Judgement – Emergency Room!
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Emergency Room!
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Oct 01, 2011 @ 7:12am
Location   The SS March Rose
Timeline   SD39
Tag   DS5 Command Center (Command, strategic ops etc)

The SS March Rose cruised through space at a sedate Warp 3. The ship was old, but sturdy. Her current mission was to deliver several hundred refugees to their new home on Epsilon Gamma Seven.

Victims of an ongoing civil war on their colony of Argo 3, the settlers now on board were a mixture of Humans, Vulcans and several other Federation races. The March Rose was also transporting several political refugees and their families, who were on the losing side, to a new home and a new beginning.

"There it is again, sir," The nav officer said. Captain White shifted irritably in his chair; ever since leaving the Argo system, they had been picking up an intermittent blip at the very edge of sensor range. T he March Rose was an aging freighter, and it was just more likely that it was a false reading from the unreliable equipment than anything else. Still, it made White uncomfortable.

And then the sensor array went berserk. The March Rose lurched out of warp and decelerated to almost a complete stop. "There's an Argo cruiser at 189 mark 12," K'mir, the operations officer, said calmly. "It has weapons locked. We are being hailed."

White stood up, fighting back his shock. "On Screen!" He demanded.

A grim-faced man appeared. "I am Captain Burke of the cruiser Hammerfist. You are transporting wanted war criminals. You are hereby ordered to surrender you vessel and prepare to be boarded. That is all." The message ended abruptly, replaced by a view of the Hammerfist.

White licked his lips nervously. "Where is the nearest Federation outpost?" He asked.

"Deep Space Five, sir," replied the nav officer.

White nodded slowly, his eyes fixed on the cruiser. "Lay in a course... maximum warp, we just might make it...."

The March Rose lept into warp as the cruiser opened fire.


In the small engine room of the March Rose, the engineer was wrestling with the warp drive. The Hammerfist had managed to clip the port nacelle as they jumped. Now it was leaking coolant and the power output was threatening to drop, something they could not afford. Then the radiation alarm began to bleep. The engineer looked at its wobbling power levels, and made a decision. "Seal Engineering!" he called to his assistant. "We'll get them there, one way or anther." And then he began disabling the safeties on the warp engines. The radiation alarm bleeped faster.

Repus Hargrove held tightly to the arm of his seat, his aged hands white at the knuckles. Bulging blue veins were clearly visible underneath his parchment skin. He heard murmurs around him, quiet but intense voices - his people clearly wondering what was going on as the freighter lurched yet again, this time to port. They felt the leap into warp and were pressed to the backs of their seats.

"Master!" he heard someone hiss from the row of seats behind him. He craned his neck so his grey-bearded head could look around at the man behind and to his right. "Crenell, calm yourself," he soothed. "We don't want to upset the little ones." Hargrove's eyes went to Crenell's children, across the aisle with the man's wife. She met his eyes, her expression tight and questioning, but she said nothing. He lowered his voice and looked back to Crenell. "We will know what is happening in good time. We cannot be of assistance to the ship's crew, and we would only hinder them if we plied them with questions." It was the reasonable thing to say. Crenell hesitated, held Hargrove's eyes. There was something in his expression.... accusing, Hargrove guessed. He dropped his gaze and slowly turned away, to stare at the back of the seat in front of him.

- - - -
"Warp core at critical!" screamed the engineers mate "We need more coolant!"

The engineer looked at the bright red guage showing the collant pressure level, and then called up information direct from the conn on the bridge. He made a couple of mental calculations. "That door is sealed, isn't it Dai?"

"Yes!" The mate shouted back.

The engineer then, very calmly, overrode the safeties on the coolent system, and waited.

"warning," announced the computer in calm unhurried tones. "Radiation levels at critical."

The engineer could feel the blisters building, but he kept his eyes, hot and stinging, on the readouts, waiting for the moment the warp core would be at its most potent.

"warning. Radiation levels at critical."

The monitor crept up the last bar. The engineer could feel his skin heating and cracking and peeling. He ignored it, and turned the last dial. Power, finally given its head, leapt from the core to nacelles.

The March Rose rode the wave of warp energy from its dying core, and surfed along the crest of space-time towards DS5, but its engine room was silent.

"DS5 is in range," K'mir reported suddenly

"I'm not getting a response from the engine room," the bav officer added, turning in his seat to look at the captain.

"Hail DS5 Tell them we have a medical emergency. Damage control to the Engine room." The Captain Ordered, his sense of relief was only partial. They weren't out of the woods yet. Not by a long shot.

K'mir nodded and flicked a switch, broadcasting on an emergency frequency "This is the March Rose, out of Argo 3. We require urgent assistance. We are a civilian vessel. We have taken damage and have lost our engines. Please respond!"


Captain White
NPC'd By Brad

K'Mir and the engine rooom
NPCs by Notty

Repus Hargrove / Crenell family
NPC's by Charlene