Judgement – Scorpion's, Warbirds & Pirates, Oh My
by Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Scorpion's, Warbirds & Pirates, Oh My
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Fri May 06, 2011 @ 4:16pm
Location   IRW Dhelan
Timeline   current

Rick looked down from the window of the observation deck into the large space were the Romulan war-bird should be. He folded his arms and chewed thoughtfully on his gum,'should be' was perhaps the wrong term, it was in fact there. But the Romulan war bird was cloaked. It was always cloaked, whether by a metaphorical cloak of secrecy or more accurately Romulan cloaking technology which made the ship invisible to the naked eye and to most federation sensors.

Rick had received a personal invite from the ships commander and his personal friend Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian. At least he hoped they were still friends, it has been a long time since he had spoken to his mentor and teacher outside of a large meeting filled with many faces.

So he stood there a moment looking at space were the Romulan ship was/wasn't, and pondered if going onto a romulan war bird which was also their sovereign territory. Rick then smiled to himself as he remembered he was not one for considering anything and normally leaped before he looked anyway. So he headed down to the airlock and buzzed the comm for entry introducing himself over the comm with 'Rick Dunham' not wanting to be formal on rank or anything.

Rianni stood waiting for him on the other side of the airlock, she wanted to be the first person he saw when he stepped onto a Warbird for the first time ever. When he identified himself she opened the airlock for him and smiled as he entered, "About time!"

He grinned back and chuckled "Well you know how I like to make an entrance" Rick looked about as he crossed the threshold onto the Romulan war bird. "Permission to come aboard Ma'am"

"Granted, Lt. Cdr. Dunham. Welcome aboard the Dhelan." Rianni answered formally, before giggling and embracing him, "I swear Rick you're going to be late to your own funeral. Come on, we got lots to talk about."

Rick smiled a friendly warm smile, enjoying the embrace that came from two old friend remembering old times. He laughed heartedly at the joke and followed her into , for him, very unknown territory, he hoped that his slight discomfort did not become apparent the last time he had seen the inside of a romulan warbird was through some very very grainy and scratchy holo vid pictures that he was shown at a security brief. "So how can I help you?"

"Well, I just wanted to go over some patrol plans and potential battle plans for the operation with you." Rianni answered, "I figure you'll be in charge of most of the fighter operations so you should be the one I talk it over with first."

"Alas," said Rick with a smile "I will not be attending the ball, and will be delegating the duty to my second. I will however be more than happy to participate in this strategy and planning session. Its always good to know whats going on...." he looked around. "You got anything to drink?"

"I got all sorts of stuff." Rianni winked, "Name your poison."

"Romulan Ale" asked Rick politely without having to think on the suggestion, he smiled "when in Rome"

"Good choice." Rianni giggled, then bragged, "I got some good stuff here." She then produced a bottle of what was not just good, but amazing, Romulan Ale, "This is from my father's personal stock, he gave me several cases before we launched, made me promise to save most of them until after victory is assured."

"Impressive." Said Rick with a smile accepting a glass after Rianni had poured it, He swirled the almost florescent blue liquid in its glass. Romulan ale was a drink to be savored, its taste almost un-matched by any other drink in the galaxy, Rick toasted the sub commander. "To your good health and victory for you and your crew."

"To our victory." Rianni nodded, sipping her ale gently, "Oh, yeah, that's good stuff."

Rick took another sip of his drink. It was good stuff, and he nodded his approval. Finding himself somewhere to sit he asked, "So whats first on the agenda?"

"I'm wondering how we want to run our patrol routes, Rick." Rianni opened, "I was thinking we could do it in a split: have our fighters pair off, one Romulan, one Federation. Set the spirit right away that we're all in this together."

Rick nodded his agreement, "what kind of fighters will you be using?" it wasn't suppose to be a probing question about Romulan state secrets. He wanted to know, so he could synchronize sensor sweeps with his Romulan counterparts, and hope they had the same range and depth as the starfleet fighters.

"We'll be using the Romulan Scorpion fighters." Rianni answered, "I haven't had much of a chance to familiarize myself with them yet, haven't even got to take one out and shake it down, but I remember from facing them across the field that they're no joke."

"Yeah.....I remember" said Dunham quietly, as he thought back to his second day on the station, and an attack by a rogue Romulan house. They had fielded Scorpion Fighters, small, quick little buggers, that darted and ran rings around starfleet fighter craft. Rick took a long sip of ale for a bit of fortitude.

"Who knows, we might go out and fly one of those patrols ourselves." Rianni winked, "You know, for old times sake..."

"That would be nice...." said Rick wistfully, his voice trailing off as he thought it over. He then suddenly said. "I miss you, you know.....I wish you'd come back."

"I miss all of you, too." Rianni replied sadly, "But they wanted to get rid of me from the day of my birth and I was finally stupid enough to give them the bullet to shoot me in the head with. Besides, my old unit could not have gotten a better new boss."

"Jury is out on that one" mumbled Rick into his glass as he took another (slightly drawn out) sip of his Romulan Ale. None of his other postings had been as 'complicated' as this one. Things were different onbaord this station, time had a way of moving differently, and the universe itself seemed to enjoy using Deep Space Five as its own personal spinning top toy. It did resemble a little like one though.

"Rick, if I didn't think you were the man who could replace me, I wouldn't have let them make you my second." Rianni smiled, "I knew from day one you were the guy."

Rick hoped that the sub-commander thought that his subsequent blush was the Romulan ale and not her compliments. He shrugged, and reckoned to himself that there was no reasoning her to come back to starfleet. He didn't blame her for the decision she had to make. He coughed and changed the subject. "So whats it like going from fighters to commanding warbirds?"

"It's interesting to say the least." Rianni smiled and giggled, "Some of it has been a lot less fun than others and there's a lot more stress and pressure, but it's going all right."

Rick looked about his surroundings, and the Romulan style architecture to the ships interior, he was careful not to let his eyes linger on anything with a screen or buttons on it. Dunham frowned a little, it didn't seem her though. He could imagine Isha the Romulan ambassador in a place like this.....but Rianni? He wasn't so sure. "Does it feel like a home?" asked Rick, being honest about what he was thinking.

"Not really." Rianni answered honestly, "But then again the station barely ever felt like home. The last time I really felt at home was the last time I was in Athens."

"Athens, Earth, Greece?" Asked Rick curious to get this sudden insight into the commanders past, a past that she kept close to her chest and had never really shared with him before.

"Yeah, it's where I was raised after Mom and I came home from the prison camp I was born in after the Coral Sea was captured." Rianni continued, she felt comfortable enough with Rick to tell him this, "I was there from the time I was just a couple of months old. We left the camp when I was about a month old, don't know if my father ever even laid eyes on me before we did, took us about a month to get there on the Potemkin, and my mom took a ground job where we could stay in Athens."

Not for the first time Rick felt a little sad as he heard another upsetting and tragic history from a companion whom he trusted and considered a friend. It seemed to be a common bonding feature amongst the crew and members of deep space five. This sense commrodery found in mutual bonds of tragedy. It was probably why they all got along so well. Not Rick though, and as well as feeling sad for his friend Rianni he also felt a little guilty about his near perfect federation upbringing, and perhaps a little bit of an outsider with his perfect little life. “I didn’t know that about you…..” said Rick quietly and with sympathy in his voice. He hoped he wasn’t being patronizing.

"It's not something I tell everybody." Rianni smiled, "Just the chosen few."


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Commanding Officer IRW Dhelan
Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian