Judgement – ..and put them in Shackles
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & 1st Lieutenant April McKinnon

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Title   ..and put them in Shackles
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & 1st Lieutenant April McKinnon
Posted   Fri Nov 04, 2011 @ 6:48pm
Location   500,000 KM from DS5
Timeline   SD39 10:50
Captain Buckley nodded as Cousins swung about and responded to the alert on his own console.
"Sir," He swallowed as he brought his chair back to look at Captain Buckley, his face draining of colour, "both ships have fully charged their weapons. Shields?" He advised nervously in statement more than question.


=^= Colonel Sir we have you covered for approach =^= Said Erikson as he eyed up the Constitution class vessel through the window of his runabout. Erikson kept one eye on the sensors of his little ship as it approached the old ship, next to this sensor data was the specifications of the constitution class. Eriksons plan was to rely on his advantage in maneuverability, even though his ship was more advanced his firepower couldn't match the constitution class. However he knew exactly where each of their phaser cannons were, and as they only had direct fire points unlike modern phaser banks that could shoot in almost any direction, he could easily avoid them. And the old state of the ship in front of them gave him another thought

=^= Colonel, if they raise shields I reckon I can get us the correct wave modulation frequency for our transporters to beam through any way. =^=


The two transport vessels flowed along in formation right behind the runabout, copying it’s moves precisely. Inside, Darson watched closely as all the heavily armed marines moved about in the cramped space of the ship, checking theirs and each other’s equipment. There was little to no chatter. They knew what was expected of them, and were ready for a fight…whether something happened or not.

Darson re-opened the channel, =^= “Thanks for the sentiment Lieutenant, but if I wanted to transport in, I would have stayed on the station. We’re going old school…latch and breach through dynamic entry pods…Gives us a little flexibility with our movements. That’s Darson Quality. But we don’t have much protection, so any you could give us would be appreciated.” =^=

=^= Roger that =^= said Erikson as his fingers tapped dexterously across the touch screen LCARS display of the flight control systems. He kept his ship in its current flight pattern, but closed the distance a little between their respective ships to provide better protection.

Darson swapped channels to the Marine TACCOM one, =^= “Goliath, this is Cerberus. Scramble a flight of Valkyrie fighters for cover and escort, have them converge on our location. Also, establish a connection and upload schematics for Constitution class vessels, as well as likely breaching points to take Main Engineering and the Bridge.” =^=

=^= Roger that, Cerberus.=^= McKinnon responded, pulling up the requested schematics of the Constitution class after a minute trying to get the connection. =^= schematics are on their way to you now, including main and secondary breaching points =^=

April changed communication lines to the Wing Commander, =^= Commander Dunham, this is 1st Lieutenant McKinnon, callsign 'Goliath'. Requesting a flight of Valkyries to converge on Cerberus' location. =^=

=^= This is flight control. Fighters launched and inbound to your position Goliath =^= Came the Response from fighter control

= USS Horatio =

Captain Buckley shook his head. He had seconds to make the correct decision but he was still battling with himself what that decision should be.

Lieutenant Gary Ashton swallowed. He felt the sweat beads running down the back of his neck, tickling the small hairs as they tracked downwards. He stared up to the screen, willing the captain to make the decision. His hand wavered over the shield control as his other moved cautiously to weapon control. He had no idea which way the captain would go and as one of the junior offices, knew he would have to carry out whatever decision was made.

The bridge door opened as he doctor swooped in and she made a beeline to the Captain.
"For Gods sake, open the hailing frequencies and respond. I have twenty seven injured in the sickbay at present and I don't want to be tending to injured parties from both past and present!". Her voice was resonant against the bridge walls as the Captain slowly moved his head in her direction.

Buckleys' eyes locked with hers and he stared at her, his eyebrows dropping down over his eyes.
He was hurting, not his usual positive himself. He was out of his depth and not in control of any scenario.

Amanda held him an equally hard stare as Catherine began to rise.

"Sir." Doctor Taylforth added as she the muscles in her jaw tightened with steely resolve.

"Doctor, please, take my seat." Commander Burrel stated as her hand signalled her own seat at the console behind the Captains chair.
Catherine knew she had to force the choice on the Captain, relinquish the burden he was carrying alone and had done so since they had arrived at this point in time.
"Enid, open a channel to the station." She ordered.

Erikson was beginning to loose hope that this would end peacefully, he considered for a moment what sort of idiot captain was in charge of this starship and why he hadn't communicated anything by now and the reasoning for it. His hand was hovering of the targeting system for the torpedo, when his sensors picked up a hailing frequency from the old constitution class vessel to the space station. He relaxed a little, maybe this wouldn't go south after all.

= DS5 =

The console light began to flicker various shades of red to attract Williams attention.
"Ma'am, incoming hail." He advised with surprise in his voice.

Tasha stepped down from the central rostrum and stood next to the flight officer. She was not sure how to respond to this delayed communication, if it was the Starship in question.
"Open the channel." She commanded with an insistence in her reply as she watched his finger tap the console.

There was a pause before the female voice came through.

=^= "Deep Space Five. This is Commander Catherine Burrel, executive officer of the USS Horatio, registration number four eight nine three. Please stand down your ships."
The audio crackled and hissed, as if slightly off frequency.

