007, he was a British secret agent in a series of books and films. He was like the best secret agent in the world."

"Well, it's a small world," Maiell commented with a shrug.

"I suppose so." Rianni nodded, "It just seemed a lot larger at the time. I always hated that I missed out on the time when it was a big world, by the time I was born there was nothing on Earth that couldn't be reached by a short transport or shuttle hop, kinda took away some of the wonder of the whole thing."

"I wouldn't know," Maiell said. "I always loved to travel," he added.

"So do I." Rianni said, "I just always wished there was more trip in traveling, the way it used to be. Grandpa Gregori always said 'Getting there is half the fun', but when you're 'there' two seconds after you leave home, you got to kinda feel cheated. Least I always did."

"You can always walk somewhere. I hike a lot with my cousin. Well, I used to when were were back on ch'Rihan, and the holosuites are just not the same," Maiell explained.

"I can imagine." Rianni sighed, "Seeing the Acropolis and the Parthenon in a holosuite is not the same as being in Greece, that's for sure."

"I was actually thinking of visiting one of the planets with Arrienye when we have time off," Maiell explained.

"That would be a good idea." Rianni nodded, then stopped, "I'd be happy to fly you."

"You could join us," he offered. "I'm sure Arrienye wouldn't mind. The more the merrier, as humans say."

"I would enjoy that greatly." Rianni smiled, then asked, "Ummm, that wouldn't be some huge breach in protocol would it?"

"Well, *I* am a Tal Shiar officer and your Political officer," Maiell pointed out, resting his hand on his chest. "But convincing Arrienye might be a problem," he admitted.

"Yeah, I met her." Rianni said, "She doesn't seem like she likes me very much. Or anyone else for that matter."

"Yeah, she gives off that impression to everyone. But she's got a heart of gold-pressed latinum." He paused. "Cold, hard, and very difficult to find," he added.

Rianni just threw her head back and laughed, downing the last of her ale, "Okay, one more drink then I should go." She said through chuckles, wiping tears from her face.

"Alright," Maiell nodded, pouring her a drink. "But, seriously, Arrienye is a good person," he told her.

"I know." Rianni nodded, "Trust me, I could tell that from talking to her. She's just... awkward as all Hell in social situations and seems a bit tense around everybody."

"Not everyone. Just everyone but me," he clarified.

"Oh, so there's one person in the galaxy she doesn't go into vapor lock around." Rianni laughed, "That's good, at least she has someone to talk to. We all need someone to talk to sometimes."

Seeing the clock behind Maiell told Rianni it was definitely time to go, she had a lot of stuff to handle in the morning. Finishing her drink she rose and smiled, "Well, thank you for your company and your ale. I look forward to serving with you on the Dhelan."


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan


2nd Lt. Maiel tr'Tahn
Political Officer, IRW Dhelan