Tasha stood stock still for a moment, contemplating her reply. Her hand eased forward, finally tapping the console to give her response.

=^= "Commander Burrel, this is Captain Tasha Tahir, Commanding officer of Deep Space five. How may we be of assistance?" She kept her tone even and in asking if they required assistance, put the onus back to them to decide their approach.

The crew of the Horatio breathed an unheard sigh of relief, none more so than Catherine. She moved further around the communication officers position and pushed the lever forward on the transmit key.

Captain Buckley gripped the soft leather of his armrest as tight as he clenched his teeth restraining the urge fly out of the chair and berate his first officer for undermining him and his plans. This station harboured Klingons and races beyond all of their comprehension, held secrets that were far beyond what they should know and it was his decision to make, not hers on whether to initiate first contact, the Captains prerogative.
He rose upward from his chair and headed for the turbo lift, off his bridge and made for his quarters where he could deliberate with himself his own future, his own past and his own present.

Catherine saw her captain rise from his chair, but she did not look his way. She knew his pain and that he was hiding the fact that he was injured in the attack and keeping it from the rest of the crew.
Now it was down to her to firstly ensure the crew of the Horatio were safe and secondly that her captain was given the chance to redeem himself.
She was also pleasantly surprised that the commander of the station was also a woman, or at least of the female persuasion.
She gave a single nod as she spoke to the stations Captain.

=^= "Captain Tahir. Thank you for responding. We can only apologise for our lack of response. In all honesty, we were unsure if we would be welcome this far into space or for that matter, this far into the future. We have impulse engines and if you would not mind, we would like to approach." The Commander responded.

Tasha opened the channel to both Darson and Erikson.
=^= "Colonel, Lieutenant, escort the Horatio back to DS5. Maximum scans and remain on alert." She turned to Lieutenant Tan.
"Recommendations?" She questioned.

"The data from the sensors indicate a lack of hostile intent. I am no counsellor, but I am inclined to believe her, Captain" Vincent said, stating the facts and formulating a hypothesis. "I suggest allowing the ship to approach under her current guard."

Tasha nodded her acknowledgement of Vincents advice.
"Thank you Lieutenant. I would appreciate you staying on Ops until the Horatio is safely docked." She responded, "If you can also recommend a good historian?" She questioned rhetorically.


Hmmmmm said Erikson thoughtfully as he brought his runabout to a flanking position next to old ship. He didn't like being here it put him in the direct line of fire of its port phaser cannons. Erikson began to increase his own shields on that side to compensate, but they wouldn't be able to take more that a few direct hits.

Darson gazed at the sensor image of the ship in relation to his own, superimposed on the inside of his mask. This was an interesting development, the communication. Until now, they had been operating under the assumption that these were unknown hostiles. But if they truly were Federation officers, lost in another time…

He could empathize.

=^= “Captain,” =^= he said coolly as he stood up and walked down the narrow cabin to the cockpit bulkhead, “I will comply, but I would recommend that we still exercise caution. The U.S.S. Horatio was reported M.I.A. with all hands aboard over a hundred years ago…so it goes without saying...well, I’ll say it anyway; This is a temporal matter, and it is my opinion that until we know exactly what is going on here we should tread very, very, lightly. In that vein, as we escort the vessel in, I would like permission to dock in their shuttlebay and go onboard…just myself, no others, and ascertain the nature of what is happening on that ship and report back.” =^=

Erikson frowned at his LCARS display as he listened to the communications go back and forth between the station. Making a mental note to speak with his boss when he got back about marines ordering fighter launches, something that fell within the CAG's responsibility, Erikson pressed the button to open the comm to the station =^= Captain, I would recommend I go with the Colonel, represent starfleet with a friendly face =^=

Tasha thought about both comments and Darson was right, it was a temporal matter and baby steps and protocol were paramount. As for boarding, she was still not fully convinced that this was indeed genuine, hence the alert status.
=^= "Approved, both of you request permission to beam over. Ensure you remain armed and visibly so. In saying so, this is a very sensitive situation, so remain vigilant and compassionate at all times, they are as likely to be confused if not in shock. Good luck gentlemen." =^= Tahir advised as she closed the comm.

Lieutenant Tan, clear docking bay 2, full alert and prepare for visitors. Also prepare engineering, diplomatic heads and the Chief that accommodation may be required.

"Aye aye, Captain," Vincent nodded and went about sending the messages. He noted that Captain Tahir was treating this almost akin to a "First Contact" scenario. There were indeed similarities.

Erikson nodded to himself in agreement as he heard the captain speak over the comm. He sent a request to the USS Horatio to beam over. Getting a confirmation, he straightened his uniform, handed over control of the runabout to his co-pilot and headed to the back of the ship to the transporter pad. He mused that he would be walking with living history, and that he had always wanted to walk the corridors of a constitution class starship.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Lieutenant JG Erikson
Wing Commander/ Acting CAG
NPC'd by Dunham

Major James Darson

Lieutenant Vincent Tan

1st Lt McKinnon

USS Horatio NCC 4893 – Constitution Refit Class
Captain Paul Buckley
Commander Catherine Emma Burrel
Tactical – Lt Commander Brian John Cousins
Helm & Navigation – Lt Gary Edward Ashton
Doctor Amanda Taylforth
Communications Officer Enid 'Noddy' Bruce